You have 10 seconds to explain why this piece of shit exists
You have 10 seconds to explain why this piece of shit exists
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To make you feel bad for being killed by it.
To make it seem like the game has variety even though it has none
The sound is satisfying and it tilts enemies harder when you kill them with it which has a noticeable effect on the game.
The Nova is a much better buy most of the time though.
I've seen some people do pretty well with it.
buy a nova instead
Can't spell 'shit exists' without 'hit sexists'
why is the MAG-7 so much better
what is wrong with valve
T and CT need to be balanced differently. MAG7 is also more expensive.
Nova + Deagle combo
Stopped giving a fuck long ago, it's the only way I play now.
It legitimately causes the enemy to go on tilt.
Not recommended if you can't Deagle to a competent level, reliably HS from advantage or reliably doubletap in emergency spam.
Nova for middle pellet magic at long range or rhythm method team breaking.
You probably won't get past MG2 doing this though if soloing, the meta autism will kick in with your teammates, resulting in your kick out.
actually you can
why not just buy a nova on T and mag-7 on ct, they are infinitely more reliable
Do you know any good deagle guides? I am legitimately hopeless with that arcane enigma of a weapon. I can force stop with A/D and wait 0.5s to shoot and still not land a shot. Thing is a mystery.
usually do, never bothered with the sawed-off, too unpredictable and shit. It doesn't feel satisfying in any way and the fire animation is retarded.
just practice, use the aimbotz map and set it to full retard, there's a feel to the timing. you'll only get it with practice.
for me it's not even the spread, it's the fucking range
i know it's a shotgun, but come on
yeah, the fucking pellets phase out of existence at less than 1000 units.
no damage, they don't exist any more, like a fart on the breeze.
Is the XM1014 ever useful?
I can't explain why CS:GO exists
I looks fucking cool.
They buffed it ages ago
Have never, ever used it
It might be, but the price point means you're taking it over a lot more useful weapons
as most shotties its a meme gun too, but ive used it to some extended on inferno rushing apartments or banana as t
its alright
You can get some pretty sick clutches with it. Works great on Dust2's A site if they're coming from mid.
only shitters use it
Valve know their market
and their marketing
more than their development and support, anyway.
I've been on an MP9 binge lately. That gun is fucking nasty, high fire rate and movespeed as well as high movement accuracy and it's cheap. Causes a lot of tilting.
And it sounds like an automated staple gun
Goes well with the industrial stapler (new mag7)
Kek, now that I think about it I should make a team called StapleCrew and tilt enemies with mp9/mag7 spam
God I hate the new Mag-7 sound
CSGO? Because artists can't let go of their obsolete game and move on to games with newer and more polished mechanics like Overwatch.
Artists? You mean the skinmakers or the developers?
i almost exclusively use shotguns in CS GO and the sawed off is only useful in office map. are any other maps where it's very close-quarters?
It's less deafening ya fags. New Negev is nice too.
Now they just need to replace the AK and AWP sound. AK is literally deafening and I have to blast the audio just to hear footsteps because of CSGO's shitty audio engine.
>polished mechanics
go shit up a battleborn thread, mate
How do the Doom sourceports have better positional audio than a game dependent on it as a gameplay element?
GoldSrc is better, for fucks sake. The old engine.
e p i c
just click on enemy heads
>doesnt know the baby spray pattern
wow what the fuck
CSS looks way uglier than I remember
I think they shitted the audio up on purpose so poorfags with apple earbuds and shitty gaming headsets wouldn't cry when they get soundwhore'd
>Click on enemy head
>Wait for recoil to reset
>Click on enemy head again
>Miss again
>Get headshot by a P90 and die
>tfw I haven't played CSGO in two months
i haven't played in a week because DaS3
>not getting the weekly drops
its like you want to be poor
I once got a Five-SeveN skin that sold for $16 at the end of an Inferno game. I might play CSGO again once the new Inferno comes out.
>tfw I didn't play for 9 months
>decayed from MGE to silver 1
>ruined my way back to gold nova master in 2 days
>now skillcapped, getting shitted on by MG1's
What the fuck happened? How did I get so much worse at the game?
Haven't played since the start of the last operation. Not sure if fuck can be given.
for camping vents
They changed ranks distribution.
Ranks shifted hard, user. MG1s right now were DMG/LE 9 months ago.
Skins are actually the only reason cs:go is still a game. before that it was thought of as a awful console port. then suddenly people cared about the game. (it was still shit)
>piece of shit.
The thing can practically kill you with one shot.
>tfw used to be able to reliably hold doorways with shotguns, AWP the CT crosser on inferno, etc
>moved into a new place with ADSL internet instead of the 100mbit cable I had before
>now getting 50 ping instead of the 10-20 I got before
>get shitted on while trying to hold doorways every time without fail now
Seriously, the drop in internet quality has made me quite depressed and not feeling like playing CSGO as much any more.
Is there some things I should do to my playstyle to make up for the drop in internet quality?
To make it seem like they are actually attempting to add variety to the game. In reality as its always been in CS there are a few viable pistols and SMGs and buy rounds will always be the AK47, M4 and AWP.
It has literally been the meta since 1.6 and will probably never change.
There's nothing else now though, css is fucking garbage, cz has 3 players, 1.6 is dead and 1.3/1.5 are already buried
I feel your pain user, went from a 105mb connection a 3mb DSL connection.
If you miss the first shot with a shotgun, you're dead.
If you're not, you play at a level where anything is viable. Auto pump might have an even more niche use than the regular shotgun but I haven't found it yet. Peek-a-boo with Mag/Nova almost always works better and if you want to run and gun, there's the p90.
There isn't too much you can do apart from try to compensate, used to play with 80+ ping as usual. It got down to 70ish once. That was a good day.
It's fun to dick around with. Like using the Zeus.
>1.6 is dead
>tfw all the people I get matched with are super edgy and lynch happy
>basically impossible to derank to silver 1 because you get kicked and b& at the slightest hint of intentionally bad play
That has absolutely nothing to do with ping. server location, hops and routing are a result of ping, not dl/up speed in a game using 20kbps.
I meant autists. My phones autocorrect fucked it up.
What does this have to do with Battleborn?
Not him but damn its still that popular? Not really surprised seeing as how when source came out there were die hard players who refused to move over to source. Its almost like Melee is to smash brothers.
>tfw all the people I get matched with are super edgy and lynch happy
>basically impossible to derank to silver 1 because you get kicked and b& at the slightest hint of intentionally bad play
Ree I just want to go back to a rank where headshots weren't so common and people didn't know how to use rifles like me
It's good to defend on cs_office sometimes
hacks or just skill?
Then why can I not find a server under 60 ping as opposed to how I used to get under 30 on many servers before?
I have a friend who is legit silver 1, it feels weird as fuck to watch him play.
People are legit silver one?
because drop on cobble exist
post this video a 30th time you autistic fucking loser
Ranks got shifted because they were higher than they should have been. Loads of people who should have been Silver 1 are now Silver 1.
I just gave the reasoning as to why in my post.
like god damn do you not know how the internet works at all?
I don't know, 3 billion reasons?
are you one of the people in the clip? is that why you are so mad?
>before that it was thought of as a awful console port
You realize that they patched it a fuck-ton before anybody picked it up, right? Or are you actually a big enough retard to think that hundreds of thousands of people started playing a game that they previously despised because it added (at the time) worthless cosmetics?