Play overwatch

>play overwatch
>finally get my first legendary around level 13
>it's this pile of shit
Fucking why?

Also what's your first legendary skin, Sup Forums?

>got Okami from some random box below level 20


Never played with this skin. Took the black Anubis one instead.

Also got two double skins 2x McMeme and 2x Winston Lego. No, fucking Mercy, Mei or Reinhardt.

Now I am just going to save my Blizzbucks for the summer skins.

>Badass Robert Knievel soldier motherfucker runs around healing allies and shooting communist Overwatchers
>Pile of shit
Fucking HOW, user?

On PS4 I didn't get a legendary until level 18 with pic related. Eventually I saved up enough to buy Mercy's redhead viking skin.

On PC it's pretty unfair, I'm level 9 and have unlocked 3 legendary skins.

Level 40 and this is my only legendary so far

bretty gud

That's a legendary? I got it within my first ten levels and thought nothing of it


>first legendary is Dyn Du skater frog skin
Fuck you blizzard.

>Level 27
>Literally every lootbox, without exaggerating, has been 3 greys and 1 blue
>Every, single, time
I think the most valuable thing I have gotten so far is a blue lucio skin

>not liking lucio or his deadmau5 skins
shit taste weebs get OUT

thats probably one of the best foreskins fuck off

I like those skins, and Lucio is a bro.

>Level 29
>No legendary skins
>2 normal recolour skins
Just let me buy skin I want you fucking Jews

First was biker Torb and second was hockey Lucio.

Not my favorite. I got legendary coins though so I can pick any skin I want now... too bad I'm an indecisive mitherfucker.

A wood Bastion. I don't even mind because it"s a decent skin, but I don't even use Bastion so it's kinda wasted on me.

>level 59
>Succ mercy
>islander roadhog
>young master hanzo
I only use hanzo one.I swear i have the worst luck with skins in this game

Also i saved up and got NGE pharah,shit is dope

I wish I could just turn of viewing cosmetics, then I wouldn't give a shit about the fruit machine crates

it looks great bit its a shame is garbage

>tfw just got yeti hunter mei
Its better than her recolored one
It's also not half bad, better than tracer or symmetra legos

I think I'm the only person who doesn't like this skin. B.Va or Junebug are way better,.

Yeti Hunter Mei and the Native American Pharah skins are the only legendaries I have.

I'm absolute garbage with Pharah so using her is senseless. Mei is pretty good though.

>Mfw I got the Mei Abominable skin and it's probably the worst legendary in the game

>junkrat's skins are clowns and scarecrows
They look awful and don't even make sense
Give me a Steve Irwin skin instead you fucks

First loot box and first legendary. Was pretty lucky.

I'd pay 5k Coins for this

I got this one on my second loot box

I Just got the game today and only opened 3 loots crates.
Haven't got shit but I did get junk rats juggle, so there's that.

Also After trying mcree holy shit you guy where lying, K/D ratio is always 2 to 1 at the lowest for a bad game.

Mah nigga

I love soldier but he has the fucking worst skins in the game jesus christ does have the superior ass...

No hero is garbage, only garbage players.

I got the jester junkrat skin on my second box

Got this box 40 seconds ago.

Junebug is better. iridescent shimmer instead of matte yellow, plus the colors blend better with the environment. nothing in the game is yellow like that, meaning you stick out like a sore thumb. is shit and players are without fail weebtrash.

Nah dude D.Va blows chunks once you stop playing with literal autists.

>Level 28
>Valkyrie Mercy some time ago
>Silver Frog Lucio just yesterday
>Immediately after getting Lucio, get another yellow, think I got lucky
>It's just 500 gold

I'm destined to be a healer.

A friend of mine plays with that skin. I really hope he does it to make the enemies suffer and not because he likes it.

> isn't shit

>Level 24
>Only legendary skin I got is Cybergoth
>90% of things I get are sprays and voice lines to characters I don't use
This is some bullshit

>Worst skins in the game

I'd be inclined to agree if it wasn't for the Commander Morrison skin, which is actually one of the better ones in the game.

He's crazy. Batman Villains.

The logic is stupid, but I at least like the Hayseed's launcher.

This needs to be a thing however.

her damage is pathetic, her special doesn't kill anyone who's played for 10 minutes, and high mobility and low health is a shit combination for a tank
shes garbage

Don't even play widowmaker

I agree, thats why I went with Toasted skin. Theres a lot of classes that have shit legendary skins.

>no blue singlet, thongs and southern cross tattoo skin for roadhog

In 80 levels I've gotten about 3000 credits and a couple legendaries, youll likely come across some similar amount.

I'm right there with you man. When the first set of legendary skins came out for D.Va on the beta, it was B.Va and a scavenger skin. I took one look at scavenger and it was just complete shit. Her hair is disgusting, the goggles look dumb, both color variations are ugly, the mech is okay but nothing special. It just looks like shit.

B.Va on the other hand looks great, her hair is still kind is dumb, not as good as her default hair, but it's alright, better than scavenger anyway. The colors are great, junebug not so much but B.Va is great. The design is sleek and sexy, and the mech even gets a bit of personality to it. Overall a great skin.

I was incredibly surprised to see how many people were raving about the scavenger skin saying how cool it was, since to me it looks complete dog shit.

>people say cosmetics don't matter

>people making threads *just* to talk about cosmetics.

