Why isn't Sup Forums talking about this?
Why isn't Sup Forums talking about this?
because there's not that much replay value and it was an 8/10 at best and it came out like two months ago
>special thanks to Phil Fish and Anita Sarkeesian
What, is that in the credits? Either way, who cares?
The dev got butthurt and started spewing SJW nonsense on his twitter, so we had about 50 shitposting threads and then abandoned it entirely.
Charles Dickens was schizophrenic and abused his wife. Oh no, you can no longer enjoy his novels!
It's fucking shit.
2 short
>retards in the credits
>this affects game quality
Ugly as fuck graphics
Lacks features
Core gameplay is good
Dunno what the fuck else is there to discuss, the game is over in 6 hours and has no replayability at all
Wait, so I've been collecting the extra shit the last 12 hours in hopes that the first time I beat the game, that was the shitty ending. Please tell me there is more than one ending.
There is only one.
more importantly, is the source code to be found somewhere?
The core gameplay is fucking shit though.
>30 fps in ACTION GAME
>Input lag out of the ass
>Dashing etc is all timed
>Dropped inputs galore
Trash, absolute garbage.
That has to be a lie. What happens when you activate all of the ominous tablets scattered throughout the map? Please tell me there is another ending, desu the final part of the game was a bit disappointing.
>The core gameplay is fucking shit though.
funny how you say that and not name anything shit about the gameplay and everything shit about the framerate
soundtrack was dope
I had the exact same expectations as you, I was really hoping there would be a second ending but there just isn't. Don't bully me but I think I expected it because Undertale delivered on the secret ending route, if you can even call it that when all of its fans spoil the hell out of it by telling everyone how to play true pacifist first
It's an ACTION GAME that is also very much reliant on DASHING and CHAINDASHING which is TIMED but because of DROPPED INPUTS, 30 FPS AND INPUT LAG, it becomes unbearable.
I hope this is simple enough for your small mind.
you're still complaining about framerate and not gameplay
actually go into the mechanics and explain what's bad about them, the level design etc. if you say that the gameplay is shit
Not him but I really fucking hated the way combat worked, it felt like it wasn't even meant to be part of the game, flow was all wrong with you dashing, completely stopping before hitting somebody
I know you want to sound like a intellectual but
>Framerate, mobility, and controls aren't core assets of the game.
>Levels are.
What the fuck are you talking about?
>game seems like its in development for 20 years
>finally comes out
>its like 2 hours long and all the backer milestone content doesn't get put in
>dev is an SJW now as well
this is why no one talks about it
Are you retarded?
How can you be this fucking dense?
There are priorities in games you fucking goof, who cares if a game has ABSOLUTELY GODLIKE MECHANICS BRO if it crashes to desktop every third second, freezes constantly and refuses to acknowledge inputs?
It's especially annoying in Drifter because the bad shit directly hampers gameplay as it is reliant on timed inputs and fast action.
Played it and liked it, now why the fuck does it need to update constantly?
I'm talking about you using the word gameplay wrong
you say the gameplay is shit and then complain about the framerate issues which isn't the core part of the gameplay
actually criticise the gameplay mechanics and so on if you want to complain about the gameplay
you completely missed the point
he said the gameplay is shit then listed aspects of why the framerate is shit
I'm just splitting hairs here but I'd actually like to hear why he thinks the gameplay (not the framerate) is shit before I consider buying the game
Nice job, you got me with your
>Durr hurr just pretending haha
I keep seeing you people nowadays, asking around for source code.
You don't have the game? Oh-pee here, the gameplay is a mix of Dark Souls and LoZ. You get punished for getting hit, but it also gives you invincibility frames, like LoZ. Typical action adventure LoZ akin to LttP, with the timing, and ominous story of Dark Souls.
George is that you? Fuck off and git gud
Can we talk about the bizarre gameplay ? I think this game has one of the most retarded fights. Often there are group of 4 or more enemies and you have to dodge every 0.3 seconds like a retard just to not die within 3 seconds. What were the developers thinking ? they should have gone with the dark souls approach: less enemies but stronger ones. Not 5 enemies in a fight because then there is no real pattern to fight those enemies...
I actually can't enjoy something made by racist.
