
I can't even...
It's just problematic...

What do you think about David Cage's latest movie? Is it finally gonna be good?

Other urls found in this thread:

That just means the future is great.



You spend your time looking for nonsensical posts from nobodies without power so you can feel outraged.
Time you could spend playing video games or talking about video games.
This is your life.

Idk, it alienating racists seems like a good start tho desu.


Let's not try to pretend David Cage is a legitimate storyteller just because some SJW is arguing that he isn't

But I have videogames and don't even play tem, user.

Also, you are currently browsing Sup Forums and calling out other people's lives.

post written by sheltered white man who has never stepped out of his homogenous gated community.txt

>you can't make an analogue to real world issues without directly confronting them

Is this what some people actually believe?

I had the problem with Deus Ex Human Revolution. Detroit had almost no black people and did not look like a shithole.
What did they do with them? Is black genocide canon in the Deus Ex universe?

Oh, so white characters in Detroid is bad because it's majority black, but inserting black characters in a game about WWI in spite of most of the soldiers being white is fine?


There's a ton of more Whites living in San Francisco than Blacks, yet the MC in Watch Dogs 2 is Black.

Also in Mafia 3 the MC is Black, he's appropriating Italians.

Not saying I give a shit about either of these, but the double standards are ridiculous.

Do you guys never get tired of pointing out their hypocrisy? It's not like this is anything new, those people aren't championing blacks and Islam - they just fucking hate white people and their culture. They just also want to keep that holier-than-thou shine so they try to approach it from the other direction (i.e. just elevating everyone but whites), which leads to them constantly contradicting themselves because it was never their real opinion to begin with.

>they just fucking hate white people and their culture

so they hate a functioning society?

>white "humans"
I laughed

No. Just white people.

Don't try to understand it, hate isn't a very logical feeling most of the time.

Oh I love when SJWs try to make a point about the city that literally proves everything liberals say is a big fat lie.

But he's causing _controversy_ which means he's making people _think_!

Detroit probably didn't look like shit because industry and jobs came back. And when those came back whites gentrified the city making niggers who only want to live off of welfare have to move out. Blacks weren't genocided, they just probably got priced out of the city because they're useless.

Reminder that if you're white straight man

1, You can never be a victim

2, You are by virtue of being white evil

3, You are a racist. Don't deny it.

4, You should advocate the genocide of your race and gender.

Wrong board buddy, Sup Forums is that way

Don't forget having cancer as a white man also.

What are some games that Neogaf would find very very problematic?
Pic related
>problematic objectified depiction of children
>literally every characters in the game is white, including the objectified children
>problematic lore where you take bath with naked children that is implied rape
>problematic lore where you capture children and make them your party members


I went to neogaf for the first time in my life to find that thread and I saw this

you guys werent kidding

I'm not sure if they realize that this will inevitably end in "do the time, do the crime"

lmao @ the first post, that's literally the Soviet Union during the 1930s. Bet he'd love to live during that time.

That is, until he is accused himself and ends up being shot to ribbons.

>don't fear hurting a racist's feelings. they have no feelings, they are subhuman

I know a bunch of people who are like that in real life - ironically, they are all the kind of people who would suffer the worst under an authoritarian regime

>Literally resorting to "YOU'RE A WHITE MALE!" as a rebuttal.

It's set in Detroit for the same reason Robocop was. The robot industry overtook the fleeting car industry and revitalized the city.

they keep arguing about how black detroit is and how few whites there are

funny thing is WW1 was 99% white males but they would be fine with BF1

Yes I know there are a few brown girls, but we all know SJWs don't play games anyway, they just bitch about them.


wtf did they make a sequel to watchdogs?

Yea it's called Watch Nogs.

Japan are the only people who know how to make brown girls right.

>If I take a moment to stop and think about whether I'm sexist [...] then I might feel terrible"

Not really.

Brown children are the best.

>started out as an egalitarian/libertarian
>people like this have slowly pushed me further and further right
>now racist nat-soc Sup Forumstard

hahahahahah all they had to do was leave my video games alone


There's no way any of those people can be over the age of 13. That's verbatim the exact same "everyone but me is an idiot and the world would be perfect if I was in charge with absolute power" shit that every early teen thinks before they grow up.

Anybody else feels Firefly Diary is a very problematic game? Its whole premise is having the female protagonist (a little girl no less) die over and over and over again. It's as if the devs thought it was funny.

No, I can assure you from personal experience that a lot of them will be in their early to mid twenties.

You'd be right about them being on the mental stage of a 13 yo though.

So is it translated?
Any h-scenes?

Yeah I'm sure your wife and her son agree with you too

Why is there a picture of an Ancient Egyptian King in that Neogaf post?


>Cage makes realistic black character
>SJW still get triggered somehow
What do they want?


Its not real

>Cage makes a Mike Tyson character
>SJWs get triggered by this

The funniest thing about them getting mad about depictions of black people with features like that is that they are the kind of black people who don't typically have some white people mixed into their lineage so they're unconsciously saying that it's only okay to depict black people who are part white.

you were always a fascist at your core, don't lie.

>Racists are subhuman

Oh, the irony.

me too

>tfw gamergate gets trump elected

top kek

It's not porn. It's a R-15 JRPG. Less lewd than Monster Monpiece, but more lewd than Disgaea (half naked lolis in it). And yes it's being translated.

>Start out as mildly liberal even though I wasn't exposed to any propaganda and didn't pay attention to any news whatsoever
>Used to not give a shit, was egalitarian and used to think people who hate gays and niggers were silly
>Nowdays I genuinely think non-whites are subhuman and that women's suffrage was a mistake

All because they won't stop being so horrendously shit all the time.

