Did you beat it yet?

Did you beat it yet?

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I played it for a while but the grinding was atrocious.
I got to level like 15 before I metaphorically through it in the trash.

The original DraQue? Yeah, I played the SFC version.

>I metaphorically through it in the trash

Gag, that should say threw, obviously.

Yes. I played Dragon Quest 1 to 8, but never finished DQ9.

>tfw know I'm near the end in DQII
>lost the drive to continue knowing I'm going to have to keep grinding if I want to even get to the last boss
Is III just as bad?

Nah, III is leagues better. Grinding is really easy too. For awhile you can just kill Metal Slimes in a tower not too far from Dharma Shrine, and later on you can grind Liquid Metal Slimes with the Dragoramu spell which WILL kill any left on the second round.

Just skip to 4. DQ4 is best DQ.

no DQ is ever quite as brutal as 2

>Skipping III

You disgust me.

>skip III, the most iconic DQ.
kill yourself my man.

With music!

Never played it.
Only played 1 and 4 as a kid. And 4 is one of my favorite jrpgs of all time.

did you get to pic related yet?

I've never finished 1, 2, or 8.

yep I usually get fucked either before i get into the castle or the guards on either the 2nd or 3rd floor. Shit's infuriating.
well that's a relief. I heard this was pretty good, but i didn't want to start with it because i wanted to see how it evolved

Yep. The SFC version. It was fun.

>but i didn't want to start with it because i wanted to see how it evolved

I do the same thing, that's why I played through I-IX last year. It was mostly fun.

beat it years ago

I never finished 8, either. It's a beautiful, well-made game in every way, but it requires so much grinding. I fought Dhoulmagus' second form about six times before I went "fuck it" and gained several levels... and when he was still kicking my ass, I went and got a jacked up monster team and called them out. He wasted them, but they did enough damage for me to finally finish him off. Jesus Christ. A lot after that wasn't too rough, but there was a lot of leveling.
I finally just set the game down for a while after I got to the World of Darkness and Empyrea spanked me like a newborn baby. I intended to get back to it soon, but I never did.

Remember to play the SNES versions because monsters give more EXP
>But I'm not a casual
All it does is make you grind more because the NES versions weren't balanced properly

Should just grind on metal monsters now and then. It's even easier in the 3DS version. You just stand in a place where they can appear, look at an enemy, rotate your camera away, rotate it back and a new enemy will have spawned. Keep doing that until a metal monster shows up and attack.

i don't care if it triggers you but ios is officially the best version for I,II & III

Cant trigger anyone with lies

The games have improved graphic over the SNES versions, but the aspect ratio can get fucked on many devices so the games actually look worse. Hidden items are shown as sparkling spots on the ground, which normally have to be found through NPC clues, ruining the exploration. The games have a world map you can open from the start, again ruining exploration. The modern UI doesn't fit the fantasy setting or pixel art look of the games. The games are locked in portrait mode and touch control, with no way of switching to landscape or a controller. DQIII actually uses the same sprites as the SNES version, so there's no improvement, but on top of the previous issues, the game also lacks the Pachisi games, making it objectively worse. The only game that can be considered better on iOS is DQII, but that's because it's a piece of shit game that isn't fun to explore, therefore the ruined exploration is actually an improvement, and the SNES version has tons of game-breaking glitches in the English patch.

Meant to be in response to

God this place wouldn't even be that bad, but you have those fucking Devil shits with their Blizzard breath that hits for a metric fuck ton AND they can actually cast Kamikaze.

I think the second Prince died more there then at any other point in the entire game. I still can't believe I ever beat that game and without save states either.

The thing about those fights is that you need to know how to use the psyche up system. Using it not only for the increased attack, but also for Defense.

If you pick up on the clear warning signs of a large attack coming, you can psyche up and avoid a rather large chunk of damage.

I do believe that fight is suppose to be done at level 40.

Almost finished with 2, I'm at the last dungeon. Going to do 3 once I'm finished with it, and then I'll have finished every mainline Dragon Quest except 8 (and 10 but MMOs don't count). And I'll finished 8 on 3DS. Can't wait for the 7 remake too, I liked it on PS1 but would never want to replay the original again.
I want to fuck the Princess of Moonbrooke.

My memory is fuzzy on the game. not sure if I knew psyche-up was good for defense.
I'll keep it in mind when I pick it up again.

I might get the 3DS version.

It's a pretty good version. I recommend it.

Also remember that it will increase the amount that you heal for. Angelo should be pretty much on heal duty for the whole of the fight. Psyche up to 50 and Multi heal. It will keep his MP going for much longer.

If you are going to play the 3ds version, everything is rebalanced and Dragon Lash was nerfed heavily. Now only the first hit benefits from psyche up.

Unfortunately, none of the other trees were buffed to compensate, so Jessica's usefulness went down. She's still a beast, just not god tier.

I usually used her for heavy hitting spells and Hustle Dance in the 3DS version. I used Gelda for mass raping.

Yeah, last year, but I sorta cheesed it. I got to level 20, decided to go fight the Dragon Lord, and lost. I thought, "it seems like I might've been getting close to beating him, I'll try a few more times and if it doesn't work, I'll go back to grinding." I beat him on the second try, but then I felt bad because I felt like the thing the game expected was for me to be a higher level, not to win via luck.

oh well.

You are usually meant to take him on at level 20-21. So you were right on target. Higher and he becomes a push over.

oh, nice.

My only other regret is after I cleared it, I learned there was special dialogue for carrying the princess with you the entire time, but like, forget playing the whole game again just to do that.

Is that Papyrus?

That's A. Wraith.

He's a good guy

I've beaten I - V except for II

I got to the final castle in 6 and just stopped. The game is good after Mudo, but not nearly as exciting or climactic as it could have been. If only the second half of the game had pacing as good as the first half.

Which one was your favourite?

Maybe V?

I'm thinking about powering through II just to say I've beaten the first V games. Does anyone know how long it is? Might play the SNES version.

>game balanced around 3 party members
>lets take away one and not really say how to heal him

Psyche up increased defense as well? I have never used it at all

I've only beaten 4,5 and 8

Yes, a year ago. Been playing them in order.
Playing DQ6 now. I'm enjoying it but the soundtrack isn't doing too much for me.

Think I'll wait for the 3DS release to play DQ7.

Best girl.

You should definitely wait for the 3DS release. You could start DQ7 on PS1 right now, quit your job and play all day, and by the time you'll finish it your grandkids will be in college.

Nigga the final boss can be done easily at 40
You should be able to beat Dhoulmagus earlier in the game as soon as Angelo gets Multiheal, or even earlier if you get lucky

Like 20 hours with 3 or so hours of grind. It's not too long, just has a lot of grind.