Game is dead. That was quick.
Game is dead. That was quick.
Really makes you think, huh?
>2 days ago
>join game, win but both allies and enemies were shit
>queue again
>get inside the same match.
Which game?
You have to wait 60 seconds.
You're just so bad that the game has a hard time finding people as trash as you
Not really
Just wait for 10 or 15 secs.
>don't play like shit
>get into a game within 10-30 seconds
so you´re saying the game rejects you if you dont play it like it was your job? no way in hell im paying for this
>play with group consisting of 5 to 6 people
>get into games in under 30 seconds
How does it feel to have no friends user?
i literally never have to wait more than 25-20 seconds
most of the time its pretty much instant
It needs time to find you a match you will lose so you don't go above a 50% win rate
>pre order game
>realize it's actually shit and it's going to die in a month or two
>sell my key shortly after buying it
feels good man
Stop leaving games early yous shitter
Legit 2 min queues every time in Australia.
The curse of being high MMR I guess :^)
what game?
>play actively with a friend and both of us do good
>climb to 60% win rate
>play solo yesterday
>go 20 loses and 10 wins out of 30 games
>already well on my way down to 50%
I wouldn't mind if they were even little bit balanced matches and defeats, but every single one, was a steamroll under 3-4 minutes usually
i know it's stupid but this is literally what's happening. this is also why reinstancing and shit happens so often as well when in reality the lobby should pretty much never change too much between each game if the MMR was matched evenly
Yes user, that is exactly what he said, you have excellent reading comprehension.
But it's far from dead, user
Forced 50% winrate, user. If you start doing well the game pairs you with shitters and pitches you against good players.
It's 'fair'.
>Prestige and get 1 star
>matchmaking now takes 1-2 minutes to find a game
>everyone matchmade has prestiged as well
Why Blizzard? You're essentially punishing people from grinding levels.
>repetitive gameplay where your only goal is to go for skins
you're right, it's alive and kicking.
That can't be true, because I frequently play with/against prestiged people and I'm only 68.
That means you're good enough to get to the prestige level people
normies love that shit
Does anyone else not care much for the skins?
I prefer the recolors over the model changes, I just think the original models have better design than the alternatives. Junkrat and Roadhog's alt models look fucking garbage compared to their standard. I've unlocked Roadhog's Moa skin and Torbjorn's Blackbeard skin and I hate them both.
I love my cobalt Mercy skin but the rest I'm pretty meh about.
That's also bullshit.
I'm only 36 and get paired with/against prestiged people all the fucking time.
The matchmaking is literally doing everything to get you to a 50% win/lose ratio.
>Matchmaking is You, Decent Player and 4 Shitters vs 3 Decent Players and 3 Shitters
>Supposedly balanced matchmaking because the team mmr's balance out
I'd rather have 6 decent players vs 6 decent players tbqh.
I'm witholding judgement on the matchmaking until Competitive drops. They plan on making the MMR for each player visible as well as a team average MMR. You should be able to see pretty quickly how good the game is at pairing even teams. Quick Play mode is just a casual mode for practice, as far as I'm concerned.