How the fuck was Witcher 3 able to make a large open world with cities than actually felt like cities...

How the fuck was Witcher 3 able to make a large open world with cities than actually felt like cities, with numerous towns and expansive forests/grassfields etc., while Skyrim failed to do so?

All at a lower budget and smaller team? I'm genuinely curious.

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Because Skyrim was made with 256mb ram limitations in mind and has 100 times more background scripts running at every moment. And the fact you can interact with every Skyrim NPC, kill them, steal them, follow their schedule while W3 NPC are just there.

It's not hard.

>It's not hard.

I'm sick of your lies Todd.

bethesda is overrated

What lies?
You could climb the mountain
Skyrim had infinite quests
Fallout 3 had over 300 endings

Because Bethesda builds their worlds like themeparks while Witcher 3 in particular used its world as backdrop for stories it wanted to tell. Although it does help Novigrad is probably the best city in any RPG ever made, though.

how to do i make two graphic mods work together when they are only conflicting partly (i think)?

You can't, whichever you install second will overwrite the overlapping parts of the first.

It takes a team effort to make something like this.
But Skyrim was made by Bethesda, so there is your answer.

>Because Bethesda builds their worlds like themeparks while Witcher 3 in particular used its world as backdrop for stories it wanted to tell.

this. which is why constant comparisons are ridiculous and people have no idea what they're talking about. games have different focuses even if they appear to be very similar at first.

>Novigrad is probably the best city in any RPG ever made, though.
Nope, that would be Toussaint, it's even better

well that's disappointing, graphic mods should have been better implanted.

>Fallout 3 had over 300 endings
it did?


I for one absolutely LOVED Skyrimâ„¢. It has a MUCH better world than stupid old Witcher 3. You can even climb the mountains! By the way guys have you preordered Skyrimâ„¢: Remastered? It looks so rad, dude!

Better question is really what DOES Bethesda spend their development time on? I mean, look at what CDPR produced for Witcher 3 compared to 2 and that's with engine upgrades included in development cycle.

Every character in Skyrim is a named character with their own dialogue options, schedule and belongings, etc and you can enter every building, which is not the case in Witcher 3.

If Skyrim had one or two named NPCs with dialogue per town and a bunch of no-name NPCs that just wondered around, and you only had access to a few of the buildings then they'd probably have more "immersive" cities, towns etc

That being said... Fallout 4. Maybe they've just run out of ideas.

I wouldn't call it a focus, it's the way both companies chose to make their games but both games have the same goal in mind at the most general level
it's like hand-made vs mashine-made craft

>mfw es6 will have a meaty 5gb vram on consoles to make a sexy big sandbox map

I won't lie, I get hard over massive mythological world's like that. If eso wasn't so shit and expensive I'd be playing that right now.

Here's a question though:

How will the new es6 work when eso exists? As in, they'll have to follow the exact same storyline as eso which will probably kill the gane because you can just read the lore in eso to find out what happens in es6. Also if anyone is dead or gets killed in eso they won't be in es6. What makes it worse is that they can't even split up the two games in terms of lore because they know lorefags will go crazy at them.

Maybe if you take each subplot's ending, then you may get a combinatorial explosion, but in any case it's essentially "two endings for this questline" times "two endings for this questline" etc., rather than the "my story can end in 300 unique ways" thing that people expect.

>mfw Witcher 3's cutscenes and "lifelike NPC interactions" everyone praised were generated through computer algorithm and then touched up by hand

You know what the sad part is? Inquisition's hand-crafted cutscenes come off as more robotic through sheer incompetence on Bioware's behalf. How does that even happen?


What? ESO is a prequel.

Have you played TESO? It's set in 2E so no overlap whatsoever.

>mfw es6 will have a meaty 5gb vram on consoles to make a sexy big sandbox map

Then why was Fallout 4 shit?

Wrong. 200 people were involved in w3 development as opposed to skyrim 100, also it had similar budget of 80 mil dollars(excluding marketing).

