You're going to play as best faction, right Sup Forums?

You're going to play as best faction, right Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm not buying it until they remove the sjw bait that is female knights.

If by best faction you mean Vikings then yes


the combat looks also really boring desu
it´s so slow and you can almost hear the game searching for animations
it looks even more choreographed then assassins creed

also the story apparently being abut "muh female goddess of war tricks the stupid men into fighting each other because women are so much smarter then men" also kills all interested for it

Did Mount & blade trigger you this hard?

Close second, but no, friend.

I'm consistent with my bullshit, unlike some people.

I could swear this game is among the most under hyped titles to hit Sup Forums of all places. Does anyone even still want this game at this point?

Sure am.
I find vikings boring in general and knights aren't fun unless they're zealots.

I don't think Sup Forums likes fun. A modern multiplayer arcade-like objective based game like this has been a long time coming. Did you sign up for the next testing they're doing?

what game is this

For Honor, bud.
Release date Feb 14th, 2017.

It looks pretty fun, but I guarantee that shitposters will spam false flagging "marketing" threads in an attempt to kill and future discussion of this game. Mark my words.

Why would I go against my cultural heritage and not fight as the people that made me dream as a child and heavily influenced my culture?
Knights for life.

However, I do agree with other anons, the combat system looks extremely boring and repetitive. What I saw in the gameplay video didn't appeal to me at all.
I'll probably wait for sime ultimate edition or whatever.

I kinda want it
but then, this is Sup Forums. you can't have a discussion for AAA games without shiposters shouting "shills" and "cucks" all over the thread

I played the Alpha. I could possibly confirm or set at ease some of your questions about the combat to let you know if it's worth even bothering about.

this. It seems like every game nowadays has the option to play as a strong independent wyman.
Even if it would be historically inaccurate.

afraid one will be better than you?
>historical accuracy
>fantasy game

In games with armor customization, I prefer to play women.
Not everything has to be part of an agenda.

Im going to buy it when Ubisoft isnt involved in development

not him but
look at the plot it´s literally how superior women are compared to men

nothing but feminist propaganda

I'm curious to see how the whole faction thing plays out in multiplayer. Will it be like... M.A.G.? I think it was? where you start a multiplayer character as part of a specific faction and you're that faction for quite some time? How will the playerbase work if it's divided heavily uneven? Are they just randomized each match? What if a faction has no heroes you enjoy playing/are good at? Will that not destroy the entire competitive side of it?
How in the fuck could this actually work?

The dilemma.

>Look at the plot

looks good to me. don't know where you're getting all that from.

You pick what generic aesthetic you want and you play as them. There are minor bonuses/penalties to play one over another.

Thats it, this is Ubisoft, there isnt any depth or thought given to anything. Its a day 1 cash cow dropped on release.

You can expect the entire thing to be riddled with performance, network and matchmaking issues that render playing the game a total fucking nightmare.

lmao Sup Forums has a fuckin victim complex now

>Honorable Knights
>Honorable Samurai
>Snow Niggers who rape monetaries.

They should have gone with Mameluks or Faris instead.

>shows a 3 way fight
>cant do it in game

Because the main antagonist is a woman?

>can't do it in game
Are you the guy who thinks the only game mode is Dominion?

>only aesthetic differences
Thank goodness. I thought they'd make it some vast uneven playing field.

Please point out from the gameplay footage we have the ability to successfully fight a 1v1v1 fight that isnt
>last person comes along and backstabs one person

>A game about knights, samurai and vikings fighting
>Muh historical accuracy

We can't just play as a cute girl because you're getting your knickers in a twist about tumblr boogeymen.

I'm gonna be playing Bannerlord and Mordhau, which hopefully will come soon. Does For Honor stand up against them and have a place? It certainly looks really good, probably the best looking of the 3. But will I still be playing it after a year?

Yeah, System Shock 2 was dumb feminist propaganda as well. A GIRL AI?

Yeah, try again, feminists.

>But will I still be playing it after a year?
No one will be playing it after a month, let alone a year

Mordhau does absolutely everything better than this


Even Chivalry has a combat system that works with more than 1v1. How ubisoft thought this shitty combat was a good idea is amazing.

I'm excited for Bannerlord as well as For Honor, but they're two completely different games.
Mordhau looks like shit, would attract the chivalry fanbase if it'd ever come out but that's not going to happen.