If they just focus heavily on branching paths then that would be cool, even if the writing isn't good. Get to talk to peeps about what happened in yours.

>It's not porn
Fucking dropped

It's not porn but it get pretty close. It's also a freeware game.


>no black people
>implying there wasn't two gangs filled with nothing but black people and a dumpster diving black chick named Letitia

I'm sure there will be lots of different paths and conversation options rather than just
>Do this thing for me.
>yes, with snark
>yes, for a price

Trees look fluffier on ps4
Checkmate pcfags


This is one of those situations where the words 'literally Hitler' actually have a proper application.


There were a ton of black people. Most of the people on the street, the cops, the head of the factory and her husband.

Wtf she looks 10 at most GIVE HER SOME CLOTHES


This is a joke, right?

What if I'm white and straight but I really want to be a gay anime girl?

Then you suffer your fate in silence. I feel ya ;_;

A thread that was targeted to console Overwatch players, specifically asking if they're having fun with their purchase... of course the thread is going to be full of people saying they enjoy it.

We all know that feel.


There is literally zero excuse for it not to be porn besides muh morals.

>not for retail
>not trying to sell it
>can be anonymous and just drop it anywhere on the net for distribution

So what's the excuse for censoring it? There is a point where most people look down on overly suggestive shit as much as porn. Only laws and rules should be the only roadblocks from going full nude if you're down that deep.

1488 brother, we will take europe back

actually i was a commie before i became libertarian/egalitarian

pic related senpai

Then you've been suckered into becoming an emasculated faggot who will bear no white children with a qt aryan woman.

Congratulations, perhaps you will find good company in a sissy thread.

you're Sup Forumsgbt

White people killing simulator starring black tranny protagonist when?

>sissy thread
Fuck that shit. Those guys are faggots.

>born and grow up in sweden
>at the time there wasn't a huge SJW craze, just a pretty liberal country without the extreme bullshit
>make a lot of immigrant friends who came to the country not as refugees but as people who actually wanted to live and work here
>progressively see it get worse
>start to shut myself off from it all, end up playing more and more video games
>soon even those aren't safe
>learn that I'm apparently a racist, sexist cis pig for being a white male
>despite having an immigrant gf
>these days pretty much as Sup Forums as can be
>that previous generation of immigrant friends also feel the same way
>mainstream media tries to pretend all immigrants are oppressed by right wing extremism, refuses to show the real deal
>can't even play video games without being reminded of how I'm oppressing minorities by simply existing
I'm fucking tired of it lads

That sucks m8, I'm from the Netherlands and the antiSJW far outweigh the SJW here. Although you have plenty of the latter blabbering their mouths and attempting to grab as much media attention as possible.

>immigrant gf
>video games
>still staying friends with the invaders

you need to stop being a race traitor and start listening to RFS

Your country will go before any others (apart maybe from germany) so you have to be ready for when it does go


Not all immigrants are muslims user, my gf is asian

>that soundcloud
>first 10 seconds


Dude, it's a sequel of a pure porn game. The author just decided he wanted to go for a non-porn game.

unless youre from Finland, shes an invader

cant handle the bants lad

One thing that puzzles me about anti-racists.

They hate when you depict the blackest darkest jiggaboo, with the lowest IQ, pants so full of sideways held glocks that they sag to his ankles, has a 40 yard rape AoE.
But these traits are what allow the character to overcome his trials, and achieve his goals.

They judge niggers like they're failed whiteys.

Niggers have more crime than whitey? Well that's bad.
Niggers aren't as well-educated as whitey? Someone should fix that.
Niggers aren't as common in history books? Das fukken rasis.
So, it's bad that niggers aren't living up to whitey's standards.
Anti-racists judge niggers as though they're just whiteys who haven't tried hard enough to white the fuck up.

And that's really fucking odd.
You'd think a pro-diversity person would LIKE the complete porch monkey .40 pouring bike thief stereotype.
Different person is different and doesn't give a single fuck about meeting whitey's standards, but is happy and accomplishes his own (different) goals anyway.
Nope, that's 2racist4u, gotta make everyone fit white standards.

Pisses me off a bit too, since acknowledging that different person is different would be a good 1st step into making use of their strengths, while minimising their weaknesses.
If a person has poor long-term planning skills? Have someone else make long-term plans for them. Problem fixed.

But no. We have to keep the niggers in the ghetto where they chimp the fuck out erryday and funnel EBT into KFC because if you domesticate them and civilize them, you are hateful (???).

How did that meme start anyway, where domestication / civilization / grooming / slavery / training / discipline is seen as a hateful thing?
It improves them! Improving people is good!
But no, muh freedumbs, niggas just ain't whiting hard enough.

It's strange.

Stop sucking their dick and ignore them already.

>after he did this
But Mad Jack was ebin.

I was actually really excited for this game when i saw the trailer at E3, until i learned it was David Cage game. I'm sceptical, but I like concept so much that I might pick it up when it releases.

>it's a sequel of a pure porn game
Desire dungeon?

I am outraged at your post!
Thank you for giving me my daily dose of outrage. :)

if yelling like an obnoxious weeb is bantz then I don't want to handle it at all

No. This game.

I think the South Park guys put it best. If you put a black guy as a robot, fantasy world or Star Wars he deals with sci-fi or fantastical issues and not issues of racism and then might as well not be black cause a black character who's never dealt with racism or the whole history and culture associated with being black isn't really a black character.