Only reason i didnt buy overwatch is because of those bullshit crates

I got the frog Lucio skin, it's ok.

goth zarya

second was goth tracer

fuck you you lucky cunt

Silver or Gold?

Im so sorry user

It's OK because you're not forced to buy them. They're just things in the game which make your character look a little different.

1st Okami Hanzo
2nd Banana Fedora McCree
3rd Cybergoth Zarya

Level 32


>implying i got a legendary#

Being level 20 is suffering, my only purple skin is golden soldier 76

Space Frog Lucio is fucking awesome. Gold especially. Gold Space Frog is just an amazing skin. The matte silver one is alright too but not as cool, still 10000% better than the ass hockey skins.

Commander Morrison and Evil Knievel are GOAT

They don't matter if you actually have some sense.

That being said, Anubis is objectively Pharah's best skin and is literally legendary tier for only 250 coins.

That's the better one, I think. The Gold one is too garish. and Zen are legit non viable, maybe your able to win with them against shitters but as you climb the mmr you will realize you cant win games with them.

>equipping the skin makes Junkrat tell omnic characters "fuck off, we're full"


lvl 68 with 50 boxes bought. got a legendary skin for all the chars

Well good thing the gold skin for 76 is his best skin then. All of his legendaries are really bad, gold is far better than all of them and it's only 250 coins.

But that's just wrong. Also, how am I even supposed to know what my mmr is?

Anubis looks amazing, but you can't deny that this Gundam skin looks great.

>tfw got the white version

Riverboat mcree

The shark skin for Roadhog.

After that I got my other legendary, which was the other color variant of the sharkskin for Roadhog.

Dva and Zen both wreck shit if you know how to play with your team, they're only weak if you're a pub shitter who can't into strategy.

lmao, is debatable as far as current meta goes, but Zennyatta is undisputed god tier unless you too play with shitters.

>maining heroes
>not using them as situational characters
every fucking time

no wonder this game is filled with lol and wow shitters

>if you know how to play with your team
So they're instantly unviable in pubs

>not playing Junkrat no matter what

Why is he even in the Defense category?

>buy 10$ worth of packs
Well at least I can die knowing I got double legendary. And 2 good legendaries.

Better question is why he gets a free 120 damage by just throwing a remote detonated bomb on his feet while I'm shooting him. He should take damage from that shit.

You don't have to buy them, you just look like a pleb compared to everyone else who has a cool skin...which is kind of the point entirely, to make other people feel like shit for not having the skin they want.

What if everyone had the optional skins by default? It wouldn't work, because nobody would be a special snowflake anymore for winning the RNG or paying dosh.

>buying cosmetics in a game you payed for

I'm so fucking tempted to buy some boxes. The only legendary I've gotten so far has been that gay Frogston one or whatever for Winston and I'm Lv 25.

Because he has a peg-leg, user.

one legendary and level 40 and barely a 1000 coins what a stingy system. fucking stickers

Real question is why Symmetra is a support? She's fucking useless, and being in Support tricks people into thinking she's a good replacement for literally any other support when she's not

Level 30, got 3 legendaries
-mystery man
Pretty good here senpai

She's more of a defensive support.

Instead of just have clear cut terms, they should give each character broader attritubes, like "Support, Defense" or "Offense, Tank".

Nah, you can still get shit done in pub matches with either one, but only if you play smart and don't just run around trying to get kills instead of doing something useful. Dva is pretty much heavy tracer with vertical movement, made for fucking up the other team's formations and then getting away, or finding a problem and solving it, like pushing reinhardt around and exposing his team, or fucking up a bastion covering a chokepoint. and her ult is better than anyone else's for getting enemies off the point, and if you know the map you can launch it for surprise kills.

Zen is made for hanging far enough back that nobody can get to you, while still being able to heal teamates decently and dish out some of the best damage in the game. Especially now that his only long range threat has been specifically nerfed to be less of a problem for him.

he's been exposing himself to gradually larger and larger explosions for years to build an immunity.

her shields are great if you team takes them into consideration and plays a little more cagey to let them recharge for constant healing. And her teleport is equivalent to a rez, just used preemptively instead of on the spot like mercy. She's the weirdest support, but it still fits her better than any other class. like how dva is practically offense but still fits best as a tank, or junkrat is practically offense but still fits best as defense.

>First legendary skin
>Got it first day playing
>Arguably best skin of Junkrat
>Love playing junkrat

My luck sure as shit didn't last but Im still happy with it

my best

jumbo spicy dad

I got my first three legendary skins around level 20. All for characters I don't play

Competitive play will have earned skins though

Level 52, three legendaries

Punk Tracer
Deadlock Torbjorn

Wasn't my first, by a longshot. I got 2 legendaries for Roadhog back to back early on which was really annoying. He's one of my least used characters.

Wanna know how I know you're from reddit?

I use her quite a bit. She's only good for holding distant positions. Can place multiple turrets, set up teleportation, give a tiny bit of HP for free and her main weapon either deals increasing damage over time at short range or can deal 1-shot damage as a slow moving charged up orb.

>First legendary at level 25
>It's this piece of shit


I feel like she has the best skins overall, even her normal recolours look really nice with that shiny look


do you main reaper by any chance?

She's pretty much your anti-gank character, turrets allow you to get in range of cheeky fucks and act as notifiers.

The problem is its a super fuckin niche role and if the enemy doesnt play into your trap youre pretty fucked.