>play of the game
Play of the game
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>Yuuga waga teki go fuck yourself
>pull off a sick mlg quadruple kill
>potg goes to mercy reviving two guys
>playing in low mmr where people die to Hanzo's ult.
It's a zoning tool at best unless combo'd with Zarya.
Exactly, played Hanzo a lot at the start and always got 2-3 kills with the ult, rarely get any kills these days now
I think the game will be heavily altered at some time. PotG should be multiple people maybe, at least one from each team. Torbjorn, Bastion, Widowmaker should do much less damage. In b4 butthurt, I play with them myself occasionally and they're so broken there's not a single team without them. It's getting to the point where almost every team I see consists of Torbjorn, Bastion, Widowmaker, Reinhardt, McCree and Hanzo. Ps4, don't know how team composition is on other platforms. Not really a good thing for a game with a large cast. Pharah is extremely rare, and I have never seen a PotG from her.
>tfw found a Mei that I was in perfect synchronization with
>She popped her ult, froze the entire damn team
>I use Dragonblade and slice all their souls to ribbons
>This is the POTG
awww baby
>mrw parents raise kids think that age somehow makes you more respectable as a person
I hope this is a ruse
It'll get phased out eventually I hope.
I'm 30 in a few months but most 20 year olds have more life experience than me, yet somehow kids have to respect me more because I'm a biological creature that experienced a longer passage of time?
>support heroes get potg once in a hundred
>cry because you randomly lob arrows onto "red targets" didnt get potg
>teamkill on Mei ults
you must have a pretty shitty mmr to be seeded with such bads
You consoletards don't play healers?
Torb should be nerfed on console, but not on PC.
Bastion is pretty bad most of the time. Don't see him being much better on console since he still has to track (unlike torb) At highish mmr on PC he's probably the least used Hero now.
I would think Pharah is pretty good on console since you don't have to track or headshot with her. Also people are slower to aim-upwards onto her, no?
She's one of the most used heroes now that Widow and McCree were nerfed on PC.
He played as Tracer, defense on Volskaya. He ran right into the building across from the enemy spawn and got torn to shreds.
I was Mercy but sure as hell wasn't gonna follow his dumbass to the grave
I main Pharah and I think it's pretty hard to play as her on ps4, but that's because I have trouble with aiming with the right stick instead of the mouse. Mercy is actually less common than Lucio in my experience, but most of the time there are no healers at all for some reason. People are also fucking retards and think you have to kill people to win. Maybe I'm still in a low tier but people don't seem to get this game has objectives, I've seen games where the objective was clear to take but people ran to enemies to kill them.
>I have trouble with aiming with the right stick instead of the mouse
Well yeah no shit. What I'm wondering is why Pharah would be worse on console than on PC COMPARED to other Heroes. Since you don't track with her and can't get headshots, I'd think she would be fine. Does the auto-aim fuck up shooting ahead of targets or something? I'd think people would have a harder time flicking their aim to her in the skies too.
Now that they nerfed McCree, this is easily the most unbalanced character. Essentially an easy-modo Windowmaker.
Maybe it's because I'm a huge retard but auto aim seems to fuck it all up a bit yeah. Also you can't ever be in the sky because people will always shoot you down, it's better to go around and flank to take potshots while the others distract the enemy team. Any open area means death in the air because of turrets. Hit boxes are fucking retarded too, no idea if that's the same on pc, but in most replays of Hanzo for example his arrow doesn't even come near you. They wanted to make a casual game that's so casual that people who are even a little skilled at games can see some kills are bullshit.
when i was 12 i used to tell people on wow i was 14 because i thought they'd not make fun of me
When I was 15 I used to tell people on Runescape I was a 17 year old lesbian because beta orbiters are real and it's easy to exploit your vagina when you're sociopathic about it enough.
I didn't necessarily mean literally in the skies, just above the ground levels.
Pharahs are often accompanied by a Mercy at highish mmr. And Torbs are less common.
Hanzo is still a spamming faggot.
Mercy gets shut down hard if the team can't protect her, and most players are retards and don't understand the importance of watching flanks for Mercy killers. Lucio is a lot harder to kill and can contribute a lot more if he has shitty teammates.
I played a shitty Chinese MMO called Conquer for years and me and my best friend pretended we were Eastern European female twins, we were all shy and cute, the entire deal. People defended our honor and gave us free shit. We were the shittest guild on the server yet the largest guilds protected us and includes us in all their shit. Pathetic.
Yeah when I have a Mercy with me I'm pretty much unstoppable. Don't get why people refuse to use healers so often. Reinhardt is more common now, before he was seldomly picked even during attack, which was pretty much a loss. Gotta get to higher mmr to escape the shitters but I guess I'm still too much of a shitter myself, otherwise I wouldn't be in this league.