Like you said, incompetence. I also have a feeling that no one really truly cares about it, and it has that EA soulless feel to it. TW3 is not perfect, but it's clear that a lot of passion went into it.

You think they'll add books and hints to es6 in eso?

Also why do I get this feeling that they'll try to market eso to everyone playing es6 as in they create a sick side storyline but they create a shit half ending to it and then be like "finish the story in ESO!"

>but in any case it's essentially "two endings for this questline" times "two endings for this questline" etc., rather than the "my story can end in 300 unique ways" thing that people expect.

Skyrim has 1087 voiced characters, Wicher 3 has 407.

Skyrim has almost 3 times the amount of people to talk to.

A combination of caring about what you make and slavic technosorcery.


Something Todd Howard is afraid of.

Yeah and about 300 of them all took an arrow to the knee. Nice one Todd.

ESO is Zenimax, ES mainline titles are Bethesda. The only relation they have is being set in the same universe. ESO will never be referenced or alluded to in any of the main games.


Haven't played it yet so I can't comment, but that's even better if true.

Their dev team's made up of competent men and women

One of the main reasons is the inside of the buildings. One of the reasons I didn't like skyrim is that if I entered a house I felt like I didn't leave the outside map at all. The ambiance felft the same. That was not the case in The Witcher.


Anyone with a brain already stopped caring about Todd after playing things like Gothic.

The world was pretty big it's just the graphics were meh. Fallout 4 was in development before the consoles came out and they probably thought they'll have more horsepower to work with. We saw the same with assassins creed unity when they made a very beautiful game but they had go downgrade it as fuck to work on consoles, like it was running at sub 1080p. The fallout devs were probably targeting 1080p from the off and had to downgrade it to match their target. Don't forget that most multiplats are built with the consoles in mind. The 360 and ps3 had some of the best hardware at the time when they released which allowed them to age well compared to the ps4 and xbox one which had outdated hardware at release. An example of this would be oblivion on the 360. It was the best version of oblivion on release and not even the best gpu at the time could match it.

Me in the middle.

That's my gf standing next to me.

Imagine if someday voicework can also be computer generated at a high quality level, so that we can go back to expansive dialogues, if the writer is so inclined.

On another note, I always wondered whether a semi-open world rpg could work with a large city or castle complex as its setting. A closed space, but meticulously crafted. A city built upon older ruins and different districts, varying from decadent splendor to beggar-filled shady back alleys, from modern architecture to ancient designs in the lower levels.

I would say:

1. CDPR has better management
2. CDPR has a more competent development team
3. CDPR were not constrained by any console limitations

Good management, fewer constraints, and a competent team is what made Witcher 3.

Bethesda/Bioware will never be able to compete; in the former case everyone is lowest bidder type with little experience or lazy as fuck. In the latter case it's filled with incompetent women and SJW cliques who also have little experience and, while they may not be lazy as fuck, waste enormous amounts of time on simple tasks because women being women.


>3. CDPR were not constrained by any console limitations

Witcher 3 is on consoles though.

Whitcher3 cities are about as realistic and lively as pokemon's. You are just a braindead shit eating neogamer that spend his "game time" looking at trailers and let's players.

Oh, well I guess they were constrained by console limitations.

Guess it's just a case of other development teams being incompetent fuckwits then.

CDPR did it by cutting out all the gameplay and combat from the game.

kek, cause that's the main attraction of elder scrolls amirite

Bioware's inability to make good character animations has always been an issue

Putting aside the eternal X series Vs Y series discussion and the obvious baits for a moment, I have a question about the Ladies of the Wood / Whispering Hillock quest. It's just a question, please, no spoilers.

So, I'm in front the succulent plant which claims to be simply a victim of the Ladies, and I'm not sure if I should free it or kill it like the ladies want.

