"Videogames will never be a legitimate art form" - David Lynch

>"Having once made the statement above, I have declined all opportunities to enlarge upon it or defend it. That seemed to be a fool's errand, especially given the volume of messages I receive urging me to play this game or that and recant the error of my ways. Nevertheless, I remain convinced that in principle, video games cannot be art. Perhaps it is foolish of me to say "never," because never, as Alejandro Jodorowsky informs us, is a long, long time. Let me just say that no video gamer now living will survive long enough to experience the medium as an art form."

Was he right?

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he's a fucking cocksucker

>videogames have yet to prove themselves to me to be able to be considered art form
>"play this game, it will change your opinion"
>no i dont wanna

These people are the real jokers

Who cares what the salty fag thinks.
A half decent video game is more engaging than a movie could ever be.

Theaterfags were saying the same about movies.

Look who is dying breed now.

Is that why your Dune adaptation elevated the medium, David? Because it was great art? Because the same rationale you use to shit on video games applies there, asshole. Glad your Twin Peaks disaster is finally back on track for a glorious trainwreck in 2017 though.

If you take art as it's most base idea, which is the expression of emotion or human skill, then absolutely. The skill of the coders, engine-builders and map designers, together with the creativity of character designers, artists and animators absolutely makes it art.

I assume what he wanted, though, was depth, or to make him 'feel' something. There are plenty of games for that. The end of MGS3 was one of the most moving moments in a game for me, as was Ico, and the overall theme of Shadow of the Colossus was excellent.

His stance is a hold-over from when he sat watching his friend playing Atari 2600 and thinking 'this looks like shit. The fad will go away soon', even though objectively that was also art.

TL;DR Guy is ignorant, anything creative is art.


>media that is capable of the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.

>man from another generation doesn't understand newer ideas and developments

I'm just surprised so many older ''artists'' fall for this fallacy. I'm sure their grandparents didn't understand their ''art'' either.

>your ''art'' has to meet ***********This criteria*********** or I say it isn't art!

Ok grandpa, whatever you say.

Both are art.


He is absolutely right.
Unless you go by the retarded "everything is art!!" mentality, at which case I'd point out that if everything is art, nothing is art.



>no one even bothered to google it

youre all fucking braindead

No. Art is any form of expression. If i shit on A4 paper after drinking tabasco and say It's my representation of my inner pain released onto world It's fuckin art. It's a shiity one but it's art. Maybe not all games are "high art", but there are already few ones that could easily rival with movies and music of 20th and 21st century".

Obviously everything isn't art.

But a lot of stuff is, and any artistic expression is art.


you guys know lynch didn't say this right
lynch is actually a firm believer in the artistic merit of video games anyway

no shit he feels like this when he's an old fag that can't play or understand games. it's probably frustrating to him. games that seem braindead easy and accessible to us are still befuddling for people that didn't grow up playing them. most games are made with the assumption that the player has played video games in the past and require an inherent understanding of game design, even if it doesn't seem obvious.

I'm surprised you got so many replies OP


OK it was actually Ebert that said this but the same thing applies to him.

Don't be surprised, this quote being attributed to Michael McDonald got 400 replies last month.

Why would you take seryously the words of a film director(Like him)? Or the words of a film critic(like Roger "Im a deadman" Ebert)?

David Lynch didn't say this though.

He even directed a PS3 commercial for god sakes.

Nice try, that was Ebert's quote. Lynch actually has said interesting things about video game.

The difference is people will forget about Ebert in 20 years.

People won't forget Lynch, and Ebert ID the biggest hack piece of shit that reviews movies by saying "two thumbs way up!"

Movies showed real signs of artistic expression by 1910, less than 15 years after the birth of commercial cinema.
Video games are over 30 years old (and I'm being kind and disregarding early atari/arcade stuff) and are still pretty much glorified toys for manchildren. Even the most 'artistic' of vidya is nothing more than 2deep4u walking simulator with narratives that pale in comparison to even a moderately competent book or movie.
Face it, idiots. Video games aren't going down the path of film, video games are going down the path of comicbooks ("graphic novels" LOL). No matter how much you scream, whine and tantrum, they will always be seen as cheap entertainment for the emotionally underdeveloped.

>Ebert is actually the one who said this

And look where that slack-jawed faggot ended up. Shouldn't have mouthed off if you ask me.


Games have proven to be art by the mid 1980s.

Didn't he direct a PS2 commercial?


This is art

Anyone who makes any claim about any form of media not being "real" art will always be inherently wrong. Art is not some magical qualifier of value, it's just a general concept used to describe a form of human expression.
There is no reason to even debate about this.

>it's not because i said so

he literally gave no argument on why video games can't be an art

Are the plastic toys that come with Happy Meals art?
Of course not, they're just commercial diarrhea.
Same with video games.

yeah no shit.

If videogames aren't to be considered a legitimate art form then what he does most certainly can't be considered art. What a doofus.

is Sup Forums the most subhuman board on Sup Forums?

Art major here, Ebert is an idiot.

As games have everything in them that is considered art as of today(music, paintings, sculptures, acting, etc) it's obviously the highest form of art. Add to that the immersion of control and it's an art form that's never going to be trumped by anything.

off course he's right

>pic related
explain this

>art major

I don't know who the idiot is in this case.

