Dishonored 2 to feature prominent LGBT characters

Great news.

Other urls found in this thread:

Okay great so I get to kill gay people

isnt this spam?

this guy has posted this very thread without break now

Come on lads, grab the pitchforks. We're gonna destroy these cucks

shill tactic

First time I've posted it. Didn't check other threads.

>implying I give a shit about garbage western games

Get to kill gays too nice.

Only thing I don't understand is:
Why is it worth mentioning if a character is gay, black, red or green? Isn't that racist/sexist in itself. (why not just let the character be in the universe? Feels a bit shoveled in.)

good thing dishonered was a shitty game and thus I have no intention of even pirating this unwarranted sequel.

I'm a fag and I don't know how I'm supposed to feel about this. Proud? Represented? Grateful? I don't feel anything but I'm clearly supposed.

As long as it's not shoved into my fucking face I don't care. But hey, then I can kill them



Can't wait for Sup Forums to deflect praise with "yeah but there are token LGBT characters fukken SJWs".

what's wrong with this? many games Sup Forums likes have gay characters

>Implying Emily isn't a raging lesbian

It was always going to happen

Ohhhhhhh noooooooooo a gay person in my vidya

Idk why but I find goobergaters more annoying and whiny than SJWs

Just me ?

This thread was just deleted you faggot. Stop posting your social justice non-vidya shit on Sup Forums.

They have been fighting hard for you to have representation.

You're supposed to be grateful
And that's why they push for this kind of thing

These fags don't pander to our refined trap/yuri/shota fetishes, but to fat tumblr dykes and negrogaf

Look up horseshoe theory

Straight white people who are mostly from LA decided you needed saving, for some reason.

>GG not mentioned once
You ghazi shills need to work on your subtlety

That's nice and all but the game itself looked like shit.
Plus it's a bethesda game so why in the fuck would I ever want to give them money?

Goober gate is the worst thing to ever happen to this board. Our lowest moment. That's why.


But wait

He/she is black too!

Well don't bother getting used to it. You're next on the chopping block once SJWs elevate the gays to official privileged status.

>IP count didn't increase

reply to this post or you will never drink your waifu's piss

Sharia Law will kill them all in 20 years, so doesn't matter if they try to make noise now.


Yes, that was me the OP

buy our fucking game fag

Reminder that if you want Sup Forums to be a better place it is your duty to report this thread and every other twitter screencap cancer that pops up.


I DON'T mind LGBT characters if they're well written, interesting, and make a semblant of sense in the game. Like Gay Tony in GTA IV.

I DO mind LGBT characters if they're quickly shoehorned in a game to please the Tumblr / Twitter audience.

With Arkane i don't believe one second that they will go for the latter therefore i don't give a fuck.

Lol, I've been here for nearly 10 years, it was never a nice place.

>going on twitter to ask a game's developer if virtual characters who have a certain sexual preference are prominently featured in a video game
>people like this exist

We need another world war.

Sup Forums hasn't existed for 10 years. Nice try son.

gay black males dont fit in the SJW narrative
it's going to be a gay white guy

It can't get worse than DA:I cramming a tranny in for no reason.

This will never change and will get worse.
>no one cares for the actual game but only for gay characters
>no gays in it? SHIT GAME LOL

Western games are shit. That's the problem.

angry like all of us or you are a fag

Fuck off ghazi. You have friends here.

Who was the tranny in DA:I anyway? Never played the game as I don't support EA and their shitty rootkit app.

>Dishonored 2
>Some guards are black
>You can behead guards and play with their heads

How will people react to this?

> implying they would pretend the contrary.

You need to go to summer school.

Who was the tranny in Inquisition?

So, do they mean that there will be prominent characters who also just happen to be gay?

Or prominently gay characters gaying up every scene they are in with their gay, gayness?

Oh, who am I kidding, of course it will be the latter. Can't really expect good writing from game developers, just pandas and mediocrity.

Chink videos games feature more gay characters than wester games

Who gives a fuck have they made non-lethal runs not shit this time around?

stop fucking making this thread holy shit

I hope its a gay muslim. I don't mind losing the current Arkane

No they didn't, also they confirmed that you're going to get punished for a lethal run again

slut pls

You have to submit to anal sex with a man numerous times as Corvo in order to get a no-kill run

Ro ll

I'm ok with it unless it's forced

they already are.

Bra fucking vo

That would still be more entertaining than the non-lethal run in the first game


There was no punishment in the first game, get out of here memer.


i want a gf ;_;

>this thread

>incredibly unfit

When I say that I mean the game tells you you messed up and nothing more.

Now we're getting an "improved" version of it.

The story was not nearly good enough to give a shit either way, Nonlethal being unfun was a bigger issue than almost anything else besides AI not looking up

>Actual jokes
You could say my sides were destroyed

notice how he doesn't respond.

DA:I got lot of shit for making a few people gay and a tweet about Iron Bull being pansexual. thats the extent of "pushing" weird sexualities


i dont care as long as its good

wasn't one of the targets in the first one gay?


God dammit and I was actually kind of looking forward to this game.

Why? Why do they insist on keeping that stupid, pointless morality system that gimps the player's freedom in the game?

Just make non-lethal as viable as lethal and forget about the stupid fucking morality system for fuck's sake! Let people play the game how they want without feeling like they need to commit to one style of play no matter what.

Playing non-lethal in Dishonored was awful, constantly save-scumming every time I got seen so I didn't have to kill anyone was NOT FUN and it won't be fucking fun this time either.

Fuck you Arkane. Fuck you for not learning from your mistakes.


I don't see the problem though. I have no problem with gay characters. I love Olivier from Trails in the Sky and he's a bisexual non-exclusive lolicon.

Yeah i still don't get it either.

The guy didn't even give you a source

Did you really believe who didn't even put a source?
They said the morality system was improved

In what way did the "morality" system (it wasn't a morality system) gimp player freedom?


wizardry here i go!

Oh boy

fuck it, it's not like this threads any good anyway.


>featured gay character in a game about assassinations

that's quite gay

Sauce me then


We were saying that there is no source for his info and that you're believing shit talk.

>Featured gay character in a game about pirates

Thanks RNJesus.

WHY? Why? This is so fucking bullshit oh my god. I'm fucking shaking, this was supposed to be a GOOD game, not some SJW hugbox.

I can't wait for the god emperor to put cuck studios like these in their place, it'll be glorious.

Well I guess I jsut ahve to roll for it don't I?

>Hi Harvey, I loved Dishonored, but curious if D2 continues the 'bleak ending if you kill people' thing. Wasn't a fan of that. :/
to be fair, it was 'grimmer if you kill a lot' - but we have an improved version of that


Good news about people who want to do a nonlethal run though

I would find where they confirmed that your actions have an impact like 1 and used the "improved" term for it, but it's on twitter and I don't have an account.

They said it recently though so check it out if you feel like it.

WOW cool! Now the game is much better!!

You mean the dude who is for banning violent video games?

>I'm fucking shaking
Are you 12?