To sum it up the information I have gathered so far:

>Pro ladies
-The villager says that the Ladies help the village, and that they are the only reason why the village isn't as poor as the other nearby villages.
-the monster kid basically said that they are vindictive bitches but that they are also mostly competent at keeping the whole area in order, and the monster kid seems the only trustworthy person of the whole area.
-their medium is taking care of the kids. As crazy as she's, she clearly love the kids.

Basically, if I help the plant and fight the ladies, there could be heavy bad consequences for the village, the orphanage and the whole area.

>cons ladies
-the succulent plant said that the kids are hostages of the ladies, and it's probably right, an orphanage in the middle of a swamp managed by the ladies' medium is fucking strange
-someone stole the voice of the monster kid, and I still don't know the reason. Also, the crazy medium tried to make the orphans ignore the monster kid with the whole "he's made up, he doesn't exist" shit.

Basically, letting the Ladies do whatever they want doesn't seem a good idea.

The question is: am I missing / forgetting some pieces of information that can help me decide what must be done?
Please, no spoiler or confirmation/denial or dumb joke that are basically spoilers, I just want to think about all the information the game give the player before deciding.

>hurr do I free an ancient horrible fucking demon that's said to be even worse than the crones

think about this using some common sense

dude people are just going to spoil it for you and tell you what you should pick,

Both decisions are pretty much equally bad/good so work it out yourself and pick from there.

>On another note, I always wondered whether a semi-open world rpg could work with a large city or castle complex as its setting. A closed space, but meticulously crafted. A city built upon older ruins and different districts, varying from decadent splendor to beggar-filled shady back alleys, from modern architecture to ancient designs in the lower levels.

I guess we'll find out soon enough.

Gonna try not to spoil anything for ya but there is also a bunch you can find somewhere (I really can't remember where) that isn't a quest book but talks about the 3 ladies and who/what the tree is/was. It might influence you decision on which route to take for the quest.

This is the kind of quest where you must choose between two evils, no good guys here.

This. The game felt like fucking GTA chore simulator. Nivograd is the greatest generic piece of shit ever. If you newfag scrublets want a good example of open world which actually does feel lively with non-generic content, Gothic 3 is the way to go.

>I always wondered whether a semi-open world rpg could work with a large city or castle complex as its setting

Closest we have now is Hub based shit like Deus Ex, and even then theres like 2-3 out of 100 buildings per hub as explorable.

meant to say book not bunch. Anyway the link to the book is here if you can't find it in game.

do you feel nice and comfy in the tree's presence?

>Gothic 3

get the fuck outta here

Being nailed to a living tree.. that is the super natural equivalent of a super-max prison, mate

things nailed to tree's are BAD

also.. the kids are fucked no matter what

there are no happy endings in the Witcher

I seriously cannot grasp why Bethesda is so succesful. Their games look like shit and are bugged as hell on release. Their gameplay mechanics are clunky and basic. Their stories and characters are bland.
Literally everything about their games feels cheap and rushed. They fail at technology, they fail at gameplay, they fail at story. Yet everyone gobbles their shit up like there's no tomorrow. And no, mods are not even an argument because their shit sells on consoles like hot cakes as well.

There's a book in the game that should tip the scales to the crones' advantage

The tree is basically an ancient vengeful arch-evil, crones are light-weight compared to it

TW3 was made on an old toaster by a handful of Slavs in between squatting sessions.

Skyrim was made by Americans.

Because those Poles wanted to make a good game, while Bethesda just wanted your money.

>I seriously cannot grasp why Bethesda is so succesful.

Because they're literally the only ones doing their shtick. Yeah, there are open world games, but most of them aren't RPGs and few that are don't fit Bethesda's mold.

Just fucking kill yourself dumb frogposter

Because this.

After Two Worlds 2.... people stopped making rpgs

oh god that game..

literally one reason
>easy modding

>calls me dumb
>claims that Gothic 3 is an example of a good-looking and working world

It's shit precisely because they tried to be too much like TES. Play Gothic 1 or 2, shitstain man.

g2 notr.. excellent

Daily reminder that if you're not playing gwent you're not playing the real game.

