ITT: Creepy Anti Piracy Messages
The moon
ITT: Creepy Anti Piracy Messages
The moon
Other urls found in this thread:
Nah, let's wrap this up familia. Mods will bust our shit soon anyways.
I still don't see it. Someone help out.
We had a good run.
This is nothing compared to the ''playing Game Boy on car, get the sudden urge to toss it out of the window'' threads, those were fucking tight and deep stuff.
when you see it you'll shit brix
>tfw pretending to be Sonic running alongside the car, jumping over obstacles
Oh fucking Christ is that, is that a fucking druid?
xD omg took me like 10 mins I feel so dumb xD
I still don't understand what the fuck was up with that
Literally everyone did that.
Oh. How the hell did they do that? Is it like a smaller piece of a panoramic shot or something?
>pretending to be Sonic
That's so fucking autistic.
Just another kid thinking adding a ton of filters over an image and slapping an "I am god" type of message onto something is super spoopy.
It'll be a trilogy then.
I'll save all these threads for something special in the future.
>not imagining there was a skateboarder outside the window
What am I suppose to be looking at
Yeah, when I did it I was always thinking about a super fast car or superhero running around
Until someone circles the spook I'm calling shenanigans on this
What are you planning to do?
It still was a fun thread though.
I would pretend it was a skater or snowboarder riding the power lines
1. Stare at the center cross for 40 seconds without blinking
2. ?????
3. Shit bricks
so nothing?
I can't see shit, what's the red stuff on the upper right circle?
It's always fun to have these saved.
Might make a thread simulator type thing if I get the time.
There was some golden bits in here.
I made an exorcist one of these. scary as h*ck
Do you seriously expect me to keep my eyes fucking open for a full 40 seconds when the air over here is so dry I've been spatting dead lip skin enough to form a lip that I can use as a fleshlight?
I did that too
What is that? Looks like a anime face
there was no escape from the ideas guy even back then
But how did they place the mirror there?
>implying you'd have to look at it.
Oh great, thanks user my eyeballs have melted out of their sockets.
It's nothing - the image is a ruse
you will ne
Look at the reflection in the left pot
"Volunteer" who died 2 days later.
It sorta looks like a person? I'm fucking blind man, help me out.
And this is why Russia didn't win the Cold War.
Aliens can have fun too
don't click this.
More like no person. Who took the picture?
there's a goofy cat monster expression being reflected on the far right pot
is that what I'm supposed to be looking for?
>3.28 MB
nice thread you've got here
Check your task manager.
5:09 AM
Sup Forums, I'm fucking scared, and I can't go to sleep.
Someone fucking comfort me or something, man, or come around and help me relax somehow, cause fuck this shit, man
Wait, why not?
what does killing you have to do with turning you to stone?
Well, OP is heading to bed
Have fun.
And don't look behind you.
How do they know how much it weighs?
Is it donutman.jpg 2.0?
Look again, it looks like a person with black holes where their eyes should be.
you know the weird part?
I don't even have half life 2 installed
Why did it pop out at a new corner of the screen?
And was is it on small mode when I usually keep it all on ''show me everything'' mode?
Guy in the photo died after two days.
What kind of thing would comfort you user? Do you want to hold hands?
Goodnight, sleep tight.
a stone statue is not alive user
looking at the mythological Medusa is equivalent to dieing
Go to sleep
they want you to.
they are waiting for you to sleep.
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How do scientists the Sun's mass, approximately?
>mfw i'm on my phone
God fucking dammit man, why you gotta do this?
hl2.exe runs for any Source engine game, so TF2 and CSS i think would show up as hl2.exe in the task manager.
Poor Doggo
Oh fucking god
Fuck you, man, it's not my fault our horror talk makes another Local 58 come out
No, man, I'm not really into that gay shit
Yes, I wanna hold hands and stuff, man, I just wanna fuckin get together and chill the hell out to some relaxing ass background noise from a nice movie and have to only worry about the person who was nice enough to chill by my side for the time being sleeping next to me
>tfw saying I.D. for 25 years
can confirm, when i check my task manager when playing tf2 it runs as hl2.exe
also, i looked at that medusa picture for like a second and my eyes started feeling weird.
am i gonna fucking die?
We should honestly just keep this thread circulating until everyone is so scared that they can't be hugged (wink wink).
You know, it never quite dawned on me how this Dog somehow knows that fish needs water to survive, while he was off on how much water he needed, he still kept throwing water at it
thought that was cleavage
keep on watering them, doggo
you can do it
not if you cast "soft"
You don't mind if I keep you company then?
Is that the Grim Reaper in the reflection?
Well it is cause her mom is holding her
>refresh thread
>several posts dissapear
i'm about to go to bed so someone spell this out or i'll assume it's nothing and i was getting fucked with
This made me really sad