Wow this really makes you think

Wow this really makes you think're right.

How many more Islamic attacks before retards realize Islam is a hostile culture?

This question is this.
"How many walking simulators until the game journalism industry stops making walking seem fun?"

We know the answer to this question already though

It's the number of mass shooting before Spec Ops: The Line came out

It does seem pretty fun....

Shit... I'm a #CruzMissile now.

But walking in real life is fun unlike in video games.

>Videogames should not be fun

Modern gaming """""journalism"""""

>shooting people in video games isnt fun

guys... I played a violent game yesterday...
don't go to school tomorrow guys... you're all pretty cool...

REALLY makes you think...

How many twitter shit threads does OP have to make till mods finally realize they should quickban them as soon as they come out?

Yeah. Must be video games. Not the ideology that explicitly commands its followers to slaughter people. Can't be that.

fuck off

I don't even go to school anymore.

Well that does it
I'm #MentallyHill now

WTF I hate video games now!
Guess I'm a #nofunnoguns madman now.

Funny how liberals have become the new religious right.

To think that the themes in the games we play has zero influence on our thoughts and feelings is ignorant.

It's true that playing shooters desensitizes us from the thought of shooting someone IRL. The difference is how much the individual is affected, as a mentally stable person won't be influenced to commit the action.

It really does make me wonder whether or not all these journalists aren't talking to each other behind closed doors about the kinds of messages they're going to push

When are people are going to stop blaming le evil video gaems for everything?

Wow, looks like I'm a Clintoris now.


When an easier scapegoat appears.

Remind me how many Muslims you've met in your life that killed you on the spot for not being a follower of Islam.

These is one. It's called Islam

no it's not

They are, this was found out a long time ago.

No, that's a religion of peace, user. Those mass-murderers aren't TRUE Muslims.

The real media isn't talking about video games. Right now the scapegoat is radical Islam and the push to make Americans more xenophobic

>the religion of Islam
>a culture

Can Sup Forums bomb Jed off the internet please? He's a shit Journalist.

fuck off


Fuck you. Muslims are a threat to everything western civilization stands for.

Or used to, at this point.

What's the real media to you? Fox?

go back to the 90s with your video games cause shit to happen argument you fucking pro censorship dinosaurs.

Totally does.

Hey does anyone else hate the singleplayer campaign of battlefield hardline? I picked it up a couple days ago when it was just 5$ and playing it makes me want to go shoot my upstairs neighbours. Bulletsponge enemies in clusterfuck shootouts, game bugging out with my 21:9 setup, non-existing case files, it's so fucking infuriating, FUCK.


They're the ones who still get blamed when an ayy allahmao shoots or blows up something.

What about movies

or tv

or books

or comic books

Are those a problem? Should we just whitewash our entertainment and scrub away all the nasty bits?

"Oh but video games are different! You have control!"

I see, so I suppose the same argument that didn't apply before applies now?

"Oh, books aren't an issue. It's just words! TV and film shows it to you."

Fuck the terrorists and mass shooters. I'm going to buy my murder simulators and they can fuck off.

It takes a lot of time, preparation and money to put together a presentation for E3
Take away the guns from EA's conference and what are you left with? Getting a cookie from do-nothings on Twitter is worth less than the shit it is if you've pissed off your shareholders and lose money. Videogames are a business more than they are art or anything else.

I guess it's not when you get tired every 30 seconds because you're a fattie.

They do exactly that. Look up gamejournopros, it was a secret little Google+ circlejerk they used to (or still do) use to discuss this kind of shit, including coordinating pushing a unified narrative or issue. 'Gamers are dead' was their doing.

Purely anecdotal, but I thought about shooting people years before I ever played Doom or Wolfenstein

Going for a walk can be fun.

Maybe shooting people IS fun.

You know dolphins like to torture fish by bumping them until they die, not for purpose, but for fun.

We're not so different, us humans. More than half of our entertainment derives from feeding on tragedy.

Thankfully we have video games that we can unleash those sides of ourselves without having to actually go out and do it.

It is, actually.

Considering we got two world wars that don't stop people from thinking shooting at other people is fun, I doubt some wacko shooting a bunch of teenagers can shift any streams.

Hold on. What if the actual guns used to kill people are the problem?

Truly, Jack Thompson was ahead of his time.

>Take away the guns from EA's conference and what are you left with?
Madden, FIFA, Need for Speed and The Sims
Most people wont be able to tell the difference actually

Shit... looks like I now #WetTheBedForJeb

I walk as a hobby.

Hold on. What if the actual people using the guns used to kill people are the problem?

It's not about the guns, it's about how the people use them.