Then why does their crap sell on consoles so well?

>good example of open world
>lively with non-generic content
>Gothic 3

G3 was shit because it was unfinished. What content is in the game is good, but a good chunk simply isn't because it's just there.

console bros will praise any AAA shit they get

No, really, go play Gothic 2 with expansion and then you'll know what a good RPG with open world is.

dude-bro crowd
So my coworker goes on and on how he loves Elder Scrolls but he's never played Daggerfall

he's also a big Dragon Age fan

I just shook my head and walked away

None of them interesting, none of whom feel like actual people.

>that's said to be even worse than the crones
Been a while since I played but where does it say this?

It's fundamentally flawed and designed in a crappy way. The combat sucks. The world is less interesting and themed. You talk to the fucking gods personally, and the plot is a mess. Characters look like something that makes fucking Klayman appear human. On top of it all, everything is stretched and some things make no sense if you've played the previous games.

Fuck Gothic 3 and fuck its apologists. Gothic ended on NotR.

A book that was already mentioned here.

Most likely because of more capable personnel and ones who are actually interested in making games rather than riding on the IP name and churning out half-baked products and hoping the modding community fixes them.
Proper allocation of shekels counts too. There are some out there who would just throw too much money on PR/viral and hoping the bad reviews/impressions go away.
I'm just glad they ended it on a rather high note and know when to stop. Others would probably be tempted to continue and milk out a series until it becomes another brain-dead cash cow.

Because CDPR care about their games and fans
The reason why Bethesda keep making shit games is because they know people will buy them no matter what and will praise them so why bother with a good game when you can make a mediocre game and hype it up?
People who don't play video games have no experience with older games so games like Skyrim set the standard and they think that it's the best thing ever
It's like taking a person who hasn't watched a movie in ages and show him Iron Man 3
You think he gives a shit about story or characters or anything like that?
All he sees is mindless entertainment so he loves it

what's limiting rpg's nowadays..


which the Witcher succeeds in easily, due to the plethora of material already crafted

Witcher 3 is made in Poland where the living costs are a lot smaller and workers don't have as many rights.

There's a ton of foreigners working for CDPR now.

because you can only go inside 4 buildings

Daggerfall was utter fucking garbage, and shows how Bethesda have been lazy fucks since the start

>making an interesting sand box is too hard
>lets create a few seeds and let the computer RNG randomize them together into a big pile of shit
>Daggerfall is so big it would take 10,000 years to explore it all!

and the main quest line was like only 5 steps long and dumb as fuck. you were an Imperial prisoner who got shipwrecked or something (god forbid you ever NOT be an imperial prisoner in a TES game) and then you got a MacGuffin and had a choice between 3 or 4 to give it to to turn then into LITERALLY GOD. Give it to the Lich King just so he efficiently genocides the entirety of Daggerfall and turn them into forsaken for the lulz.


And honestly look what happens when other devs try to be Bethesda. You get absolute shit tier stuff like Gothic 3 and Two Worlds.

Everything he said was true, but keep forcing your memes.

Seriously though, every NPC in Skyrim has their own inventory, stats, schedules, names, etc, and nearly every room of every building can be entered. The Witcher 3 goes the Assassin's Creed route which allows for much larger, but less detailed cities.

plenty of book series out there that could be turned into an rpg

but everyone's too cheap to pay for licensing or something,

I won't mention WoT as that was already turned into a game.. and it was a shooter lol

Because everyone's big on their own property so they don't have to pay royalties, licensing fees or whatever. If you can make a good game, make a good game. From what I understand Obsidian was working on a Wheel of Time game but it got cancelled.

This has nothing to do with why Bethesda is so lazy.

They are the only company that's too lazy to build their own fucking engine despite being a financial giant.

What do you mean, user? Creation Engine was a brand new engine.

Except Toussaint is not a city. You are thinking about Beauclair.

Skyrim cities are like 6 houses.
