Post the worst downgrades

Post the worst downgrades

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Yeah pc gaming in general has been downgrade ridden for years.

>not even goyimworks level
>10/10 goat developer


>Downgraded game
>Still looks better than any RPG ever made

Why CDPR are such gods?



game looks good to me

Yeah things tend to look smaller and less detailed from a higher position


Yeah, cause that's the real problem. Not the lighting, AA, frame rate, draw distance and textures. It's all the slight elevations fault.

If you think the game will ever look like the top pic you need to brace yourself for disappointment

>still the best looking open world


They've already been corrupted.

Sure, on the surface they still seem based.

But then there's the downgrade, the refusal to release mod tools, the console pandering...

looks cartoonish/anime

No downgrade will sting as bad as Dark Souls 2. This wasn't a bullshot. People played the game like this as a demo. Just at some point in development they stripped it bare to the point of looking way worse than even it's predecessor.

There was like a fucking 50 yard long bit on the left side where my 1070 was frame dropping to like 48fps.
They are literally in a spell world based on fairly tales fampai

TW3 is bullshot of the generation

>Nintendrones will defend this.

>game's not out yet
literal fucking retard

Was that one even sold as a screenshot? It looks like just concept art vs final product.

game looks good. this part is intentionally like this for a quest


Are you saying it's only going to get worse? Because I don't think that's possible.

Game looks like more fun than everything else shown this e3, I have no need to defend the graphics.

This is the correct answer. One of the worst of all time, arguably Rainbow Six Siege is worse.

>>still the best looking open world
>A F2P Korean MMO looks better


Look, I'm actually hyped for the game, but it went through some downgrades. Zero parts of the game will actually end up looking like that initial reveal.

Alright, prepare some semi-shilling.

CDPR pretty much had to downgrade the game.

Otherwise they'd have released something that would run like UTTER garbage on 95% of all systems.

The game already runs like dogshit on consoles at 720p/30/low.

For what we saw in the trailers, you'd have needed SLI'd, OC'd Titan Xs for sub 30fps.

Does it defend the false advertising? Fuck no, it was scummy as hell.

Just answer me this. Are you retarded enough to believe the Wii U version will ever look like the top pic?

Game looks great and has ton of detail. It can barely even run 60 fps in high res on SLI 980s as it is. What do you want?

NX baby stay mad famalamborghini

so what youre saying is that they first showed off the game looking like the top portion of that picture, purposely made the playable version shitty looking and then bring it back to look like how it did in the first reveal?

man, im looking forward to the game as much as the next nintendofaggot but god damn, is that some high tier delusion right there.

No surprise here, Ubishit always butchers their games with downgrades like that bullshit.

Yes, it was also in the first trailer they showed before the downgrade they made to meet console parity demands for certification.

Hey Thebull94 what's up? We found your CDPR forum account in the other thread.

The downgrade is way worse than you might think. That pic I posted doesn't do it justice, but I couldn't quickly find another one.

The E3 vs retail is more than a generation apart, in more ways than one.

Bull you wouldn't have even been able to play it on your PS4 if they didn't downgrade it.

Now is that really downgrading or just touched up bullshots?

I still love the fucking game and nothing you say can change my mind.

To be fair, they showed what the game looked like before it came out. It's not like obfuscated any indication of how it looked before anyone bought it.

I think that's about the best you can do when you realize you aimed higher than the commercial market can handle short of committing PR suicide.

From never released actual footage after downgrading and doesn't get a fraction of the heat and that is actual false advertising.


I question whether the game could ever be in a playable state looking like that.

I mean, even developers only have access to GPUs that we do.

The super expensive cards don't actually run games better, and Witcher 3 sure as fuck isn't optimized for 4-way SLI.

>Now is that really downgrading or just touched up bullshots?
Literally what the fuck is the difference?

The downgrade is real and I'm loving every minute of it. Another Witcher thread wooo

the wood is covered in dust stupid
That fucking waterfall from Far Cry, it hurts

The Siege downgrade is the worst because current consoles could handle those small maps with 10 times more details

This isn't even close to the worst downgrade, it's mostly just a change in direction.
Not to mention those were mostly bullshots

The pic isn't great as I said, but the downgrade is beyond obvious. (starts at 6:00)
Watch that and even pretend to not see it, I dare you.

Yeah, Siege could look a lot better. It's weird because its a mix of a lot being changed for balancing issues (helicopter drop in and moving hostage, also the level of destruction was probably too high) but the visuals could still be vastly improved. The game just does not look great. Only the character models really look current gen.


>a thread about graphics
>b-b-b-b-but it's f-f-f-fun!!!!

they could keep stable 30 fps with that e3 build they had to downgrade to make it playable

Yet you still feel the need to defend it
witcher 3 in 6k.

look fine to me.

It's downgrading they wanted to do much more in the technical department but got bogged down because consoles were less powerful than they expected

>It can barely even run 60 fps in high res on SLI 980s as it is.
I haven't played the witcher 3 yet but god damn, just what type of rig do you need to play this game on medium settings?

Downgrading is toning down graphical specifications to meet the requirements of less powerful hardware the game is going to be released on to the detriment of other more powerful hardware that could run the game on much higher settings.

