Battlestation thread: breakfast edition.
Don't be shy user, it can't be much worse than mine.
Battlestation thread: breakfast edition
Other urls found in this thread:
>Eating at desk
>Computer taking up precious deskspace
>Router in a cuboard instead of being out
>Crappy speakers, no subwoofer
>Simpsons cup
>So much deskroom, but small monitor, not even widescreen
0/10 dead on arrival thread
>Not eating at desk
>Not having your PC right next to you at all times
What is wrong with the router there?
I have a subwoofer under the desk, also a pair of nice headphones hanging there
Fuck you for hating my old mug, its probably older than you
>Not even widescreen
Posting old pic too
Console pleb reporting
Spacious and clean, I like it
In bed waking up right now.
Think I'll have some bread and skagenröra for breakfast.
Back when it was messy
>he has an nsa camera installed l
For what purpose?
>tea/coffee as well as orange juice
i will never understand
who's sitting down?
also, those posters look familiar, what are they from?
Didn't you change that recently or there is some other faggot with a Nightcrawler poster posting his battlestation on Sup Forums?
Its coffee and OJ, I love alternating one thing and the other, it's refreshing, like drinking water when eating ice cream.
Not bad user not bad.
>not a fat neckband
What are you doing here?
>For what purpose?
I... don't know, exactly
>who's sitting down?
my ex ;_;
>also, those posters look familiar, what are they from?
Alphonse Mucha
What can I do to improve?
how big is that fucking desk?
Big enough
Get a case which is not completely fucking stupid
What desk is that?
aside from that?
Stop wasting surround sound speakers. This must be bait.
Honestly have no idea, had it since 2004
change your wallpaper
The ex leave you or you leave her? I remember you posting pics, shit wasn't bad, to say the least lol. But figured that might have sparked some shit?
Best stations.
N-No bully silly boys pls bully me
>No coasters
>Case taking sweet space
Still comfy though
cactus meme/10
Chill. Would be 8/10 if it was a conventional desktop setup
Love it
Boring office/10
You fell for the gayming setup meme
Everything is so obviously geared towards teens, get something more subtle. Hide that huge ass case somewhere
What speakers are those?
Really weird and tacky, regardless of your gender.
Those speakers are "Creative" Cambridge Soundworks S700 satellites. They actually sound fantastic. The subwoofer in the set was shit, but these things, god damn. I have seven of them, I use two for my computer, five for my home theater. I want to move over to Elac B5s, both for aesthetic and sound purposes, but these are killer fucking speakers.
I broke it off, because I had to. It's a long story.
Still hurts though.
>Best stations.
That room is too clean, you're not a real womyn.
An older pic, but nothing's really changed since.
Can I come live with you and be your pet-trap?
Rate if you want.
How feminine is your penis?
What monitor?
Needs dusting. Old VHS deck is not a permanent feature, converting some old home movies at the moment. Towel on the left by window is where cat usually chills, but he's off taking a shit right now.
Don't feel like rating, sorry.
3.5 inches. Very feminine desu
I like the desk, just wish it looked less like an office.
stop posting
why pink bedsheets
you are not a little girl
you will never be a little girl
With the lights on it does look and feel like an office but late at night with lights off and rain outside it's optimal comfy
Poor student here. Who /sharemypain/?
Current one, with the old one in the background.
My younger brothers managed to destroy my better speakers and a much wider monitor, but I haven't used this desk in like 2 years now and I'm pretty sure the PC is completely fubar anyway.
Sucks being a student with other priorities than gaming
What is up with everyone having their rig on their desk?
You can't tell from this pic but I have the cooler master air 540, the cube.
Couldn't gave it on my desk even if I wanted to.
But user...I am a little girl
finally got a desk of my own
no more laptops for me
Can't see shit captain, desk looks nice, but placement looks uncomfortable
How do you teach a cat to shit and pee where he is supposed to, I want to get a cat but I'm afraid he will shit on my keyboard or something
Better, more pretty setup = ?
You don't need to litter train a cat.