That is to say, if I KNOW they are racist. I have to avoid learning anything in detail about most historical figures who did the arts because if I learned they were pieces of shit to blacks I can't enjoy whatever it is they created anymore, unless it is the top .01% of art created in history.
Bet you can't even read Lovecraft now
I beat the game in four hours man, it's not a hard game at all, most of my time was spent looking for some obscure fucking fragment as my map bugged out and copied three markers next to each other.
It was just a fucking chore to play, I would've dropped it but luckily it was only a short suffering.
Framerate is directly tied to gameplay and dictates how many times things are happening per frame.
The gameplay in Quake is not the same at 1 fps as it is at 60. You can literally say the gameplay of something is shit because the framerate is awful because the frame rate being awful can make the mechanics irrelevant.
Also, just a by the way, you are arguing gameplay is simply mechanics. Mechanics are part of gameplay, but gameplay is the overall.
you keep screaming about the framerate
if the game was 60fps the gameplay would still be the same
now tell me why you think the GAMEPLAY is shit, I'm talking about the DESIGN here not the FRAMERATE
well the game might be flawed but it's still a bunch of work in gamemaker to get a thing like this done
no reason not to learn a thing or two from the code for your own stuff
yeah I've seen footage of it before, figured it would be very LoZ
thank you finally someone who isn't foaming at the mouth about framerate and actually has a decent point to make
Oh Pee again. But you get the tools necessary to deal with these situations, if you're clever enough. Dark Souls also suffers from this also. There are many occasions when you are severely outnumbered and no amount of skill can overcome it, sometimes you have to throw some fire bombs, or in this case, energy grenades, and just brute force your way through.
how short?
Man, you have some serious issues.
Gandhi saw blacks as a lesser race as well, you know.
God fucking damnit. Well thanks for that.
You may have a mental illness.
nice one
And Gandhi is a fucking retard who sucked British cock all day and heavily delayed Indian independence.
I would view Blacks as a lesser race too if the entire point of my existence was to serve the British going so far as to send soldiers to die for them while politely asking to be free.
>I haven't played or previewed the game
Then why the fuck are you defending it?
The framerate and input response is integral to the very design due to the fact the gameplay revolves around twitch reaction and game design around your mobility.
This is like trying to argue badly compressed music that doesn't sync with the notes at all isn't a core flaw of a rhythm game.
Let me break it down for you:
>The play of the game
>Aka: How the game plays
>The game plays like shit because the game doesn't work properly
>Thus the gameplay is shit
Is this simple enough? Should I just start speaking Somalian for you? Saakay gabi ahaanba waa shire unba bunga dunga etc etc.
average playthrough is about 7 hours, add another 5 for NG+
it has a shitload of useless collectibles and hidden garbage for people who are into that kind of stuff, but it doesn't do anything special so its worthless.
How so?
And look at them now with dependence
Yeah he was retarded, I just think it's a nice way to annoy normies that think he's a saint or something because muh media.
Anyway, irrational hatred of racism is a pretty recent trend, disliking an authors works because of the way you judge his character using the values of today instead of his time is just plain retarded.
Framerate is tied to gameplay you retard.
If the game runs at 60 hertz and gives you a 1 frame window to react to something, if you then cut the frame rate in half that would mean you could only react to that thing half the time, assuming it doesn't ALWAYS happen on the dropped frame and has equal chance to happen on either.
Now you explain to me how that is not effecting fucking gameplay.
>Then why the fuck are you defending it?
why the fuck do you think I'm defending it, you just got triggered by someone actually asking you to voice a coherent opinion
again, if the game was 60fps yes it would be more responsive
but the core gameplay mechanics remain the exact same, the design behind them doesn't change at all, you're arguing shitty optimization here not the actual gameplay
see above
I can't believe you're this autistic, you know that developers pay a lot of attention to responsiveness in gameplay? What do you think is one of the main points, hmm?
Just end your life already, you're a waste of space.
Are you saying everything he did is fine because eventually it worked out, when it would have worked out better without him?
It's not irrational, I am black. I don't see why I have to appreciate a bunch of people who literally thought my peoples were property and too stupid to ever function properly as a society.
