How the fuck do I get good at shooters?

>Buy Overwatch with a friend
>Haven't played a FPS since literally HL2
>Just play Mercy and Healbot him, we do well, it's a lott'a fun. But when he's not around healing PUGs is mixed bag
>Try DPS class instead, S76, Pharah, Junkrat
>Can never fucking hit anyone
>Never a credit to the team
>Only manage to get PoTG with Reaper Ults

I was spamming S76 earlier today to try finally get a handle on shooting people, but it's amazing, the weekly brawl showed just how terrible I was. I'd die in seconds to pretty much anyone else on the enemy team, only getting kills with my Rockets. Even when I play Junkrat I'm never as scary as the Junkrats I end up facing, those guys never miss their bombs and blow me up before I'm even aware they're there.

How do you actually git gud at multiplayer FPSs? Does everyone else just have hundreds of hours of practice? Should I keep trying or play vs Bots or something?

Is it really possible to be this bad at a casual FPS?

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I'd like to give you tips, but I've been fragging people since the DOOM days so I guess 1000s of hours of practice.

Overwatch is a lot about predicting your target and keeping your mouse trained on them.

bind mousewheel to jump and just skate around on the walls as lucio

Do you go for headshots or bodyshots when just shooting someone that's run around a corner? Like is it worth going for Headshots and missing more, or do you just pump into their chest?

Can you really listen to footsteps and such in the heat of battle? I never seem to realise when someone's behind me, but maybe I could get a headset to help with that.

I used to play DOOM and Quake 2 multiplayer, hell I probably put a few hundred hours into UT and UT2k4 it's shocking that I'm this bad now, I used to think I was good at video games.

I can do fine as Mercy, Lucio or any of the non-aim characters, Torb, Winston etc. That's not really the issue, I just feel like I should also be able to play the actual skill characters on some kind of non pathetic level.

When I play Mercy and I have a Pharah that spends the entire game making me her bitch, I think "Man, it'd be nice to be able to do that."

The weekly brawl only gives 76 100hp. It's kinda retarded.

Play as Soilider 76 just to get a sense of the easiest class. Once you play him enough, you can try other classes.
Going straight to people who need to be more accurate it silly.

Also use Bastion to learn how to aim better.

Bastion and Solider are your best starts.

I will kick most peoples asses in racing games and alot of people in shooters
but i tried for years to get gud at fighting games only to fail
some people just arent meant to be good at certain things
its a fact of life you have to deal with

When it comes to aiming, it's recommended that you reduce your sensitivity significantly. I have mine in-game at 6. Make sure Windows isn't doing any smoothing/acceleration either. The idea is that you make small adjustments with your wrist and large adjustments with your arm.

Beyond that, 'game knowledge' is also a big factor in your success. Know the map layout, healthkit locations, your cooldowns, enemy cooldowns. Know where your opponent is and what they can do to you.

Do your best to work with your team, this game is very good at punishing overly aggressive lone wolves.

Jumping more is a good way to make yourself harder to kill, once your aim is decent. Just remember that as you fall you're easier to track. Being less predictable in general is, unsurprisingly, a good thing.

The sound design in this game also provides a fair bit of information. Ult callouts and footsteps are big things to listen for.

Solly 76 is an ok character to keep practicing with, that's basically what he's designed for.

google aimbooster


Just practice user, you aren't inherently bad, not many people are.

The thing I love about Overwatch is that you can play any character as much as you want, there's even a practice mode.

I started to get bored of the game, so I forced myself to play characters I was total shit with, like Hanzo, Genji and Zarya, been having an absolute blast learning how to play and master them.

You will not be good with every character, but play more and one day you will be. Don't let skill put you off, you can become skillful if you pout the effort it, just don't let it get in the way of fun.

Is that a cheat?

I thought people played FPS's at the highest sensitivity? It's all twitch stuff?

Yeah, it's fun but kind'a silly. Helix rockets one shot people.

I can do fine as Bastion, I've gotten the standard Bastion PoTG's plenty of times. He's just like playing a Point and Click adventure.

I honestly expected Junkrat to be a lot easier than he was, it seems easy to just sit out of LoS and lob bombs at people, but with how squishy he is and that you need to be aggressive to be actually effective... It didn't really work out.

S76 is fun at least, it just feels like his shots don't do all that much damage when I play him. When other people play him he kills me in seconds, but for me I can only injure people, rarely kill them.


I've just hit over 300 hours on Rainbow Six Siege and can finally say I am not a shitter who knows his corners. And this comes from someone who's been playing FPS ever since Counter Strike 1.6

I will admit it's not a bad time to try farming the double helix achievement

aimbooster is a game to help you aim better, its pretty much osu but with no music

Ah, okay that sounds good then. Thanks!

