

The fuck is this facebook faggotry? Are modern Sup Forums posters such enormous pussies that they're afraid to type "kill yourself" properly?

what is the fucking purpose of this Sup Forums-tier fucking thread ?

>typing out all that shit when kys does it just as well


Kill yourself you Nigger faggot

Just some shoddy meme that these newage wannabe niggers are doing. Just like those other fucking abreviations. When did Sup Forums memes get so bad? I mean, I thought we were scraping the bottom of the barrel years ago

kys retard

I thought it was "kay why"s, as in people that can't read the mood

Kys urself you dumb crowposter

I thought it meant keystrokes or some shit


I just read kys as "kiss" so I keep thinking they're telling me to kiss myself. kys doesn't even make sense since "yourself" is one word.

Your right. People posting "kys" and such others, SHOULD be on Sup Forums, but they aren't

>le sekrit club

Wow, I'm a dumb ass, I thought "kys" ment "can you stop."
I just now realized that "can" does not start with a "k."

>tfw I thought kys means know your shit.

Nobody fucking cares
>Inb4 u dooooooo

Come on man.
Just fucking try for once.

Lots of love,
Kysses, hugs, kysses, hugs.

This is shit bait. Back to you go faggot

LeafyIsHere started it with his 12 year old followers. He's the worse thing on YouTube since reply girls and is the pinnacle of memespouting high school white kids. Which is weird since his last name is Marquez.

you're a special kind of brain-damaged if you want to be black while white


Kys is actually kiss in Danish.

Kill yourself
Now leave.

A++++ thread Videogames/10

Who gives a shit about leafy

we need to make DIAF great again

Truly there is no depth Sup Forums will not sink to

You're not alone. Especially considering people would throw it up in situations where people, in fact, did not know their shit.

I understand this reference.

2 million or so people. Thus kys got popular to say.

Not vidya

>Implying this isn't one faggot samefagging. You can alway tell by the structure of these threads.

Great, here comes the
>Go back to ___ meme
Seriously, you sheeple are pathetic. Do you have a flowchart telling you want meme to spout off for what scenario

What surprises me is that the same people who watch Leafy are the ones posting on Sup Forums

>More memeing
At least you didnt right kys

I already mentioned 12 years, user.

You don't deserve a (You) nigger.kys

Guess the memes got to me Jack

It means "kisses you lewdly". Whenever someone says that to you, they're trying to ERP you.

What memeing
PS kys

Is your twelve year old brain starting to question itself yet ???

I meant softly. I've been up for way too long, fuck.

Kys Nig shit

>Doesn't even know he's memeing
Well you're a lost cause