He heals better, deals damage while he heals people, has more health and arguably a more useful ultimate. Really not much point to play Mercy.
>He heals better
Mercy heals faster, but only 1 target.
>deals damage while he heals people
This is true, but Mercy does have a useful damage boost.
>has more health
They have the same HP, and both regen life (Lucio only if he has AUDIO MEDIC on)
Are you fucking insane??? Mercy has the most broken ult in the game, its the only ult (along with Symmetra's) that bring back your allies to the fight. It's the most broken due to how stupidly fast it charges.
You always have to assume the enemy Mercy has ult unless she literally just used it.
It's the reason why "pro" teams are running Mercy 100% of the time on non-KOTH maps on either side, not even her healing, its her fucking bonkers ultimate.
>He heals better
Lucio keeps the team healthy, Mercy keeps the team alive.
Lucio can keep the entire team health topped up and can do a little burst healing when necessary, no doubt about that. He's great to have in a big teamfight since everyone gets a little constant healing.
Mercy is unbeatable when you need to keep one guy alive against heavy firepower. Mercy and a tank can absorb a lot of damage and her ult builds rapidly. She can't fight back while doing this but she's a great force multiplier by keeping the team alive.
She's also great at rescuing people, with her movement ability and powerful focused heal. Lucio can't really do that, even with his heals active if the enemy focuses down the tank he can't outheal it.
Lucio and Mercy together are even better
>its a genji potg
>without Q
>mercy heals better
>one focused heal vs. fantastic regeneration for everyone around you while pumping lead into enemies
Gets over it, faggots, you're waifu is shit. As a matter of fact, she is statistically the most shite character in the game.
>Having a big revive to prevent an objective from being taken after the enemy spends all their ults is bad
Even better when you co-ordinate it and have something like a Zarya or Mei save her ult for the revive
Remember, its a team game!
For the record, Lucio's M1 is the worst weapon in the game. His M2 is situationally very useful.
wish hanzo would let me play with his game if you know what i mean
Mercy's revive is literally the unsustainable version of the teleporter. It's flashy, but not nearly as useful as other ults.
Waifu-fags btfo.
You use Mercy for the damage boost, the rez, and the superior mobility. Certain maps like Egypt give her good opportunities to zip around even with a very spread out team.
Lucio is best for groups that have a lot of heroes stacked together and just generally for retarded pub matches.
That focused heal can often be better because it focuses the character taking damage.
Also I've played Lucio x5 more than Mercy, kys.
It's instant unlike the Teleporter, charges A LOT faster, and you don't have to run away for 15 seconds to set it up.
>not nearly as useful as other ults.
This is objectively false though, it is THE MOST broken ult in the game. Imagine if fucking Zarya could use her ult every minute, how stupidly broken that would be. The cooldown time coupled with being 1 of 2 ults of its kind make it overpowered as fuck. (esp because Symmetra is only good on defense)
You can say its not, etc, every top level player will agree with me, again its the reason Mercy is used 100% of the time on non-KOTH maps.
Hanzo is for the top shitters. I so enjoy wrecking shitters with roadhog.
>wanting to watch mercy press shift and q
>obvious hackers everywhere
>""""competitive game""""
In egypt, playing mercy gets me killed because teammates are too retarded to look left or right when some pharah is harassing their medic. With lucio I can skate away or fight em off at least. Overall however I heal 11k a match on average with waifucy as opposed to 5k with lucibro
Your just as bad as they are you flowchart following McCree but fat piece of shit.
>Random will never become a permanent game mode
I loved Conquer 2.0 shit was fun until Egyptians overran it and the lottery came out.
well the kid's not wrong
How the fuck do I get good with Zarya? The Russian bitch is going down quicker than Zanyetta, and my gun is worse than Lucios.
>Bastion is pretty bad most of the time.
Because people play him like complete idiots and place him in the most obvious open and elevated spot on the frontline where every sniper, pharah and junkrat can hammer him into oblivion. And then they go back to the very same fucking spot.
It makes no fucking sense, you have a million DPS so you can melt a team in 5 seconds. So instead of carefully planning to get those 5 happy seconds behind the enemy team you do a mindless approach and sit 15 minutes in the same spot thinking people are going to walk into your killzone and die for you?
>How the fuck do I get good with Zarya?
Sit back and throw shields on the suiciders on your team and alt-fire into the enemies. Then when you have 70+ charge you drop your ulti and kill everything.
I stopped around the time pirates became a class. Really loved the jumping system and hunting for loot qas incredibly satisfying as a Trojan with cyclone. Getting mad mets.
