So I just played the demo on Steam.
Why does Sup Forums hate it?
It's fast
It's brutal
It looks good
It runs well
Story is reduced to a minimum
The game starts instantly with no cinematic bullshit
Animations are good
More than decent difficulty
So I just played the demo on Steam.
Why does Sup Forums hate it?
It's fast
It's brutal
It looks good
It runs well
Story is reduced to a minimum
The game starts instantly with no cinematic bullshit
Animations are good
More than decent difficulty
Sup Forums doesn't hate it, most of the threads about it are praise.
It's decent, worth maybe 15 bucks (not 60 lol)
>DOOM autistic purists who have been playing the same game for 23 years, and would hate it no matter what
>It has Denuvo, so assmad pirates shitpost it non-stop
It's usually one of these. The game is great, but there's no way you can discuss it on Sup Forums.
Basically this. The game is pretty good, though it has its flaws (mostly relating to monster count, its love of locking you into arenas, snapmap and multiplayer).
>i can't create my own characters
>i can't romance characters
Shit game desu
>have GTX 770
>just upgraded basically everything on my compy recently
>new CPU OC'd to a stable 4.4
>16 gigs RAM
>still running Win 7
>barely manage to run demo on medium at 30 frames with huge V-sync issues and regular drops to 10 FPS.
Like shit this game is basically unplayable, but what I managed to do seems real fun.
Sup Forums hates every game.
It is fucking shit. Bethesda shills at it again. No one is going to buy this piece of dogshit game. You guys are the best shills I've ever sent though, congrats
Most people are still stuck with the impression that it's garbage from what they've seen from marketing of this game. I can't blame them, the marketing team did a horrible job showing this game.
>have 970
>CPU OC'd to a stable 4.5
>can run the game at 60 at max settings
Your hardware should be fine to run it on high/med on 60.
>GTX 770
>just upgraded
>GTX 770
>posting the cycles of your CPU and not the architecture
I hate to be that guy, user. But I maxed everything out at a steady 80FPS on my 970 and i5. Game runs fine.
so why the fuck is it performing so bad? what settings do I have to turn off?
I only bought the card in 2013, I don't want to upgrade already. Granted I really got fucking in terms of VRAM requirements. They quadrupled in like less than 2 years.
Have you atleast updated your drivers? My Doom had horrific FPS until I got their latest update.
Yup, latest ones. Gonna turn down Virtual Texture Page whatever and see if it helps, I imagine that feature eats up a lot of VRAM.
it did help, but I'm still jumping around from 30-55ish with screen tearing.
Generic story
Crysis suited hero nonsense.
Generic 201x music.
Generic science fiction story
Five hours actual gameplay five hours fucking about finding idiotic bonuses and secrets.
Modding weapons and fucking perks.
RPG like upgrades.
What actual content there is isn't that bad though.
It's not that fun since it's just mindless.
>Generic story
That's the point. The story is generic because that is all it needs to be, some excuse to kill shit
>Crysis suited hero nonsense
Never played Crysis so I can't say anything
>Generic 201X music
Agreed except for BFG division. Only great track in game
>Generic science fiction story
Why have the same point twice?
>5 hours of actual gameplay/5 for secret hunting.
Which is gameplay.
>modding weapons
Actually implemented well
See above. You had to work for your perks. Rune challenges could get interesting at times
>RPG like upgrades
Weird in Doom but tastefully done unlike other games.
GOTY 2016
Anyone saying they don't like it I assume arent into old styled FPS games. Doom 4 was a very welcome change of pace and made up for the abomination that Doom 3 was.
turn reflections off, I gained 20+ FPS and you really don't notice unless youre looking for reflections.
Still waiting for Vulkan API support, I need my SLI.
It wasnt bad, it wasnt good, it just was.
I think its pretty good
I want to play it but companies are insane if they think I will pay 60 dollars for 12 hours of fun.
Multiplayer is a shitty gaylo ripoff
Snapmap is limited to the point of chafing
Both will be fixed in time, but I'd really like to see an expansion that introduces more of Brutal Doom's gameplay like taunting enemies to make them harder, gory melee attacks and more power metal soundtracks
No point, just searched and none of them are nudes.
I think it's great.
Bethesda was just forcing that shitty multiplayer hard.
I've paid questionable people $300 for 30 minutes
I played the demo and I found it to be fairly slow.
Also it was only 30 mins, pretty shitty demo tbfh.
We are starting a family. We will have a quiet life in our farm with our mexican breeds running around and watching tele-novela.
This is one of the best games I've played in a very long time. I loved it, it took me back to childhood and I'm looking forward to more from id software.
>it runs well
Only the first 3 or 4 levels do.
>no cinematic bullshit
Kek no.
They should've put this out instead of the multiplayer beta
Denuvo takes a huge hit on the CPU, that's probably the bottleneck there.
Why cant DRM finally die?
>tfw you have AMD card
>tfw you have to bump it down to high because you can't run ulta at stable 60.
Russians are currently working hard to remove all traces of denuvo from Daam. It will take some months but we will eventually be free of this cancer.
