Tales of Berseria


>6 characters at once


right yeah that girl could 6 characters at once lol gonna save that for the old fap-er-roo-nie tonight if you catch my dick HAHA



Isn't it 4 characters at once? Just with the ability to change character during battle.

Doesn't matter. The final game won't have a good gamefeel.

>locations still looks like ps2

I'll be hyped when they announce day one costume DLC for the MC.

what is this dank new meme?

Did you have a stroke?

I want to cuddle with Laphicet

Looks like the game has a decent framerate at least, but the zestiria style combat is disappointing.


my problem is they kept the shitty combat system from zestiria with that god awful camera that's right up your characters ass the whole time. I want to see the whole battle as it goes, not the fucking back of my character.

I haven't really followed Berseria much. Velvet doesn't use a sword? I know she has her super chuuni darkness hand.

I wanted to label them casual too, but it's only a demo. Man I remember how much I hated semi-auto in earlier games.

I prefer it when the third person camera faces whatever way my character is facing, so it was good.

I suck so hard at these games that I can't ever finish a first playthrough without switching to easy and even I'm not nearly casual enough to find semi-auto tolerable.

except the camera locks on the direction you're attacking and when your character moves out of the way it has to re-center. its jarring as fuck and really annoying. I can't even play through zestiria because the gameplay feels so lack luster and boring, not to mention the horrible "open world" it has. I hope they go back to the way symphonia or vesperia did dungeons and overworld. It was dumb but at least some areas that needed it had charm.

Did we lock at the same gameplay? The camera doesn't stay behind you nor to the side, it's wherever the fuck it wants to be and you can control it yourself. It works like Ninja Gaiden or Bayonetta.

Never had this issue so far desu
I'm about 26 hours into the game, maybe it'll become one as the battles get harder.

If there's one thing that bothers me, it's that I can't map the camera to the keyboard. WASD would be so much better if I could look left and right with QE.

Worst part about it for me was the clunkiness, which seems to be more or less fixed based on the clips. The times the camera would get stuck into a corner too, which hopefully is also fixed.

Well, that's understandable, with auto, the cpu gets in the way a little.

I play with a controller and it always gets stuck on something and it annoys the fuck out of me how it takes extra energy just to free run. I just want to position myself where I want on the battlefield.
Also the whole 4 hit combo attack then switch to omega form to 2 shot everything makes the game so easy it's not even worth fighting mobs because you can always just kill the boss granted you don't get hit.

She looks like a hobo prostitute. What the fuck were they thinking.

she's qt as fuq

Thinking you'd shell out that 2.99$ for a better costume.

Her clothes being ripped everywhere and those strings that were socks before she was violently assaulted by a monkey are triggering me.

Thank fuck.

Seems to suit her character. Also gets me hard

>Perfect excuse to have freak cast of werewolves and mutants
>Blow it all on them Fujoshibucks

Alt least I still have my lizardman

She escapes from prison where her clothes get all torn up while fighting. So the clothes kind of make sense. The issue is that once she escapes she just puts on more shit over the torn clothes insead of getting something fixed.

What a qt. I'm not a fan of the costume itself but I'll buy this just for the hairstyle.