>Does For Honor stand up against them and have a place?
It has a place in the sense that it's nothing like M&B or Mordhau.
It's an arcade-y fantasy battle game. It's not going for historical accuracy or complexity.

samefag right?
I have an answer for this but I don't have the gameplay footage.

>It's an arcade-y fantasy battle game
Like both M&B and Mordhau. So it has nothing on either of those, got it.

From what I understand Mordhau is the Chivalry for people discontent with current Chivalry. I guess chivalry players might join it simply because Torn Banner decided to go retard and make a magic game all the sudden instead of Chivalry 2

>female warriors
>male vikings are all half naked while the women are covered up because liberals are sexist hypocrites
>story is about "muh female god of war tricking le stupid men"

wow so progressive and liberal xd

>i h-have an answer it just doesnt exist!
Thanks for proving my point, now fuck off shill.

>goddess of war
>in a game that has knights, vikings and samurai duking it out

Are you that guy who keeps going on about what a disgrace Nioh is and now you're not going to buy it solely because the protagonist is white?

Post this magic evidence then moron

>historically inaccurate

that is actually based on a real person

still weird though to have him be the star in a game that features supernatural elements

Looks great but the UI bloat is triggering my 'tism, hopefully you can go with less shit blocking out your FoV.
>no grorious Two Heavens As One for Samurai

It looks like absolute shit. Literally no reason to play this over any other sword combat game other than shills or idiots who buy everything new regardless of quality

BTFO right?
The answer I have doesn't have supporting evidence other than my word which you obviously aren't interested in hearing. If you want to get all butt flustered then you can always hide the thread and enjoy your evening/day/morning or continue showing your ass.

But like.. knights had superior weapons and armor right? so why would i play as a bamboo edgelord with curved swords?

I wouldn't consider them arcade-y at all, but okay.

Because bamboo edgelords are better than half naked guys with a hatchet.

What and you don't bat an eyelash with Nobunaga being an actual devil and not just being supremely ruthless to be called one?

To be fair, it's just an AI, means it was programmed, more than likely by a male.

>Literally Ubisoft

Everyone said Rainbow Six: Siege was good. But it's not. It has horrible netcode, awful graphics, tons of removed content from the alpha/beta for no reason, tons of cheaters, no anti-cheat etc.

Everyone said The Division was good. But it's not. It has horrible netcode, tons of cheaters, no anti-cheat and no fucking endgame.

>Playing as the fedora-bait honorabru weeb fraction
>Not playing as a overzealous knight

How's it feel to be a massive queer?

>has no proof or even a verbal justification why this combat system isnt absolute shit because of its inability to support more than 1v1 in a game that isnt 1v1
Because you're a moron, who has absolutely no justification or argument

It looks boring
And their unnecessary amount of bullshit to explain the backstory of the game, as if anyone cares why, is a big turnoff

Will you be able to custom your warrior ? That's important

There are no real women versions of any of those things.

They are, thats just fact. What you consider is irrelevant.


This is actually the only Ubisoft game that isnt over hyped

In fact the hype level is perfect for what the game is

That is the hype is non existent and the game is shit.

Yes, the exploits of William-Sama are well known. There's been some guy shitting up Nioh threads about how he's making a stand and not buying it solely because not-William Adams is the star and how it "breaks immersion" that Team Ninja opted to make the protag white.

I wonder if he thought the real one actually did spend his time in Japan fighting Oni and undead and was able to revive himself upon death due to being possessed by a Celtic Goddess.

It looks incredibly fun and seems like it has a lot of potential. What I have seen about gameplay and development has been only positive and appealing to me and I would love to get this game as it appears. There is exactly 1 problem with the game. It is by Ubisoft. I have so little faith in Ubisoft that on principle I cannot be hyped for anything they are releasing. Once it is actually out in the hands of players, then I might be interested. Until the finished product is available I can't bring myself to care about the game.

>The answer I have doesn't have supporting evidence
So its not an answer, and its not even relevant. You are either stupid as shit or a shill, and I really fucking hope its shilling because the idea that people as stupid as you visit Sup Forums is nerve-racking. How do you even turn on a computer.

>inability to support more than 1v1
that's incorrect. The Alpha let me experience 1v1-4v4 and every combination in between. There are even unique gameplay mechanics that give the outnumbering side an advantage but also let you have a chance of winning if outnumbered.

I would consider the combat in those games to be slightly too complex to be called arcade-y, and the non-combat related activities in M&B certainly aren't.