Obviously science advanced by people like this is just knowledge discovered, so it's irrelevant, but I don't have to appreciate anything else people like that did.
Responsiveness is a core mechanic to action games. It's like you are saying if the game had input lag it's still the same game even though everything about your playing experienced changed.
Finally someone posted it
>My peoples
Man, you fellas were banging rocks while everyone else had their shit together, just give it a rest now or you'll be screaming WE WUZ KANGS for the rest of your life.
No one else really gives a shit these days, all you're doing is enabling some BLACK LIVES MATTER bullshit.
>tumblr pixel """game""" whose creators thank the twitterati in its credits
We already did.
It was good.
jesus you people don't know shit
the game is more responsive in 60fps of course, everyone knows that
the design of the game doesn't change though, it's still the same exact game with the same exact gameplay mechanics with the same exact design!
they're less responsive in 30fps but if that's the only issue you guys have with the game then the actual gameplay mechanics and design must be pretty good if you don't have anything negative to say about them
resonsiveness =/= core gameplay
tell me about the game's design, not the framerate you idiot
>Responsiveness is a core mechanic
it's not, responsiveness is a "gamefeel" thing, it's not something you directly impact as a player, it's a consequence of higher framerate
it's a good thing to have but I'm asking why the GAMEPLAY is shit and all you guys are telling me is an abstract "it just doesn't feel right"
no, that doesn't tell me shit about the game, talk to me about the actual gameplay, how is combat designed, how are enemy mechanics designed how are bosses designed etc.
unless of course bandwagoning about 30fps is all you guys are capable of and don't actually have any points to make about the game beyond that
>worked out fine
I wasn't implying that. Look at them now man, how's independence treating them.
Nigger, get over it. It's of the time, best thing is to get over how they viewed things, compared to most fucks they don't tend to force their views in most of their books. I would be offended with Lovecrafts notable evolution of niggers but I still read his books. May not be good people, but I will try to push past that in most cases especially if they are notable or good.
You browse here for godsake.
Show's over folks, this guy is a proven retard.
Better just ignore the baiter.
notice how I put it in ""?
because it's a retarded term but you guys don't seem to function on any basis other than buzzwords
>Man, you fellas were banging rocks while everyone else had their shit together
Which is why one continent went around the entire world and took over literally everything?
The entirety of North and South America, Asia including China, Philippines, Vietnam etc and pretty much everywhere but Europe was taken over because Europeans had a head start. I don't see how that is only blacks not "having their shit together," not to mention actual advancements were being made if you actually study some African history with figures like Shaka Zulu.
It doesn't matter though. Most of Africa will be shit for at least the next 50 years. It just needs more figures like Paul Kagame and lead the fucking retards bred into the country through stupid conflicts and to stop depending on westerners to solve it's problems.
>all you're doing is enabling some BLACK LIVES MATTER bullshit
I don't see how. I'm not starting some movement and don't even think people have to feel the same way I feel. It's a personal thing. I can't separate the artist from the work. I can't even watch Miyazaki films anymore without having meta conversations with myself the entire time about if I agree or disagree with most of the things he says.
>someone actually asking you to voice a coherent opinion
You're genuinely retarded if you can't understand you don't deserve a "coherent opinion", when you have shown no coherent argument for your own statements.
You're the only one saying visual to physical synchronization has nothing to do with the gameplay, when the very definition of a video game is a electronic game that relies on visual feedback.
Answer me you piece of shit. How is it the exact same game if something only happens 1/60 ticks but you are only shown 30 and have to input on a frame that doesn't exist.
How is the core game the same if things fundamentally are not being shown. This is a very relevant question because we are not talking about RPG's, we are talking about action games which often times have 1 frame inputs on a 60 hertz counter. Halving that literally makes the game twice as lineant and therefore the input because fundamentally easier, enabling you to do more as a player, changing the core game.
Responsiveness IS gameplay. If a game has input delay, that affects the way you play. Not fucking hard to understand.
You're literally triggering yourself mate.
Also colonization is the best thing that could've happened to the places colonized.
Just look at shit like Rhodesia, I mean, uh, Zimbabwe, if you want a good example of African ingenuity.
