The fentanyl is finally here. Time to shoot this shit up and take the big sleep to join my mom. Farewell for all eternity Sup Forums.
The fentanyl is finally here. Time to shoot this shit up and take the big sleep to join my mom...
Goodbye user. May the next life be kinder to you.
See you tomorrow.
goodbye user
Say hi to mine for me.
here's hoping I die when my parents die too. Don't wanna spend the rest ofnmy life locked up in a psychiatric ward
so long user
So fucking twizted
Op here
who else /gotosleepeverynighthopingtheydontwakeup/ here?
>9 unique posters 9 replies
Not me lol
Its life deal with it
Go back to facechad faggot
Sleep well, see you on the other side.
If you believe in heaven I don't think killing yourself will get you there. If your moms in hell though I'm sure you'll meet her lmao gotcha
>believing in fairy tales
Sorry you're sad and pathetic all the time must suck being 17
who are you to decide when an individual ends their life.
I know this is bait but yeesh. This is some cheap shitty bait.
Damn is this the edgy underage thread
Not him but three attempts (hanging is a meme) and counting. Don't regret it and wish to die every day
Fuck off normie faggot
I feel you op. Life is the fucking worst. I hate being ugly. Girls only want hunks. Stupid jerk hunks. I'm so nice to them but they dont see it. Just because I don't have a job or car or personality. I plan on killing myself soon too. Being sad all the time instead of trying to fix it is the only way to live or shall I say die. Life is pointless. No one likes you when you're 23
Ah you're still a kid. Nothing has changed. Man cant wait to wake up tomorrow and enjoy life.