Why is it so controversial?

Why is it so controversial?

Its not


It's not. People just question whether it actually helps in preventing lost sales.

Piratekucks are still in denial

it's not.
people only talk about it because it has yet to be cracked yet.

>yet to be cracked

user, I have bad news for you...

because it makes legit games also unplayable


Because it leeches into places no software is supposed to.

Poorfags can't get a taste of their own medicine after years of "HURRR CAN'T WAIT TO PIRATE, LITERALY WON'T GIVE ANY MONEY"

Not at all. There's no proof that Denuvo actually makes the game run slowly or causes bugs and such that wouldn't be there if it wasn't used.
And don't even try to say "denuvo kills ssd lifespan" because even the walls know it's a fucking lie at this point.

It means that pirates can no longer exercise mental gymnastics about morals how'd they buy they game after pirating and playing it, and this makes them very mad about Denuvo.

that you're too new to know shit like that happened before?

I bet just like starforce, in two-three OS gens when CPU direct access protection will get higher it won't run and will block you out of games you own.

i played several Denuvo games. they take ages to start and cpu usage is maddening....and gpu usage is about 15% i recall. also ram usage skyrockets

this fuckin military grade is still useless coz hardcore pirates pay certain groups $2-$5 to have the Denuvo game remotely installed on their pc

however the average pirate dont know about this bypass so i guess its all good for us master race pirates

Pic Related- a denuvo game with nightmarish gpu usage

on the other hand MGSV runs like hot butter

yeah and Doom gets cpu amd ram usage at 100%. I got 12gb gaming ram. holy fuck Denuvo!

post your steam games

It's not, publisher can't blame poor sales on piracy anymore.

>hardcore pirates pay certain groups $2-$5 to have the Denuvo game remotely installed on their pc
>however the average pirate dont know about this bypass

lol shut the fuck up

>implying it's Denuvo's fault

Mostly because it's useless
It hurts sales and pretty much every game that has either technical problems or just ended up being bad in some way
Witcher 3 selling 4 millions on pc while being DRM-free showed everyone that DRM is meaningless

>low sales
>its the pirates

>still low sales
>i-ts the...

denuvo saved the video game industry.

It's the fastest way to make your game a failure.

How many games have there been that have actually been successful that use Denuvo? I can't think of any.

Pirates build word of mouth and build sales in the long run. If your game costs £40 and has no demo you're screwing yourself. People won't just go out and pay that much money for something that could well be shit.

From who/what? I doesn't look like it's gonna save games from sjw infestation.

Salty pirates.

>How many games have there been that have actually been successful that use Denuvo?

if someone found real evidence of it making games run like shit i would be mad

for now though its hard to know whether its just the game being shit or denuvo making it shit though

one thing i would like to see is if someone could prevent data mining. the fact that pt and re7 demo arent easily data-minable is actually a huge deal imo

>If your game costs £40 and has no demo you're screwing yourself

Steam refunds


maybe battlefront?

>living in shitty country
I can pay months rent or choose to buy 2 steam prime games
Games that can't be cracked don't interest me


Steam refunds are not demos. They require you to actually fucking pay.

2 hour demo.

No questions asked refund.

Total War Warhammer
Tomb Raider