Sup Forums, /r9k/, /fit/, Sup Forums and Sup Forums are all just different offshoots of one big board that's called "reddit".

On point.


He is kind of right. Of course CoD could never be art. But Planescape Tormet and Shadow of the Colossus can be considered art.

you forgot Sup Forums

Only at certain times of day.

said the master redditor

Call me an idiot, but at least I'm not a dead movie reviewer who thought his opinion was worth something.

Art can't be reviewed

It's amazing how you can pretty much measure the amount of reddit on a board by the amount of frogs on the front page

>Says the creator of Crazy Clown Time.

Acclaimed film directors are less qualified to talk about video games than anybody hear.

Since video games are comprised of many individual art avenues such as, visuals, sound, game design; how is it possible that the combination of those things would not be considered art?

hes right, art is something you enjoy passively, a game is something you engage in actively, the more you try to make video games art, the less of a game they become.

If a lego piece has pictures of several famous paintings stuck onto it, should it be considered art?


>fails to grasp the important microaspects of the times that differ today from yesterday

You have a point; it's that everyone needs to stop sucking the dick of a failing applied system by individuals that fail to live up to its concepts and ideals

Who? No seriously. Who?

Sure, they're art too. Someone had to design sculpt the original mold.
If you think being commercial or frivolous somehow revokes something of their status as "art", you're very naive.

>art major

What kind of artist are you, a sandwich artist?

You think art is a set amount of something and has rules before it can be art. That's the thing people like you don't realize.

Art doesn't work like that at all.

It's not actually a David Lynch quote

I don't think it's really analogous at all, but yes, lego art can be considered art, even if famous paintings just happened to be on the legos themselves.

Since animals are comprised of many different cells, why isn't a dog a cell?


depends on what you'd call art

if art is "a message" then yes anything can be art.

if movies can be art than video games sure as shit can be art

As long as they enjoy the freedom of free expression (they do) I could care less. That means I do care. At least, a little.

Ebert is as much as a fag as That Faggot With the Glasses and those groups called Screwattack and 1up.com.

Criticism is important. But you don't make a film critic a director or an editor an author.

Saying "x can never be art" is an uncreative way of thinking. Art has the potential to be realized through any medium. Art would be incredibly boring if there were only a select few committee approved ways to create it.

Again, the comparisons you're making aren't at all analogous.

I mean, I would consider the mental gymnastics you're taking on to produce such an analogy, pretty impressive though.

>Videogames are shit uh huh I'm right and you're wrong so I'm not going to try to argue plebian

Anyone who says video games aren't art obviously haven't played this.

What's with Americans and fucking idiotic analogies?

What ep was that gif from?

Sometimes I think the problem with this discussion is inherent in the English language because you fuckers have a hard to distinquishing between "art" (work with a deeper meaning or whatever) and "art" (some decoration).

Like in video games, you call the people who make the graphics "artists", but that shit makes no sense, most of these people just make textures for shitty licensed games, or textures for shitty AAA games, but are never making "art" (the first meaning).

If you'd just call the second idea "craft" or something, you'd stop putting two disparate ideas together in one pile like these fucking retards (that comic has the worst argument ever):


i have no idea honestly; love always sunny though.

Does it matter? I don't care if games are or aren't art, I just want to have fun.

Been binging it lately. Finally up to season 11. Holy crap it's great. Especially the ski resort/race one.

ITT delusional manchildrens trying to legitimaze their manchildren hobby with le art ploy

LOL oh fuck, the fucking like classic ski movie montage shit.. it's just pure fuckin' gold man. holy shit LOL. good taste. GOTTA SAVE PARTY MOUNTAIN. so fuckin' tropey, the family feud one is gold too.

Oh he didn't say shit. Just not art. Remember. Art is not a qualifier for quality.

pretty sure Lynch didn't say that, it was Roger Ebert. and look what happened to that fag. pic related.

>Having once made the statement above, I have declined all opportunities to enlarge upon it or defend it.

Aint that whole thing a quote from Roger Ebert

Again, anything with thought put into it or something that evokes thought or maybe abcense of thought, could be considered art.

You would probably look at abstract art and say "what a pile of shit" well yeah it may look like a pile of shit but it's still art.

You're thinking that something has to be quality to be considered art.

Why do threads like this stay up?



It was 90's sports movie as fuck. And the family feud one. Fucking hell. They've been so brutal on Dennis and I love it.

>narratives that pale in comparison to even a moderately competent book or movie

I've always found video games churned and inspired me to use my imagination and curiosity rather, even the worst of them or the most flawed. A lot of them have topics that, I have yet to see either books or movies cover. And I may be an old bastard, but at least the games I grew up playing had choice material and build that got me to inquire and think.

It might be in my upbringing as well, but with how people are being forced to think and to how the so called "art world" is too busy sticking their fingers up their asses, and hanging up FUCKING LITERALLY NOTHING IN GALLERIES AND CALLING THAT ART, I'd rather be with those that are putting in their hopes for the future, things they want to teach, and are doing the world of making art in their course of life than those sodomy loving jackoff cokehead buttfuckers.

Rolling for Batman: Arkham VR

Thief: The Dark Project


fuckoff back to bed
