Oh,ohhhh,oooooohhhhh no, no, noooo!!!

>oh,ohhhh,oooooohhhhh no, no, noooo!!!
>oh, ohhh, crap!!!!
>oh, ohhhh, shiiit!!!

>cant reach you Sam
>wait, i will find something...here!
>oh, a box with wheels in the middle of the jungle! thanks Sam!

also, planes dont fly around or what? they discover a huge city that is not really hidden

gameplay was just ok, but story was shit

Other urls found in this thread:


also, just 1 single bridge didnt break during the game


>Practically an army of mercenaries hot on their tail the entire game.

>Never once stop and think "Well Gee, how are we gonna get all this treasure back home without them catching and murdering us?"

and how were they supossed to carry all the treasure back home? in their pockets?

Lol this literally happened in the end of the game funnily enough.

Why didn't Frodo just fly over Mordor lol


they brought a boat with them, they could have carried back a shitload of gold in it. Not all of it but a lot. Sam was talking about stealing one of Shoreline's boats, and he does do it right before the end boss

Theres a cutscene where Nate talks about how crazy all this is, but then they find evidence of pirate ruins and Nate gets interested again

>oh,ohhhh,oooooohhhhh no, no, noooo!!!
>oh, ohhh, crap!!!!
>oh, ohhhh, shiiit!!!
well what would you say in a situation like that?

Most of those "boost-you-up-there" and "help-me-lift-this" parts are used for managing memory and loading/unloading areas based on whats coming up next

I actually liked the climbing sometimes. It was comfy

>it's a cliff breaks under Nate's weight episode

'I guess it runs in the family XDDD'

that climbing technique is fucking horrible

My only complaint is the over-reliance on the box-with-wheel puzzles. It got old fast, and it was still old the next 10 times.

>no endurance bar
>no timing needed
>no precision required
I just don't understand how pushing the stick forward is something. Gunplay is okay and fun, but those exploration sequences really are a nonsense. And there's a more lot of them in U4 than in any Uncharted.

The worse is still those press triangle to "boost me up". That's insane how they still dare to put this crap in a game.

ND should have stop the franchise right after the second episode, and go with somthing else.

he's using his feet when he can.
doesn't look that unbelievable to me. I've seen videos of real people climbing that are much faster and look more ridiculous than that (like that black dude who backflips up the wall as he climbs it)

the climbing is easy because it is part of the players movement set. It would be very frustrating and stupid to have all that shit you listed bogging down the climbing in the multiplayer or single player combat

I like how he loses like 90% of the acceleration when he jumps.

Bought this 'game' yesterday. Can confirm it's fucking terrible. I'm at Scotland now and I've never felt such profound buyer's remorse in my life.

Agreed, I thoroughly regret not redboxing it instead.

Been stuck at the elevator encounter for days on hard. I refuse to switch to normal. Fuck off I just want to explore comfy ruins, combat in these games is totally illogical. The stealth is nice but gunplay is ass.


>Naughty Dog in charge of physics

it's too bad...
I enjoyed uncharted 2 and tlou a lot. dont know what went wrong, heard it was the same team.

that encounter is actually pretty fun. You just have to mow down the guys who flank you as soon as they appear. You can safely do the whole first part of the fight just hanging from the elevator. You can also drop off of it at any time and swing using the hook on the bottom of it.

I hated that map at first because I didn't understand it. It's actually pretty interesting because it seems to become easier the more aggressive you are. You should be climbing around all those rock pillars and swinging under the elevator a lot.

did Nolan North have to do all this stuff on a rock climbing wall for the mo-cap?

wait for the ship graveyard on crushing mode, harder than dark souls

ITT triggered PC*ucks

this. The first part is the hardest and everything depends on you finishing that part 'right', so that the second wave doesn't come out early and trap you. Then you have to kill those fucking kevlar gas mask guys before they reach you and wrestle you down

nothing went wrong. The core gameplay mechanics are just a polished version of what you had in U2, then expanded upon. Melee, nades, hip / blind-fire, cover-transitions and power weapons are still as effective as ever, just like U2

If you're complaining that it's too easy, you can change the difficulty to crushing even on the first playthrough, FYI. Just go into the game options in the pause menu

jesus christ this is bad

Whats up with his momentum

the rocks that slide with him look pretty good

he loses his momentum when he jumps. Yeah it looks weird.

That's actually the most difficult platforming in the whole game, even with the slow jumps. You can't change the difficulty for the platforming sections, so most of the time they make them piss easy so that even people who suck at games can make it through. I myself died like 6 times the first time I tried to do that slide in the webm, and there are people out there who complain how they can't get past it at all on their easy-mode playthrough.
At least the climbing is usually easy on the eyes

>play through UC4 with my girlfriend
>finally finish it because as much as she loves video games she fucking sucks at them
>turn to each other afterwards and almost simultaneously say "Why did Nadine exist?"
Seriously, I don't give a damn about any SJW bullshit, but Nadine was a literally worthless character.

>sully and nadine shown to have a history, never mentioned again
>shows up to beat nate's ass a few times, never get a proper fight with her
>briefly questions rafe at the end
>points a gun at him, does nothing and then fucks off
I can't stop asking myself. Why DID Nadine exist?


Rank them:


a lot of the strategy in beating crushing revolves around obtaining power weapons and going full aggro on enemies with them

lol y didnt cloud use a phenix tails on aerith lel shit story

LOL if you're retarded enough to buy an Uncharted game at full price after 3 titles of the same. If you don't know by now they're the kind of game you wait until $10 or less for, I don't know if you're smart enough to be saved from making bad financial decisions.

2 wasn't really supernatural, although the tree sap is debatable, still biologically 'explainable' though. 3 was just the pot and its contents reacting with the water, there were no djinn.

>it's a platform game
>jumping and climbing is automatic
>no momentum required
>jumpin is scripted
>can't control direction on air
>impossible to lose during these sections

Tell me, what's the point?

True but the point remains there isnt a single threat on the island, the treasure is just sitting there


They could have tried to go back for it. The game never said that they didn't.

4 > 2 >> 3 >>> 1

it's not a platform game, it's a TPS with platformer elements

>can't control direction on air
why should you be able to? That's not how physics work

Because Druckmann

he is a good writer and he usually shows restraint about putting his SJW beliefs into his games, but he occasionally he makes things a little too progressive, to the point where it makes you cringe. Nadine's whole character is a Mary Sue. She existed to be the secondary antagonist, but she was not a good one by any means. Definitely one of the worst characters in the series.

All the other main characters were beautifully written, though.