Do newfags lose interest this quickly? The numbers are stooping to regular player numbers

Do newfags lose interest this quickly? The numbers are stooping to regular player numbers

Bump for you, famalam

really makes you think huh?

You mean why people move on to other games? Because that's just people and there are more and more games getting released each day.

Hard to lose interest in what nobody cared about to begin with

Nothing else to do other than shitty pvp. It will spike when dlc comes out. If there was a reason other than rings to go ng+ I'm sure more people would have.

I've already beat the game 4 times,
NG+ is literally just tougher enemies. Even DS2 added unique additions
I made 3 pvp builds but pvp is really stale, its pretty much "First to swing the dark sword/estoc wins"

There really isn't much left until dlc

Played through it once and that was enough for me, I don't care about PVP and the combat isn't enjoyable enough for me to want to do a NG+ run.

Pretty much this. OP's a retard.

>m-m-muh hardcorez

PC gamers are notorious for ditching good games for awful flavor of the month memefests like I am Bread.

Many people went back into DS2

You don't know shit.

NG+ not being actually interesting, like in DaS 2, was a huge disappointment for me.
The other one being the lackluster covenants.

Covenants and NG+ are the only two things DaS 2 did better than the first game and they did not learn anything from it.

PvE was really disappointing this time around; once you've gone through, got all the endings and tried different builds there's no point in doing it again unless you some kind of autistic speedrunner.

I played PvP for a bit but that got boring too (online community is shit combined with laggy gameplay). Now I'm waiting for the DLC.

>less people bought Bloodborne on PS4 than Splatoon on Wii U

Ever consider nobody on any platform cares about Froms games?

Yeah, ok

>even ds2 added unique additions
Boss weapons werent accessible without going ng+, Id say ds3 made a better approach to that aspect of the game. Also, many people seem to forget how much of an improvement sotfs was. Before that it was the same stale shit we experience now with ds3. I just wish we could farm some item that let us respec more often during a playthrough instead of 5 times

Bosses all felt the same due to a lack of interesting mechanics in the fights.
Balance is completely broken, half the stuff isn't viable at all - sorcery, miracles and most weapons.
Broken hitboxes, broken i-frames, bad design choices when it comes to stats and scaling, bad covenant system and the same old shitty netcode the series is infamous for.
So what's there to do after roughly 100 hours? It's a medicore game that got carried by mindless hype. I doubt the DLC will fix anything.

>people finish singleplayer games and move on
More news at 11 boys.

fotm trash always moves on
major player drop happened around the release of overwatch
now the playerbase will be more or less stable with some fluctuations between games just like it was during the ds2 release

How long before Dark Souls 3: Praise the Sun Edition?

When all DLCs are released and the PS4K is out.

Not my fault NG+ doesn't offer anything new.
Not even a few red phantoms.

>No red phantoms
This was really strange (and lazy), is it really that hard to recolour a few enemies red and place them around levels?

Stopped playing fashion souls as soon as overwatch came out

>Boss weapons werent accessible without going ng+
What? I used boss weapons in NG.

>no replayability at all
>pvp fundamentally flawed
No surprise here. Ebin DeS/DaS1 references can't keep nostalgiafags playing forever either.

>totoro plushies still exist in a distant future.

at least there is hope.

>comparing a niche weeb game to a children's game with mass appeal on a console with one game every 6 months

Really makes you think,

Splatoon is a good game though, unlike Bloodborne.

Man I love super detailed art like this.


>no poise
That's the reason me and my friends stopped playing.

>weeb game

Bloodborne and FromSoft games in general rip off Western themes more than anything. Nothing weeb about Lovecraftian settings or Medieval knights.

Because its boring. I cant bring myself to boot it up again, hell i didnt even finish the ng+ run because it sucks so much, and ive played played all other entries in the series religiously.

It's the summer. People are out having lives and not being shut ins like they are during the winter.

>browse Sup Forums
>spot a ds thread that doesnt have "what went wrong" in the title
>its just another "muh contrarian opinion" thread after all

It's like you've gone so ironic, you don't even know fun anymore

>Boss weapons werent accessible without going ng+

wut? i never went NG+ (wasn't that motivated for DS2, didn't like it enough for it) and had many boss weapons

>people posting their opinions of why it's gone stale
>fairly quiet thread with minimal shitposting
>"C-contrarian!!! I learned that word yesterday so now I'll use it all the time!!"

PvP (The thing that kept the game having a long lasting community) is shit compared to DS2
NG+ Has nothing new but ring placements (and the upgraded rings offer less benefits than upgraded rings did in DS2), no new enemies, challenges, or different bosses like DS2 had, so it has no lasting PvE Appeal.

The game also plays mechanically worse than DS2 by far in PvP, It was a lot easier to punish enemy mistakes in DS2, even with greatweapons and clubs (you could counter a bad roll with a stalled rolling attack with the dragon's tooth incredibly well) whereas only the washing pole and estoc are really capable of good rollpunishes, and they made rolls bloodborne tier where you have a fucking million of them, where in DS2 your rolls used a lot more stamina. There was a lot more thought put into the combat in 2 than 3 mechanically. Both games had a bunch of imba shit, but mechanically 2 was a lot more solid.

With the two major aspects of the game that kept the playerbase playing in the other games completely disregarded, it's no surprise that the playerbase has flatlined. I used to have like 10 people on my friends list pvping constantly in DS2, but even with it only being a few months after DS3's release, they are all just bored with it and playing dota and shit. No thought was put into the game mechanically, they just made a pretty world, threw in some nostalgia (which isn't a bad thing considering it's the last game of the series, except for the storm ruler which both makes no sense and ruins what could have otherwise been a very cool boss fight), and shipped it.

"Comparing an edgy 9gag meme game on the fastest selling console to a kids game on a console with 50 units sold.