India is on the path to becoming one of the worlds largest and best economies. I don't see how that is treating them poorly. When you look at things objectively and not with a meme centric "poo in the loo" or "nig nog blabla" viewpoint what's actually happening in the world is a lot different than stereotypes will let on.
> but I will try to push past that in most cases especially if they are notable or good.
Like I said, it has to be insanely good for me to do this which is why I just take the easier route and don't look much into it. It's not that I actively want to do it anyway, because ultimately it doesn't matter, they are dead. It's just what my mind does automatically.
>when you have shown no coherent argument
you see you think I'm arguing anything here when I'm just trying to make you tell me why you think the gameplay is shit
I don't know anything about the game aside from being 30fps
I know 30fps makes a game less responsive, I know that it has impacts on gameplay, you're running in circles
bloodborne runs at 30fps and is a fast paced action game
is the gameplay shit as a result? No.
now why is that? Because the gameplay is well designed.
THIS is what I'm asking about
I'll just copy paste this
>bloodborne runs at 30fps and is a fast paced action game
>is the gameplay shit as a result? No.
>now why is that? Because the gameplay is well designed.
both of these are not gameplay, they're part of optimization
I'll copypaste this for you aswell
>bloodborne runs at 30fps and is a fast paced action game
>is the gameplay shit as a result? No.
>now why is that? Because the gameplay is well designed.
Learn to seperate the artist from the art.There's a bunch of faggots who's views I don't agree with, but I look past it.
>Also colonization is the best thing that could've happened to the places colonized
No it isn't. First off, not every African country is the same. Some are worse and better than others and they are full of different people and culture. Africa is very diverse.
Did you know that Ethopians, who often have more middle eastern or Indian looking features shit post online about west Africans looking like monkey's, while the west Africans make fun of them back for looking like scarecrows and both make fun of more Southern Africans for being as dark as midnight?
It's not just one big lump and some countries are actually doing rather well and are not bad. The worst problem in civilized African nations right now is Islamic terrorism, which is literally a result of continued colonialism.
That being said, I'm not saying "Most African countries would be a super advance paradise right now if not for white people!" It would probably be backwards and shitty, but it would be progressing like it should be normally towards reasonable societies.
Problem is in some places you gave people on the tribal level of society still a bunch of guns when they should of been throwing sticks at each other and they are still trying to come back from that, because the culture needed for a "proper" society doesn't exist.
And again, Africa is a big diverse place, so some places do have those things and are actually doing relatively well right now considering and moving towards being decent places to live (and I'm not just talking about South Africa)
How the shit did this conversation get derailed into an argument over Race and now discussing Indian economics. I just made the thread because I'm wondering if people were as captivated, albeit breifly, as I was by the game. Nothing more, nothing less.
You want my opinion on the gameplay? I was frustrated many times with dropped inputs and the memory leak, but I carried on and got through the game anyways. I'm kind of glad it ran like shit, because nowadays with games like dark souls, and methlike twitch reflexes aquired from decades of grinding first person shooters, the game would have been too easy. I cut it some slack though because I loved the way they presented the story and game world.
During this conversation I was actually thinking of Bloodborne and that's fucking wrong.
Any time, especially during the DLC, I summon friends the frame rate drops and is unresponsive and the game becomes impossible to play.
>Frame rate becomes low
>Game is unplayable
I can with most things. I mean that's the only reason why I can play the titular game of the thread.
>Special thanks too
Man, you're a fucking buffoon, but this time you fucked up by admitting that framerate and gameplay are connected.
Yeah, Bloodborne is well designed because the developers paid attention to the limitations of the framerate when doing the gameplay, the actions buffer inbetween button presses, monsters have long windup moves to give the player more reaction time etc etc.
Developers of Hyper evidently didn't account for the framedrops, input drops etc as the gameplay is reliant on things which are directly hampered by these issues. Thus the gameplay is not well designed and garbage.
>I summon friends the frame rate drops and is unresponsive and the game becomes impossible to play.
yeah weird how that happens when it goes below 30fps but you seemed to have no issues at stable 30fps right? :^)
now how's hyper light drifter any different from that?
Space program by 2030, of course.
It's funny because most authors up to the 29th century would've had these thoughts anyway. What's the point of letting that ruin what inherit fun or enjoy ability out of the book.
