What was the last game you played?
Use a picture to convey your general impressions/feelings about the game.
What was the last game you played?
Use a picture to convey your general impressions/feelings about the game.
>Stranger of Sword City
>Sailor moon phone game
>Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
>Artificial Academy 2 with Evil personalities enabled
>Payday 2
>Total War: Warhammer
Gravity Rush
>Binding of Isaac
>Modded Skyrim
Master of Orion (new)
>Billions of aliens. So much meat.
Dark Souls 3
Underrated post
oh, i get it. Nice!
Warhammer total war fightan marianburg.
>The Last of Us - Grounded mode
Killing Floor 2
>Diablo 3
is that torbjörn?
are those the boarder counts?
Do you use Giant Spoders or Giants?
Neptunia rebirth1
Witcher 3
>are those the boarder counts?
Marienburg is an empire faction to the west of the empire starting location notorious for being massive fucking backstabbing shithead traitor cunts who should all be genocided.
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Mount and blade warband with the warsword mod.
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
i feel like that'd be more appropriate for sotn
dragon quest 4
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
Whoaa, How did he do that?
yep I was Mercy
>DotA 2, as Centaur, winning vs Weaver
pssh nothing personal kid
I see Pharah and D.Eva in the background. Where is reaper?
Really like playing as the Empire. Just the corruption was super shitty to deal with, because of the sudden armies out of nowhere with high corruption.
My server is kinda empty lately
guy on album art = you
>Viewtiful Joe
>gmod dark rp
Hearts of Iron 4
>Metro 2033: Redux
>DotA 2