>tfw when we finally get a zelda that matches the feel of this concept art
Will dump
Tfw when we finally get a zelda that matches the feel of this concept art
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Sorry about the picture size
Where do these come from?
I've been getting many Shadow of the Colossus vibes from the trailer. it is rather pleasant.
Not OP, post official Zelda landscape art.
I still can't believe they are actually making this.
It's like a small miracle. It's like if you finally give up on that girl you like and then she calls you and confesses your love for you.
I don't know how it happened and I don't know if this means I can get back together with Nintendo or if it's a one off thing or what.
>all this zelda art for ants
do something
Have you seen the gameplay fight with the rock monster?
for you
Not Op. Apparently these came from a guide, I hadn't seen them before either.
Last one, not a landscape but...
>not in muh Christian Zelda
>breaking up with Nintendo
I'm going through TP and WW again to contain some of my hype
This might just be me dreaming, but now that they've managed to reinvent the feel from the original Zelda in a massive world, I really want them to finally capture the feel of ALttP in a massive world.
ALBW and OoT (including all its derivatives) definitely took gameplay and progression elements from it but didn't have the same atmosphere or sense of gravely dangerous and grand adventure that ALttP had, despite the huge limitations that the SNES had in terms of scale.
I do kinda like that they're going for that feeling, but going back and taking some notes on what we saw, it's too fuckin big for so little variety. It literally is 90 great plateaus from the look of it. The Spike demo from ages ago took place miles aware from the E3 area and spent what appeared to be a long time traveling on horseback to a place that was roughly one great plateau of distance. What we saw him going by was terrain that looked the exact same as the terrain we saw in the E3 area. The tower he was even going to was a cut n paste of one we saw at E3.
feels good man. the first game that will do open world games right for the first time in forever
I want to have a whole game based off the artwork style from the Link to the Past player's guide.
I want to see what this thing was like in life and fight it, before it was an entire dungeon.
>It's like if you finally give up on that girl you like and then she calls you and confesses your love for you.
except she has that godawful genderfluidity tattoo on her bicep
>we can never again have a link that looks even marginally scrappy
I thought you were going to dump the game once you got it, not this shit
Dynamic weather was confirmed, right? The rain in this game will be extremely comfy.
>you will never have a game with that artwork and an open world designed like pic related
Kill me
forget the rain, don't get struck by the lightning
are they relatives?
I want to have a final segment of a Zelda game where we're headed to get the complete Triforce in the Sacred Realm, and it looks like this, and we have to cross the floating bits and crumbled pathways to finally reach it, just going all in with it glowing at the center of the area and us circling it on the platforms until we get to it.
That's pretty much what my hopes and dreams were for Skyward Sword. My disappointment in having an empty lifeless and puny sky environment instead cannot be understated.
I liked Skyward Sword for what it was. It did crush my dreams a bit too though, and I was only picturing Wind Waker in the sky.
A little off topic but scariest enemy in the entire series right here
I gotta say
The GC controller didn't work so well for Prime, but damn did the waggle nail it
I don't think I can imagine Prime working with anything other than a Wiimote, and if they make a new one, I want my waggle to return.
This is coming from a guy who HATES motion controls and will opt for a joystick 90% of the time. This is also the same guy that thinks that the Dolphin controller was the greatest controller ever designed.
>>that feel when when
It's a flying pineapple like the ones in Zelda 1
They're only really scary once when they seem invulnerable and gigantic, dead hand and the chanting dude from Majoras mask were creepier
Yeah, the wiimote worked great for shooting
Even Metroid Blast on Nintendo Land feels just fun as fuck because it uses Motionplus for extra accuracy, shitty camera controls aside
>Make Open World/Non-Linear Great Again!