>Ugly as fuck graphics
>Lacks features
>but this time you fucked up by admitting that framerate and gameplay are connected.
you're an idiot if you think I'm trying to vehemently distance framerate from gameplay here
framerate IMPACTS gameplay but IT IS NOT gameplay
>monsters have long windup moves to give the player more reaction time etc etc.
now do the same for HLD
Tablets just give you lore (literally a couple sentence one you put them all together and translate them).
Its not like Charge Attack, Pistol, Chain Dash and Reflect Slash doesn't exist.
Or wait, they DO.
>but you seemed to have no issues at stable 30fps right
Other than the game feeling slower and shittier than all the other games except Demon's Souls because the frame rate?
No problems at all.
Sure they would have, it would've just taken hundreds of years of time or never ever if Africa was completely isolated.
And yeah, I know Africa is diverse, Nigerians are alright in my book but god damn are Somalians disgusting. Ethiopian cuisine is also pretty horrible, don't know why I tried that restaurant recently.
Africa was/is diverse and consisted of many, many tribes that fought and killed other tribes, enslaved and all that good s h i t. Without external forces the whole charade would've probably continued far off into the future.
>No problems at all.
why is it suddenly a problem for HLD?
>game feeling slower and shittier
again these abstract "it just doesn't feel right!"
talk to me about the DESIGN unless you don't know shit about design in which case stop posting about things you evidently don't know shit about
>you're still complaining about framerate and not gameplay
While there is merit in the distinction you're making, you're just being obtuse at this point. You're talking about gameplay as designed, is talking about gameplay as implemented. Not that hard to figure out.
Which btw yes those were huge problems with the game. Every interaction with the game was jarring, and I got to the point where I thought my fucking controller was busted because inputs were dropped so fucking often.
>Special thanks to Kanye West
>got to the point where I thought my fucking controller was busted because inputs were dropped so fucking often.
This, I thought my 360 pad was dying or some shit. Theres pretty noticeable input delay on top of it too, makes playing the game tedious.
I don't understand how you fuck this up when XInput does 90 percent of the work for you.
>too stupid to ever function properly as a society
Name a functioning all-black society.
All 60FPS would do, is to give you more reaction frames.
The only "hard" thing about this game is that you can chain dash on a fixed window, and if your gamepad doesn't do 1:1 inputs(i.e input lag) you are going to have a bad time.
The chain dash challenge is hard too. Its not a thing every human can do without training and a good controller, and some patience.
you might be right, but as it seems by what these guys tell me the game is literally perfectly designed and has no flaws if it were in 60fps
Sure, here we go:
Chaindashing feels like shit because sometimes the game refuses to read your input, ruining your chain and potentially killing you.
A common scenario is being mobbed by many foes/bullet hell in bosses, in such cases twitch reactions are the key, but the input lag/drops/framerate are insufficient to cater to the needed action, so even when you act accordingly you can still be punished by dropping the input, thus resulting in getting hit.
The action is also relatively floaty and lacks traction, the character shuffles around which even further decreases the amount of control the player can exert at any given time.
>what's actually happening in the world is a lot different than stereotypes will let on.
India has by far the largest slave population in the world. I bet you don't believe me.
Okay, I'll talk to you about the design.
When you look the game at 30 fps, enemies send you half the amount of information to your eye as if you design it at 60 fps.
Even if two objects are both moving at the exact same speed, you get half the information, fundamentally changing the perception of something. It's not some "feel" thing, it's objectively measurable, like wind up time on attacks.
In Bloodborne, it's harder to dodge attacks than it is in Dark Souls 3, because in Dark Souls 3 your brain is given twice the amount of information to react too versus Bloodborne meaning it can better make decisions.
Also I like the combat in HLD, so I'm not the original guy anyway, I just think you are a fucking retard who doesn't know what he is talking about, as do others in this thread.
Lel I think I might be the only person in this thread who understands your question. Unfortunately, I haven't played the game, so I can't tell you what it plays like.
let's hope you'll never make a game because apparently your design consists of nothing but framerate timing
your game would be an empty room with a 60 frames per second to look at
>the game refuses to read your input
Accept the fact you missed a 3 window on 5-6hz.