its fucking real..................
Halo 2 and 3 were actually on Steam for testing. Im still a member of the official groups
Halo is a mediocre game series that coasts by on having little competent competition in the consolero sphere
apply yourself
thanks for the bait OP
He's half-right.
Halo is mediocre and generic as fuck. It's always gotten an undeserved pass since it was the first dudebro console FPS with the current standard dual analog controls for console shooters.
what a weeb
opinion discarded like you discard yu-gi-oh cards when you draw more than 7
>no other game exists like it
Who cares, it's fun.
There are dozens of console FPS franchises starring space marines that sprung up in Halo's wake.
>neo Sup Forums will deny this
name one.
All the time spent on this and still stupid ovious mistakes...
>download demo
does Haze count?
Hello kitty island adventure
>9/10 - Amazing
>literally says "this is so half-arsed lol" in the banner
I really don't think he cares
Not really.
Killzone is nothing like Halo.
Halo may not be revolutionary. But it is a game of its own.
no, haze is more console crisis
Don't forget the 2014 release date
this, i played reach for the first time round a friends and it was the most boring thing i've ever played, it controlled brilliantly on console though, i'll give it that, but that's because it's slow as fuck
The arguement was that halo is generic and mediocre.
You listed a game that is miles more generic and mediocre than halo.
Kill zone
Doom 3
And a bajillion others that everyone forgot about because they're so disposable.
>You listed a game that is miles more generic and mediocre than halo.
they're pretty much indistinguishable, the only difference was one got a fanbase and one tried to force itself into the market
>Sup Forums
>Sperging out over an Xbox exclusive from 2007
Im excited too, but holy shit you people are UNPREDICTABLE.
I bet you like generic shit like Quake
I bet you like smelly shit like cocks
good examples
Gears is NOTHING like halo
Kill Zone, the storyline is significantly different
Haze see Doom 3, probably the closest one you listed.. however it was more horror than sci-fi. not to mention how significantly different it is
So any movie that comes out is generic and mediocre if it shares a genre with a previously released movie?
That is 100% your logic
>Halo is a genre
this guy
This isn't a Win 10 exclusive?
>fanbase would rather have fucking strategy games than FPS games
>deemed dudebro on Sup Forums
wew lad
aren't halo games slow as shit compared to other fps?
i recall playing the first on pc and it was just slow as shit to me, you had to drive your car everywhere.
wonder if it's the same for the sequels
>people have been comparing halo to like 6 games in the sci-fi genre claiming halo is "generic/mediocre"
Sci-Fi is a genre. Get some reading comprehension please.
>you would be almost banned for saying you liked halo several years ago
>now you are baiting if you say it is a mediocre game
I need to leave.
Absolute truth.
>It's a I haven't played it but here is my opinion of it thread