Webm thread

Webm thread.

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House of the Dying Sun

How is it? I heard it was really devoid of content, does it at least play well?

I got a good 9 hours out of it
Insanely difficult if you're playing the hard mode, but also very satisfying at the ending.
Content-wise it felt fairly fresh each level.
Learning what to prioritize and how to take down each enemy. Each weapon has its niche with the exception of the shotgun which is just outclassed by the machine gun.
Overall 9/10 arcade space fighter.



I got like less than 3 hours out of it, and I was taking my time. Fun game, a bit too simplified but fun. Not worth the price.
Man, their decision to ditch procedural generation and go for a set campaign just ruined it, though. You could have had randomly generated missions across a galaxy, and slowly but surely take territorial control of each star system and hunt the main enemy down that way.
Instead you get a 2 hour campaign.

Fun, not worth the price.

Did you play on Harbinger?




Nobody cares about your ASSFAGGOTS garbage


Is this 2hu


What crawled up your ass my man? It's a webm thread.

People posting webms. Chill out, grandpa.

Not enough of the screen covered by bullets to be 2hu.

how to make webms?


Someone is mad



Shadowplay, then use ffmpeg to trim, and convert.
Play around with the settings and learn a bit about video encoding, or be lazy and use webm for retards


what was the point of this webm exactly

Let the kid be a star in front of 7 people for once. That's literally what PotG is.

best game.

>posts overwatch


this is so disgusting.

why is it turning me on ? :(


>reloading after 1 shot



>knowing I'm gonna need a full mag for zarya plus my mobility was used making it a good time to reload

Mostly for posting.
The other ones I've got are much better but my comps off

I do.






>not Operating with a friend in coop

>Not developed by Tripwire
>Confirmed not to come in Early Access
>will have several betas
might b cool

wonder if they'll charge 50+

>Not developed by Tripwire
>might b cool
might b finished, too


Damn straight, looking forward to seeing it.

I pirated it.

I'll check if tuungle has it or something.

What's happening on that planet?


whos making it? is it the insurgency guys?


No, guys who made Rising Storm



>That shaky ass aim

Is this eternal crusade or what it's called? The animations look super clunky.

Yeah, its eternal crusade.



it says it's being made by Tripwire and Antimatter Games (whoever they are). Antimatter has only made shitty mobile games until now. Are they developing the whole game? Red Orchestra series is the one thing I felt that tripwire did well

literally one of the best looking worst games ever

>worst games ever
What's with all the venomous hate for this game?

Butthurt pcfats

you dont just hold the stick and mash x anymore to climb?



You can stick out your arms with the thumbstick and climb around without jumping if you want to

Elitism and trolls mainly.




You should get some taste instead of being a turbo sperg. Assfaggots is objectively the worst genre followed by musou


what game is this? it looks familiar

Alpha Protocol

could a person actually do this?

someone post the webm of the black person doing a backflip while climbing for this user

yes but he would need gloves and proper stones to grab onto


For some career climbers, sure.

For the average shmuck, they would be dead before the webm started.


>Can only move along the single path of obvious glowing stones
gloried connect the dots.


freeclimbing means no harness.


There are multiple paths. You can see one right above him right when the webm starts, and I think there is another on the other side

to be fair there are multiple ways up this particular segment

holy shit
balls of steel

This guy was a legend. Shame he died. :(



>Urge to replay AVP2
>Remember chasing the alien queen on a truck as the drone

Nooope, never agian, I have never mashed my quicksave and quickload buttons faster in my entire life.

Can you do all that in one playthrough?

That short lived resurrection of AvP MP thanks to gog was great

i remember the predator campaign in this game was awful to the extent that i never bothered to beat it

>He didn't enjoy leaping from tree to tree
>Slowly picking off groups of men and adding to his skull collection

It had it's moments, it was the alien campaign that made me vomit blood but I guess we all play differently.

>That twist.
What the fuck

What game is that? ´´Dread´´ turns up nothing for me.