>still posting
You have no proof or evidence of anything, and have already proven you're a complete moron. NO one is going to trust anything you say.

Hope that teaches you not to shill your shitty game here.

Yes, to an extent in the alpha you could unlock engravings for your armor and be able to tint it a shiny silver or bronze color. You can also customize Helmet, chest, shoulders, arms etc.

Learn to read, what you think is irrelevant. These are set definitions used by developers, all three games have arcade combat.

You're fucking joking, right, OP?

Why would you ever play weeabookin with their 1000 time folded steel when you can play as a chivalrous knight and FUCKING HALF-SWORD!?

Nice. I'm a sucker for armor customization. Thanks user

>The Alpha let me experience 1v1-4v4 and every combination in between
And we have footage showing that anything other than 1v1 is absolute dogshit filled with nothing but people backstabbing each other for free kills because the combat system does not work outside 1v1. You're a moron.

Fucking morons, thank god you people are not allowed to create.

You don't do something that is totally different from the original, while still calling it that.

I wouldn't try to make something based off of Ninjas, and then make them do everything Ninja's would never do. If I'm gonna go and be so inconsistent, i might as well make up my own original thing.

So yes, using Vikings, Samurai and Knights WITHOUT magic (meaning, it may not be realistic that these people would ever fight, but they're still meant to behave just like they would) as the theme and putting a fucking female on top of all of that makes the game impossible to take seriously. Because that's straight up bullshit.

It's the same thing as making a CHILD the leader and best fighter. I guaranteed you, if it was a child, something you would consider weak and immature, none of you would be pulling the "but hurr durr it's fantasy they can do what they want" excuse.

This isn't Soul Calibur or your new Japanese anime.

It's mordhau. Half-swording has you with one hand on bland and one hand on guard, as if it were a spear

bless you user, this is great information

>sperging this hard

I like historical accuracy too but this one relies on the cool gimmick that every american living on this earth once thought about and is : WHO IS STRONGER ? KNIGHTS OR VIKINGS OR SAMURAI

And neither have womyn being competant or useful to humanity besides being baby makers. :^]

>none of you would be pulling the "but hurr durr it's fantasy they can do what they want" excuse
I absolutely would. When you make a fantasy world, you decide the rules. As long as you stick to those rules, you did a good job.

>Viking vs Samurai
>historically accurate

>none of you would be pulling the "but hurr durr it's fantasy they can do what they want" excuse
But I would be.

So then you agree that video games sometimes contain unrealistic elements and that the video game in question is unrealistic?

And what did you contribute to humanity, you waste of air and food ? Besides shitposting here of course

>These are set definitions used by developers
To me, that perfectly describes the difference between For Honor and the other two.
I don't consider it an objective fact as games of this size will always have some elements that are more arcade-y than others, but on the whole you can make a distinction between what games fit closer to a description than others.

That's actually interesting you mention that bit about backstabbing. If you are aware of your surroundings and pay attention to an approaching enemy while engaged in combat with another enemy you can disengage and retreat to an area that offers you aid.
I was once fighting alongside a teammate against two enemies and my friend was killed. The two now focused on me and I retreated to a hallway where I could not be surrounded. I was able to successfully handle both opponents and come out on top to secure a control point afterward.

You know what nobody ever asks?
Because we already fucking know.

No problem. If you have more info you want I'd love to get it out there for those interested whether you want to play the game or not.

And you retards would never create anything successful with that tumblr logic.

Sorry, but consistency is a thing in all forms of art including fantasy.

These aren't just female knights, they're 7 feet tall, superhuman female knights.

Cucks up this early? The sun hasn't even come up yet.


>Sorry, but consistency is a thing in all forms of art including fantasy.
That is you literally agreeing with me.

Come on man you can do better than just calling me a cuck, can't you? Trolling used to be a art


I thought so

>says the fat neckbeard who can't get up from his chair

> an art
Don't you pussies have your wive's kids to take care of and get ready for school?

Not if you agree that making a female somehow dominate the men is at all accurate or consistent.

If there was magic mumbo jumbo involved, or if the female is some type of super human, then none of this matters because you could just attribute her strength to that. But no, these are all meant to be regular humans fighting. Regular Knights, Vikings and Samurais. Somehow that means all logic can go out the window, and women are now stronger/smarter than men.

You're talking about Apollyon, right?

Apollyon is the greek name for Abaddon, the great angel of destruction in the Bible. Is being literally divine enough realism for you to accept a female warrior?