>join game
>lvl20 picks Hanzo or Genji
Join game
Other urls found in this thread:
>join game
>lvl 20 is in my area
>lvl 20 has the first three numbers
>join game
>*glass breaks
fuck is that a hair style
>join internet
>everyone won't shut up about Dickwatch
"I want long hair but get that shit out my eyes while I work" style.
I reckon.
>play against a guy that's lvl 189
>he sucks ass
Probably doesn't give a fuck anymore.
He's like a grizzled vet who has see and done all.
Lately I've committed myself to learning to play characters I'm shit with, like McReeee and Zenyatta. This has meant a lot of loses and getting pissed, but I think I'm making progress. It physically hurts me not to fill in what the team needs but I'm prepping for ranked
>Play the casual unranked mode
>Pick tracer because I'm bad at.her and want to improve for ranked when it releases
>autists on Sup Forums actually think like this
It's quick play, they need to learn somewhere.
or he is just a NEET faggot with a million hours logged and still shit at the game
>Want to play D. Va
>She's fucking shit
>go to Sup Forums overwatch thread
>expect discussion
>Sup Forums actually think levels matter in overwatch
i think i made a mistake in the first part
>i don't know how to play a champion
>so they're shit
>playing normiwatch
>directly supporting blizzard
here's your (you) :^)
Everything d.va does genji, tracer, or winston does better
nothing worse than facing a premade with a pub team
>join game
>sees enemy
>swarm in a blaze of fire
>rages through my bone
>oh shit I'm feeling it
Hell yeah, fuck yeah, I feel like killing it.
Genji, Tracer and Winston cannot :
Shut down the entire enemy team's projectiles, including ultimates for several seconds.
Blow Phara's rockets and Junkrat's grenades up in their faces right after being launched.
Survive a close range encounter with McCree.
Literally escape any combat situation with one button.
Literally enter any combat situation with one button.
Have two lives.
Gain one of those lives back if you don't suck.
Have an infinite clip.
Be attractive.
I can go on, but I'll stop here so you can exit the thread in shame.
>tfw lv. 27 and use Genji
>just cleaned house and got two PotGs in a row, one of which was a team kill
>Not attractive
I mean yeah D.VA is the best girl in overwatch sure, but tracer isn't that bad
wish i had this non competitive mindset
just carefree and naive
then i realize were fucking gettin shit on and realize i have more fun not dying every 10 seconds and tabbing to see that we have 2 genjis, a hanzo, widowmaker while i'm going healer/support
>two Hanzos on offence
>previous game had two Widows on offence
It's like they want to lose, maybe this is how they have fun.
>short hair
>annoying accent
>forced to wear that stupid machine
>two Hanzos
Sure, but a Hanzo in general works well on every map both on defense and attack I think.
It's worth suffering through this for that one game out of ten where your team's hanzo is a fucking beast and knows how to play his character.
>join Sup Forums
>it's Sup Forums
People underestimate offense snipers
>"Stop playing widow we need to push!!!"
>Meanwhile their mercy/lucio spends all game dead and their defensive characters can't even set up properly
This happened to me earlier today too bad I was on the receiving end.
>Your team's hanzo
Doesn't get a single medal, is useless, fails to exert any pressure
>Enemy Team's Hanzo
Sneaks behind our spawn, lights some incesnce in our memories, headshots all of our squishies, challenges Roadhog to a melee fight, wins, pushes the payload forward halfway solo, then ults and kills two more, then uses his Simple Geometry to headshot the remaining four members of our team at once.
Makes fun of his own "Press Q" PotG and thanks his team's support.
>join game
>knock enemy into a bottomless pit
Is it so bad that I want to get good with an offensive character?
More like
>Your team's Hanzo
Is an instalocking shitter, who on the rare occasion that he swaps, changes to Genji
>Enemy team's Hanzo
Abuses hitboxes and reks you and sometimes ults the payload
>tfw you fight a good genji
>listen to Exmilitary
>it's shit
>join game
>somebody's blasting unintelligible crap music
Just give up
When everything is going to shit, play Junkrat and have fun.
When everything is going well, Play Junkrat and have fun.
>tfw you ARE the good genji
>playing defend Nubani
>someone goes Genji
>fuck it, go Roadhog
>I'm ass
>enemy push and have 8 minutes or some shit
>shitty Genji complaining the whole time
>don't feel like losing anymore, go Winston
>dick the enemy into submission
>Genji "Me and Winston carried this game"
>join game
>"suckin dick aint gay nigga"
>join game
>Being shit with McCruch
Even after the nerf you should be wrecking shit with him if you have a modicum of game sense.
Zenyatta on the other hand is all about sitting in the mid-field, discording tanks, and melting them. He doesn't get the luxury of working in all situations though.
Good luck, bruh.
Thoughts on Junkrat?
She's good in good hands, but other heroes are better in the same hands.
She needs a slight buff.
The objective best character
Good mindset, I know I won't get serious playing this game because there's no ranked play anyway and right now it feels like I'm match with pros and noobs left and right. So, like, who cares?
>Carry the game as D.Va
>4 Golds and PoTG
>Feel like a real HOTHEAD
>Enemy Tracer/Genji/Reaper absolutely destroying us
>Go McLeL to shut them down
>Now the Pharah has free reign to shit fury on his from above
>Go Soldier to shut her down
>Now the Tracer/Genji/Reaper is back at slaying our team again
it's like trying to plug holes in a leaky boat
>"Torbjorn doesn't need a nerf on consoles. He actually isn't that good. You won't ever see him when you get to higher levels."
>Level 85
>Stacked Torbjorns on defense almost always.
Don't play console, but hear he's a big problem. Sorry friend, at least they're balancing PC and Console separately.
>go junkrat
nigga have you ever played tf2
>Were all soldiers now
>join game
>2 people unironically pick the same hero
>i pick the same hero ironically
>whole team ends up picking hanzo/genji/mccree
these are the best games
worst game mode to date
>get behind enemies as roadhog
>hook and kill hanzo
>mercy rezzes him
>he shoots the dragon into ground
>Right click
>Avoid player
This mindset of egoism is killing teambased games
>Mom told me I can play what I want so that's what I'm gonna do.
>me and my friend mercy bastion
>we hide behind a corner at enemy spawn
>whole attacking team in front of us
>get a 5ver and potg 15+ times doing this
She also blows old men for gaming sponsorship's
That's a problem with stacking. Even on PC 3 Torbs is a bitch to get through