I thought 60 dollars was a bit steep, but I would spend 40-45 on it because it actually felt worth that after having played the demo.
Then some guy on Sup Forums pointed me towards green man gaming's sale right now where I could get it for 40 dollars.
I'm currently haflway through the campaign and this shit is fucking dope. I think the last time I was this impressed by level design was Dark Souls .
There's so much to explore and they are extremely vertical
>It's fast
Not really. 25% faster would be great
>It's brutal
Filled with bullet sponges you mean
>It looks good
>It runs well
True, when it runs at all
>Story is reduced to a minimum
Not actually true, multiple sequences feed you the story and you can nothing about it
>The game starts instantly with no cinematic bullshit
lolno the game start with cinematic bullshit
>Animations are good
decent yes
>More than decent difficulty
Nightmare is difficult yes. Other than that, UV is not that bad and I haven't done a lower difficulty playthrough yet
Driver fixed it for me and I was getting 96 fps stable.
>Not really. 25% faster would be great
>Filled with bullet sponges you mean
keen analysis.
>True, when it runs at all
>Not actually true, multiple sequences feed you the story and you can nothing about it
>lolno the game start with cinematic bullshit
only a little bitch nigger or kid would seriously talk like this and actually have a problem with it, so for your sake i hope it's just Troll.
>decent yes
You need to elaborate criticism
>Nightmare is difficult yes. Other than that, UV is not that bad and I haven't done a lower difficulty playthrough yet
You haven't beat the game, at least i hope you didn't if you dislike it this much, because that would be beyond autistic and sad.
Good luck! ^_^
a bit harsh, what do you expect out of modern games mate? I think it is fine as it is, and it sounds like they'll keep working on it for a little while. Hopefully they'll make a sequel or something.
quit being autistic, it's just his opinion
B-but user, I have the latest drivers.
It's a bit annoying really. I have a 8GB R9 390x. Dunno why it ain't running ultra.
>Writes a bunch of trite to rile people up, shitty criticism
Yea, fuck that, Trolling isn't an opinion, it's Trolling.
writing a long as fuck reply where you go through every single thing he says sure as fuck never shut up any trolls in my experience.
the only reply to a troll should be no reply.
*holds up mirror*
>game starts with cinematic bullshit
the only "cinematic bullshit" is you literally opening your eyes, breaking your chain and a zombies head in, and getting out of your coffin
it's like a 30 second intro
oh so you are a shit poster. fair enough
Glory kills were a mistake
>inb4 just pretend it doesn't exist
You still have to do them for a lot of the challenges, and they're too easy to pull off as opposed to just shooting things to death. People also use them in mp.
>tfw rune trials give you more time when you do them
The levels are also like Dark Souls in the sense that I spent over an hour on most of them first playthrough, and they felt huge, I'm also pretty bad and died dozens of times to certain sections on Ultra Violence. But then on replaying a level it becomes obvious how small they actually are.
It's good level design, making something huge is easy, making something feel big and complicated takes much more finesse.
user I'm using a r9 390. I don't know what's going on.
I got a i7 4790k and am on Windows 10. You?
It's not even 15 seconds long.
If you could mod this game the first things that should be modded out are doors that lock behind you
turn off all antialiasing. You just need to upgrade your gpu really, it runs extremely well for me. Better than most games
I don't mind them, Air Control + Longer Glory Kill distance + Speed boost after a Glory Kill were my go-to runes and it made the game feel so much better (Air control should have been default, not a rune) and there was enough variety in animations that they never got stake.
But I think they could have been done better:
Keep it the way it is for Possesed and Imps, but make it harder to do for larger enemies. Instead of just a damage threshold each enemy should have a technique to stagger them. Maybe a Mancubus will only stun if you burst its gut by doing a large amount of damage to it, same principle for a Cacodemon's eyeball. Maybe Pinkies need to be staggered by explosive damage, He'll Knights need a bunch of headshot damage, Revenent needs its powercore shot out to ground and stagger it (same as multiplayer).
Make it a reward for some slight tactical choice, and base the amount of health you get off how tough the enemy was, as opposed to how much you need it.
If they do a sequel (or spiritual successor to this formula of shooter) I hope guns are incorporated into glory kills, imagine putting a Possesed in a headlock and shooting it in the temple with the Pistol, or blowing off an imps legs with the shotgun, then using the barrel to slam in into a wall, which pumps the shotgun, then firing point Blank into its neck.
Have them only trigger if you've got that gun equiped and trigger it from the correct position, and drop a little ammo for that gun when the demon dies. They could do a lot of cool stuff, and more variety in animations is always great.
What takes even more finesse is making exploration and combat seamless, using secrets not only as sideroutes with bonus items but also as a way to advance the level and approach enemy encounters in different ways, and reusing old areas but still managing to make them feel new by repopulating them with new enemy encounters and altering the level geometry by making walls and floors shift. But I guess if we limit and lower our standards to modern games then even lesser things can become impressive.
But that would take more thinking and strategy than just pressing button to le rip and tear