Starts game, roadhogs it and hooks a widow, ah yes moment

>starts game, roadhogs it and hooks a widow, ah yes moment
>the widow is literally glitched through the wall, and then literally placed behind me
>I die and they manage to escape
>not a minute later a mei throws down their ult
>calmly walk out the range, no lag, internet was doing fine
>walk out of range, magically teleport back and become frozen solid
>this was the first minute of gameplay...why am I still playing this
So Sup Forums, what kind of "favor the shooter" 20 tick "it just works" moments have you guys dealt with in overwatch?

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To clarify I have played the game before, I meant first minute of the match

not that many to be honest

at least nothing as drastic as what you described

probably because my internet doesn't fucking suck like yours obviously does

only been pulled through a wall by Roadhog once, but thats pretty much it.

so basically yeah your internet is shit and this is coming from someone in a 3rd world country.

Yeah I do have comcast and we all know what comcast does, but as I said it has been running incredibly smooth tonight

>Your internet is shit
>Basically live next to the Blizzard Servers

>Roadhogg hooks me through a wall
>"Stupid lag."
>On the kill screen from his point of view he actually really did hook me through a wall. I glitch right through it

What the fuck is this shit Blizzard.

it's not just you, when I lag I see everyone else lag into walls and off cliffs and shit too

the worst is when you're already losing or you use your ult and waste it

Killcam is shit and doesnt actually show you what really happens in real time.

Roadhog saw parts of your body on his screen but in the killcam you are already behind the wall. Happens pretty often with Widowmakers because I pull them with only maybe a tad of their heads being exposed and they start to bitch.

its still shit mate, sorry to tell you that.

besides what matter is how close you are to your provider, not blizzard. im probably miles away from them, but Im fucking next door to my internet provider to my ping is fucking great

Speaking of Roadhog, I have trouble successfully shooting people after the hooking if they have a escape button, like Reaper's wraith form or Tracer's rewind. Is there some timing I'm not getting?

My Ping is literally 10-15 user. Don't jump straight into conclusions how it must be the fault of someone else.

>he keeps repeating the 20 tick lie, even so based Kapplan explained that the server does tick at 60 hz

Its literally your shitty internet/connection (CLIENT) thats causing it.

"For example, the server does tick at 60Hz, it's the client update rate that is lower. That just shows a general misunderstanding," Kaplan said."

"One of the things that players are upset about is that if they get shot, where they perceive they were behind a wall, that this is a problem with server tick rate," he said. "Certainly there are contributions that could happen with both the server and the client update rates that could cause something like that to happen, but usually, in most cases, you're talking about latency."

Well I found that giving them a split second to move away helps, because they usually panic, and then move in one direction, in that moment you shoot their face, that is unless its genji or somebody who could be problematic

Hold M1 after you hooked someone. You will shoot right after the animation ends.

Full HP Reaper you need to land a head shot.

>For example, the server does tick at 60Hz, it's the client update rate that is lower
That of course changes absolutely everything


playing widow vs widow, i aim for her head, shoot and die, in the replay i never shoot

Well I say 20 tick because its the popular way of describing it, kinda like fallout 4 has people who rag on todd, but do not personally hate him, its just a thing.

Also hitboxes also cause issues, they needa slim em down or find a way to fix it.

That's how hitscan weapons work, if she shoots first she will get the headshot and yours never happens.

You think that shits bad? Apparently consoles have joystick dead zones and huge delay in button presses. It's so bad, people think there isn't any aim assist despite there being massive amounts of it.

So basically you don't know what you're talking about and just spout memes as a form of "criticism"?

So what exactly happens if you leave a match early too many times?

I don't like doing it but fuck, sometimes you get stuck with some shitty teams man

-75% exp penalty

even if i see the smoke go through her head? also happens with genji

>"For example, the server does tick at 60Hz, it's the client update rate that is lower. That just shows a general misunderstanding," Kaplan said."
Are you retarded or do you not realize he basically confirmed that clientside tickrate is bottlenecking it and confirming that 20 tickrate is at fault?

mine is 2, get better internet.

Not even Koreans or Japs have a ping of 2.

Well I have faced tons of problems with watching weird visual discrepancies happen in game, I told my story and asked for "what stories do you guys have" not "hey be a douche and pull a reddit on me with facts that are apparently flawed"

Taking this as bait at this point :^)

Where do people find those new pacha images. They're as good as rare pepes.

here ya go user.

>People don't have shitty internet like me they must be baiting!


Hold M1 and then instantly melee attack after your shot goes off.

>comparing datacenter ping tests to videogame server ping
You are retarded and as expected mexican too. if you want to make a point show me your ping while playing Overwatch.

Yah comcast fast lanes to that tester, use netflix's yo

Good point. Just play something that isn't complete shit.

user, its a combination of both, your data has to go through your datacenter before it goes to blizzard

Yes it is but your Ping still won#t be 2 while playing Overwatch.

You will always sit around at at least 10-15ms regardless how fast your theoretical internet speed is because you get bottlenecked by several things.

