What's his name again?

What's his name again?

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Excavate-it Edward

That right there in your picture? That's Mental Mike.

Destroy it Daniel

This movie sucked fucking balls

Zootopia was 10x better than this shit


Human Shrek

keep your furshit on faggot

Pulverize it Pete

I'd ratchet watch yaoi-hands sam than a movie that keeps shoving racial equality lessons in my face

Galvanize it Phillip

Jokes on you, I didnt even watch zootopia
get triggered

Demolish it Don

Think OpenIV.

Sora, Donald and Goofy...

this desu senpai
i watched it recently and it was fucking awful, especially with that kike kikah kikerton

Oh fuck

Wreck it Ralph

Compromise-structural-integrity Carlos

One of the lessons is to not be assholes to whites for what their ancestors

Break It Bill

Bash-it Benjamin

Hah! That's a good one!

Zootopia is a trap for young socjus.
Do you remember who was imposing the racial quotas and why?

Fist it Rolph

Donkey it kong.

Dan Schneider

Slap-it Sammy


Rompelo Rafael

Bust it Bob

Smash up Steve

Dan Rough Rider Schneider

Crash-it Carl

Nigger-it Nigel

Well-Done Slytherin

dick kickem

Fuck it Fred

Punch-it Pablo

Anyone else looking forward to Moana? It looks friggin beautiful.

Muscle Eddie

Max "Children Chopper" Landis

dat boi!!!

Kazuhira "White Future, Bright Future" Miller

Crush-it Craig