Bullshots is lying through promotional materials about what the game will look like across all platforms to convince the masses to buy it.

Witcher 3 can't be downgrading because the PC versions have settings that allow the graphics to surpass those of the console, which has inferior graphics to the PC version (not trying to start a fucking war here, that is just how it is.)

There is a difference in the terms. The problem is most of Sup Forums is full of a bunch of idiots who latch on to the first catchphrase that makes them sound cool to make them sound like they know what they are talking about when the criticize a game which in all likelihood they haven't actually played.

Is it technically a downgrade though?

I thought the top pic was just a screenshot from that trailer they released way back which was pretty clearly pre-rendered.

Not saying the bottom pic is remotely acceptable mind you, though I also wouldn't be shocked if the NX version is a way bigger upgrade in comparison.

Looks fine but doesn't really need 6k.

I'm going to be fucking murdered for saying this but The Witcher 3 with better bosses and Dark Souls combat would be the best game ever made

970-980 if you want medium/high 60.

A 1070 with will get you 60/ultra/1080.

Even SLI'd 1080s can't run 60fps 4k.

We are having this conversation already buddy.

That's some Crysis level shit right there. So, if I got a 1440 monitor the only way I'm playing this in high/ultra is with 1080?

>Not choosing Ravix of Fourhorn set


Toussaint is geographically as whimsical as the people in it who are constantly drunk and flamboyant. It's really aiming for high fantasy dreamscape and it nails that.
I think it's pretty nice.

The only card that can play it at 50-60fps at 1440p is a 1080.

If you have one, you'd be fine.
But you'd better have an overclocked CPU for the city areas.

>about to fight under a fake name

Fuck you Gerald.

Is the witcher 3 poorly optimized or is there a reason why it requires so much resources? Crysis required a ridiculous amount of resources but the game looking amazing for its time.

It's the density of foliage and how much it puts on the screen at one time.

It's actually very well optimized as it does a good job of not wasting resources on things that aren't viewable.

Games like Crysis or Kingdom Come Deliverance do look great within the comparatively small area they work within but if you expanded the fidelity of something like KCD to the size of TW3 we wouldn't have consumer PCs that could run it for probably another 10 years.

Especially the main population hubs in the game.

People are always wondering why cities in games always feel empty or lifeless.

Turns out when you populate a city with enough NPCs and detail to avoid that, you end up need the highest tier GPUs and CPUs to render it.

thats not toussaint thats literally the "Land of a Thousand Fables" a realm created by a mage to bring childrens stories to life

Ummm, I run at ultra 1080p with a stock MSI 970

poor poor bait my son

I play on high with 60fps on a 970 and I7 6700K

bullshit unless they've done some crazy wizardry optimization in the last few monthes you wont be getting 60fps at ultra with a 970

And I 100% don't believe you.

There's not a benchmark in the world that has a 970 hitting consistent 60/1080p/ultra.

it runs max at 1080 60fps with nvidia hairworks off.

How can I go about proving this

with hairworks off its not ultra you negroid

with 970*

Shadowplay screenshot in novigrad.

Mid run.

It is, though. There's no nvidia hairworks on other platforms :^)

Okay but I could not run at at ultra, how would you know?

-Just booting up my pc

You mean it runs at mid 40-50s and hits 60 in the middle of nowhere.

no. it's constant 60 fps. Maybe in novigrad there's some fps drops.

I'm having serious trouble believing you.
Not only does it pretty much counter to every benchmark, but I've been running at 60 with a card that's nearly twice as powerful.

What's the rest of your setup?

better cpu and ram dosnt do anything in the witcher.
I have a r9290 almost everything on ultra/very high
60fps 1080p


4690k and GV-N970G1 GAMING-4GD. Maybe i'm lying, maybe foliage was set to high, not ultra.


found the nintendobaby

You're speaking to two different people but

10gb Ram

>better cpu and ram dosnt do anything in the witcher.
That's some clear ignorance there friendo.

An overclocked CPU and fast ram actually pays off very well in W3, especially in towns and ESPECIALLY with older CPUs.

Sandy and Ivy Bridge i5s gain nearly 30fps from 2133 and 4.6 vs 1600 and stock clocks.

No, CD Projekt patches the game like a mofo.

It just has great graphics and tons of shit in it.

Downgrade or not, it's still, easily, the best looking open-world game.

For a GTX 970 at 1080p, you need to turn the foliage distance to high instead of Ultra to get 60fps. Turn off Hairworks, also. And you can turn down the shadows to Medium since it hardly makes a visual difference. Everything else can be maxed out. Although, the low sharpening setting looks better than the high setting... some people turn it off.

The asset streaming puts serious strain on the CPU, so you would stand to have a quad-core Intel or better.


Whatever happened to "buyer beware"?

If you believe any of the advertising surrounding the game, I don't think the devs or publishers are the ones at fault.

People still trusted CDPR because they were ex-pirate underdogs.

That wouldn't fix the story pacing, quest design, filler and annoying final choice system

>Tail clipping

60 at night with 970 at ultra

Well, now I'm salty as fuck for buying a 1070.


You get framedrops?