It happens constantly against Roadhog when playing as Pharah or Tracer or something like that. Mashing your escape ability results in you flying/teleporting away on your screen but still dying.

> it sure is much better huh user.

but its still going to be faster than someone who has more ping to the data center than someone that doesnt.

The more important question at hand is what is the alternative, is battleborn worth playing if I nab it super duper cheap?

I play TF2, Overwatch and you can also get Dirty Bomb which is free on steam, its nice, feels rough.

I still prefer playing TF2 or Overwatch but if you are too much of a shitter to enjoy a game cause Sup Forums says so, then you can try out that other game.

Not anymore, Gearbox or 2k is raping the game to death.

I don't understand how people keep comparing battleborn and overwatch, one is a moba-shooter hybrid with a story mode available and a loot system while the other one is a class-based shooter.

where can i get anime mods

>junkrat getting potg constantly with ult

Play DVA, that is all

God I want to pound tracers rump very aggressively

I've gotten the warning twice but nothing said i was taking a penalty, does it go away after a while?

You need to headshot them if you want an instant kill.

Not since they changed. Seen way too many Mercy PoTG where she is literally just healing one dude the entire time. This is not what we meant by fixing it, Blizzard.

>People bitching about roadhog being OP when there is three "press key to take no damage and run away" characters and they're all played non fucking stop
>Easily outplayed by movement based characters like Lucio and Tracer
>Used to be outplayed by Mcree before nerf if the hog was slower/missed hook

>They'll never fix hooks forcing the person behind you, even if it came with nerfs due to this

It's so cute to see fanboys trying to defend their baby game as something even remotely "skiled"

Well their algorithm for POTG clearly really likes dwarfs randomly walking from the spawnroom while their turret does the killing thing, and somebody using their ult against an ill prepared team, or better yet, an all assisted double kill!

>waah, mobility based characters are more mobile than me!

Wow, the only good Pacha edit I've ever seen

>open loot
>oh fucking boy my first purple in a while
>its a duplicate
wake me up inside....

>Rein v Rein
>on low health due to a tracer interfering in our duel of honour
>I Hammer Down
>he hits me
>I die
>he's stunned
>kill cam clearly shows the either rein as having killed me

>lvl 28
>only got 1 legendary
>in the last 10 chests I opened, only one had purples and had 3 of them
>2 duplicates

You have no idea user.

I get pulled through walls from a Roadhog all the time. Annoying to watch yourself get pulled through everything to die.

Have you guys ever watched a killcam when you die to Hanzo?

I feel like you're better off just not watching it.

It can be pretty cancerous to watch, especially when you go "WHAT THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN" and you watch a fucking parallel universe that is like the sky is green big

There's a booru. Or just search on google images "character pacha".

For some reason it really bothered me that it was not transparent, so here you go, a transparent version :^)

can you make her lips the same color as the rest of her skin? it bothers me


Based user-kun

Having the misfortune to approach a small door way that a team mate walked past just moments ago but the enemy Hanzo is still shooting arrows at it.

It's the Huntsman all over again but without ammo reserves.

thanks man, have a woman

Is Roadhog the new pre-nerf McReee?

>even harder to punish
>bigger health bar
>muh 8 seconds 300 self heal
>low risk high reward
>if you get hooked (stunned) you die 90% of the time

blizzdrone please

I still had gimp open and I was bored send help

Not even close. Pharah is. All her counters got nerfed.

>Pick any tank with shield

Here's some advice. Go play roadhog for a while and you'll figure out his range, might help you stop walking into hooks all round.

>fifth legendary skin
>it's a duplicate

S76 didn't get nerfed.

here is help

>walk through medkit
>don't pick it up
>junkrat kills me
>'yo man that medkit should've been mine. bs netcode'
>he agrees

Eh, I have wrecked roadhogs as NotRaiden™ and Robo Bhudda in recent days so eh, I suggest mei to freeze their ass and ice em in the face, though fair warning they might make it personal and hunt your ass down.

i cant count how many times i try to minejump as junkrat, the animation plays, but no mine comes out as i die jumping around like a jackass

Im the one abusing him roadhog though

>Willing getting close to a Roadhog

you've played against some poor shots then

>though fair warning they might make it personal and hunt your ass down.
Everyone makes a death to Mei personal, the salt awakens within them.

yes it also happens in competitive cod and such

Mei should be removed from the game.

Well that is the magic, as genji I am incredibly slippery, usually trip up the player more than attacking and I properly back off or deal damage/deflect close shots, then when the hog go to heal you fuck em up hard. Robo Bhudda the magic is discord orbs and distance, though I have been in weird tight spots situations where the bad aim allowed me to survive and cuck them, lucky situations dun count because against good players that shit does not work. Also I never really play mei much so eh no advice/whatIdoReflectAndApplyToUrself here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

who is ling
is that meis running partner

He's a pinata full of ult charges. It boils my piss when Hanzo has an ult prepared for every attack thanks to roadshit.