>Only manage to get PoTG with Reaper Ults

Lost it

>I thought people played FPS's at the highest sensitivity? It's all twitch stuff?

you'd think so, but in reality, high sensitivity makes it very difficult to make small precision movements, which is the backbone of aiming. You miss a lot more shots by inches than you do by miles, which is to say that you spend most of your time making micro adjustments not macro adjustments. If you need to make a macro adjustment, just use your arm instead of your wrist.

>Is it really possible to be this bad at a casual FPS?

If you really want to get your aim good you should just go buy CSGO and play FFA DM on 128 tick server minimum 2 hours per day. You will see results within days I promise you.
Its really easy really when you think about it

How many kills do you get per match? Like average around 20 right? And thats in overwatch counts, so its assist kills mostly. Anyways a game is 10 minuts so you make 100 kills an hour. In a FFA DM game you make probably 60 kills or so in one game(20 min) so 180 kills an hour and thats real solo kills, not some kind of bullshit assist kills.
If you do this and work at it atleast two hours a day you will get fucking gud, I did it and really saw progression day from day.

People say you should play with low sensitivity, it might be good but I recommed you go from low to higher when you feel you are good enough for it. Higher sens=faster reaction

git gud

Shit like this doesnt help your game perception one bit

>Higher sens=faster reaction

Higher sens also = lower accuracy, as one unit of mouse movement translates to more units of cursor movement.

Most pros keep their sensitivity low for a reason.

PC Overwatch Players

Post your battle tags so we join a group and git gud

Iktf OP. I'm shit at every FPS role. I play healer or Pharah since she has an AOE attack.

>using overwatch potg as a measurement
potg is so broken its unreal

You obviously play with a sens you are comfortable and aim well with. I myself cba swiping all around my table to make 360s/180s as a tracer player because it would just be too much for my arm so I keep my sens high and I still have 3 KD ratio.

You do what feels right to yourself, not what others do.


>Do you go for headshots or bodyshots when just shooting someone that's run around a corner? Like is it worth going for Headshots and missing more, or do you just pump into their chest?

What the fuck am I reading. If you can't get headshots in a slow game like Overwatch then you might as well kill yourself.

Everyone has limits to their potential, but you usually only notice that shit once you approach tourneyfag level.
Im sure if you just keep playing your tracing, leading, reaction time, and mind for strategy will get better.

Are you an arm or wrist player?

If you're an arm player, lower your sensitivity.

If you're a wrist player, use high sensitivity.

If you can't do a 360/180 on your mouse pad, get a bigger mouse pad.

That's a good point, I'll have to play around with that I guess. Maybe lower it as I get better, assuming I do.

That's really good advice, but I'm not trying to go pro here or anything. I just want to be not shit at Overwatch. I'm probably not gonna start playing another game, without any of my friends, just to get better at the one I'd like to play.

My game perception is admittedly weak, I was thinking I might start playing with a headset on so I can be more aware of footsteps and such.

You won't want me as DPS on your team, but I'm happy to healbot you.


But I miss most of her AoE's even! And there's always other people that want to play Pharah and they're probably better than me, so 9/10 of the time I'll just swap back to Mercy and healbot her.

It's a tough life...

Well, I'm just saying, I'm not exactly lighting people up on S76 or Pharah. I'll get a PoTG by randomly sneaking behind people and pressing Q.

And yes, it does make me feel good.

> If you can't get headshots in a slow game like Overwatch then you might as well kill yourself.

I can "go" for them, but I'll miss more.

And there's no need to kill myself, the enemy does that easily enough without me needing to do anything.

What kind of person insults someone for being bad at something they fully admit they're terrible at? You're not gonna make me feel bad here.

>How the fuck do I get good at shooters?
Don't play OW to start with.

Thanks for that, I'm definitely a wrist player, so I'll try going more sensitive and see where I end up.

I feel you, I bought the game aswell, but after 40 hours of gameplay and not really feeling like I progresses + getting headshottet like no tomorrow by snipers I sort of gave in.

I havn't played a fps game other than borderlands but still, genre is not "noob friendly" :(

But it's fun

Add me as a friend then, we can play next time we're online.

If nothing else, having someone else with terrible MMR will mean we're more likely to play with shitters like us.

>That's really good advice, but I'm not trying to go pro here or anything. I just want to be not shit at Overwatch. I'm probably not gonna start playing another game, without any of my friends, just to get better at the one I'd like to play.
Enjoy being a shitter then complaining at your aim. OW wont do shit for it anyways.

>I was thinking I might start playing with a headset on so I can be more aware of footsteps and such.
It really doesnt matter and wont improve your game one bit

>I miss most of her AOEs anyway
Me too. Go for stationary targets like Bastions and snipers. Shoot everyone from a distance. Lead the target. Don't try taking out groups, her AOE is too small.

>Mercy x Pharah
This is my fetish

>Impriving gamesense won't improve your game one bit

C'mon now, don't get salty just because someone doesn't follow your advice.

Play a better game but if you are shit at such a piss easy shooter there might not be hope for you.

I was talking about his aim not his gamesense. And gamesense is basically as hard as this

>group up
>play aggressive

fucking hard