It's already filled with cheaters? I fucking knew something was sketchy with that torbjörn headshotting everyone with his shitty little gun.
Pirate became a class? Holy shit, damn I left a long time ago. I sold my account for like 60 bucks cheap right as the lottery came out and was gonna make my gear worthless. +10s were hard to come by, along with my dozens of dragonballs.
I had a Taoist reborn into a warrior, literally invincible, except to guards.
Source on the game in that gif?
>these people exist
Not that I mind, I just have more fun playing people like Soldier. If they want to be credit to team, more power to them
To be fair he picked the only class you could possibly be effective with using a controller.
Yeah, it's unplayable now though. Famous players goy their own servers, and so many Chinese play the game now you don't get slots as a non Chinese IP. Could take hours to get into any server unless you pay for a slot. They jewed out hard but that was already apparent by the fact their other mmo are just a reskin of conquer. Same as those Korean mmo with the exact same UI.
I came back into the game in like 2010 in a private server. Shit was fun, until it shut down. It was called XanityCo or something like that.
Speaking of which, I didn't even know that Conquer was still alive, thought it would've died ages ago. And I hated Eudemons.
How shit am I?
They make mad dosh with the DB and cps sales. Government also keeps it alive probably, the exe is a known dataminer.
Mercy gets POTGs easily. But I yet have to see a Lucio or Zenyatta POTG.
I gotta keep handing over those armour packs to my team though
>play of the game
>it hasn't dragons
>he's just strafing back and forth firing arrows from a corner
>and getting headshots because hanzo arrows
Oh shit, I didn't know the game was a dataminer. Imma be careful of foreign MMOs from now on. Shit, that never even crossed my mind.
Oh yeah, I left before cps was added, heard about that.
Have I gone full cancer?
Play Junkrat for every mode,i can't stop.
Lucio gets PotG for environmental kills because they have high priority on the calculation
>armor packs
>Wasting the ult at the end
4 wat purpose
That's a nice Lucio webm, but I've got a much better Lucio webm
judging from the enemy movement and slow lucio pushing them off the cliff I dont think that anyone in that game was any smart
Absolutely magnificent.
>It's versus a streamer too
the only way to make that webm any better, holy shit
Tales of Xillia 2
A sample from a "pro" game
>webm lucios get crazy long knockbacks from any range with their m2
>your m2's barely do anything even when your right up in their fucking face
Lucio's E drastically increases the power of his pushback, user.
>play a less than 300hp class
>Roadhog immediately obliterates yo if you get hooked
>play Roadhog
>can only ever kill Tracers and Zenyattas in one hit
>POTG Reaper
>die die die
delet this character nao
>people actually defend him
Hacking got a lot harder now I guess.
>Widowmaker fags can't even one shot
>they always panic and start shooting over and over
>get POTG as Reaper
>it shows me narrowly avoiding several enemies as I flank their entire team
When you hook someone, melee and then shoot
>Overwatch hat
>Getting visibily mad
Wat a fag
>picking genji on defense
>picking tracers on KOTH
replace dva with bastion for consoles.
>Every team I see consists of Torbjorn, Bastion
These two are n00b-stomping characters. You have absolutely no chance against Bastion or Tornjorn's turret solo unless you have a character like Hanzo who is designed specifically to counter them.
But all it takes is two characters. One to run distraction and one to take out the immobile target. It's not like TF2 where turrets are unstoppable killing machines with a pocket Engie sitting there beating the shit out of it while getting constant health from a dispenser.
Though, I do think the range for the turret should be nerfed just a little bit and I think Bastion should have increased survivability when in turret mode, but also wider spread.
>play as roadhog
>hook people to the side of you, through you
Only time I pick Genji on defense is when the enemy team has a good Genji. I've only met a couple people who could out-weeb me as le xbox ninja.
yeah pushing people over the edge is pretty helpful.
I've gotten potg with Zenyatta, not for healing, never for healing even though I saved Soooooooo many people with my ult on a final push.
Is there even a point in playing zenyatta atm?
>currently downloading the game
If you heal a bunch of your team mates through an enemy ult you usually get potg.
Tracer is good in koth for luring shitters away from the point and if they stay on point her ult is more likely to destroy them, especially a turret or Bastion
>and I think Bastion should have increased survivability when in turret mode, but also wider spread.
I hope they dramatically increase the damage dropoff of Bastion's turret mode.
If you have 2+ on a control point with team support there is absolutely nothing you can do to counter it.
>Friend plays Reinhardt
>Never touch him
>Just got this as my first SR
Fuck blizzard for not conveying this information, why do they hide this shit