ITT: god-tier PS2 games

i've got a ps2 hdd and i'm downloading games for it. educate me oldfags

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though I suppose the hd version would be better.

I really hope you arent using the USB port you retarded shitcunt
Fuck off you underage newshit


download dark chronicle/dark cloud 2

>Steambot Chronicles
>Dark Cloud 2
>Psi Ops: Mind gate conspiracy
>Twisted Metal Black
>Monster Hunter
>R&C, Sly, and Jak Series

jak franchise,mgs franchise,Oni,some devil may cry and shadow of the colossus, I guess.

user this might come as a shocker. But the PlayStation 2 is16 years old

R&C Up Your Arsenal is good too if you like Going Commando.
Sly 2 and 3 are amazing. Sly 1 is a bit of an odd first step for the series, but is still okay.
Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2 are also really good as well.

This one is a relatively unknown gem.

Try it if you can find it, its fun as hell.


the ps2 had a longass lifespan tho


High fucking quality game right there. Remember playing that campaign with my mate over and over again, shit was cash.


what do you mean? i'm using a fat ps2 with the hdd/lan attachment

The Xbox 360 is 11 years old
PlayStation 3 is 10 years old

So no it had an average lifespan


ps2 technically had a 13 year lifespan user

>not mentioning the best gta yet

ape escape 3 for some tasty loli action

og waifu gaem

Ace Combat 4, 5 and Zero are fantastic

such a great game

meant to post

The entire sly trilogy is pure fucking gold, how do these guys make such good fucking games I will never know.

the last gamne to come out for ps2 was pes 14
haha shits cray

The Warriors
Tony hawk pro skater underground 1/2
Need for speed underground 1/2
Grandia 1/2
Chaos legion
Resident evil outbreak 1/2

Viewtiful joe,play it with a controller tho

Download all the Time Splitters games, and play them sequentially

You won't be disappoint

no one mentioning the best game of the ps2,
the best game of its franchise
and probably the best game ever

Forgot to add

Budokai tenkaichi 2 and 3. Play them both and see which one you like more, at least play through the story modes for each game. Music and fighting is fantastic.

The Warriors

tenchu series
silent hill 2-4 origins and shattered memories
the suffering 1-2
onimusha series
devil may cry if you dont have the hd collection



>best anything

it's not even the best in its own series

>silent hill after 3

origin and shattered memories are fine you seem to have made a mistake and named your image after your opinion

>god-tier gaem thread
>they're fine
ok user

the movie tie-in of 2 was better.

Its not really

who /openps2loader/ masterrace here

op here.
i got it up and running with a couple of games, i'm using opl with an 80 gig hard drive

God of War 1 and 2 are legitimately great.
Dragon Quest VIII.
Klonoa 2.
Persona 3 and 4.

I'm actually holding ISO files on my laptop, and connecting ps2 to the laptop with the lan cable. Slim ps2 so.

holy shit, how do you get that to work?

Still the best spiderman game to date.

you need to have a modded ps2. you then run an application called OPL (open ps2 loader), which basically allows you to run iso files of games either off ps2's network or usb (usb is slow as fuck so FMVs and loading is choppy). You just need to download ISO files then, rename them like in the image above (SLUS/SLES name, followed by whatever game name) and run it through a small patch app to make it compatible. Patching takes like 2 seconds, app name is USButil v2.1.

99% of games work flawlessly. What you see in the snapshot above is just what i dont have on discs.

i already have opl installed on the hard drive of my ps2

All of this, specifically Twisted Metal Black. That game is car combat perfection, despite the bosses being easier for lighter cars.

Time Splitters 2 has so much goddamn content it's nuts.

God Hand and DMC1+3 are a must.

Just hook it up then, go into OPL settings and configure local IP.