Then how the fuck does he know how to shit? Really, I never had a pet growing up.
how do you know how to shit?
hey I got that same keyboard too
have any of your keys double registering or not working at all unless you press hard? my c key gives me lots of trouble.
Kittens shouldn't leave their mother until they are 2 or 3 months old, I forget which. By that time, the mother has already taught them that shit or they figure it out for themselves. He sleeps on the desk when I'm in there, getting up only to go feed or mess up the litter box.
Okay, before you come home with the cat make sure you have a litterbox or multiple, I don't know what your housing is like, is in place. You just make sure the cat knows where the litterbox is. It is as if it is in their DNA to shit in a litterbox. They also have a weird liking to boxes in general. Who knows? Cat will be cats.
bad comparison. babies just...shit.
My da taught me.
>It just works!
Bullshit, you are trying to trick me to get shit on my desk.
If you don't have anything for your legs to put up, you are killing your body.
They just put him in the litter box, once he shits there once he marks it and he'll know. my cat is sorta old now and he mistakes rugs for litter boxes, so she sometimes shits on a rug, but never on anything she's not supposed to.
desktop background please
No man, serious. Unless you are buying a kitten from some guy in a back alley who just found it, it'll be fine. Anyone selling a litter of kittens that their cat had is a dick if they seperate them from mam cat too soon, and by the time they are old enough, they know what to do.
Mine also knows that the towel on the desk is his, he ventured over towards the keyboard once or twice for a look around at first, but after being moved back onto the towel enough times, he got the message.
I have a lot of desk space and have carpet
your computer would run cooler if you put the side on the case
>you are trying to trick me to get shit on my desk
No it wont, it gets to 70+ º C when playing TW3 closed and hovers less than 60 open.
I wanna kms
I need a source for that poster behind your monitor.
I imagine a huge hodor hunchback type of creature lives here.
With cat installed. Note that there is no shit on my desk.
That's another guy.
>With cat installed
post specs
You cat looks like mine
Mine's cuter tho
I'm a lefty too but I learned to use the mouse the proper way.
38 degrees C
Mild overclock
Currently loaded with Chicken and Liver.
I was actually a righty, smashed my right arm up in an accident in 2000, cast down to end of fingers and pins for 6 months. Had to learn everything with my left, something never switched back. I can right mouse if I need to, but prefer left. My work involves a lot of figures, easier to use right hand on number pad, and left on mouse.
>no coasters
Twist some fucking coils for all those damn wires man
I recognize that tripod thing. You're the guy with the collection aren't you?
You got me.
The tripod is for a telescope; the box is a homemade sun filter for viewing sunspots
I have one under the router but I had two beverages so I said fuck it and went total yolo
>shitty case, change it
>shitty headphones
>change wallpaper
>5.1 sound system with everything in front of you. thats not how it's supposed to worl
>Subwoofer on Desk - get that fucker under the table
>Speaker on Wacom Tablet - how dare you?
>Too many Cables on Desk
>Too many Cables visible under Desk
my snes hides in the right side of desk. No money for anything but that. Want to replace the right monitor in near future, but yeah, i'm satisfied with it atm.
I know you're trolling but you seriously think the wiimote is better than the sixaxis?
yes, really think that. The Sixaxis never felt good for me. Don't like the placement of analog sticks, the feedback while pressing anything and it doesn't really like the feeling of it in my hands.
the wiimote at least was innovative, feels good in hand (better with additional Nunchuk) and i really like it.
i know right? what a loser
kill yourself.
>so this is the fat reject habitat
Do you have enough room for the VR?
To the left of my desk there's just enough space for room scale. I was lucky
OP, which case is that? don't know if answered already, but I'm looking for a nice replacement and that looks kino as fuck.
Pretty shit
I don't know what the fuck kino is but
Thought it might be Corsair. Thanks, homie.
My place is small, it's a one room apartment with a tiny kitchen and toilet/shower tiny combo unit.
>All these poorfag home recording and streaming setups.
>Not living in total chaos.