So I spent 5 minutes on this site and dont want to go back

So I spent 5 minutes on this site and dont want to go back.

Why is the Sonyfagging so rampant there?

the mods are sony fanboys and sjw nazis, so if you're against that specific line of thinking, you're not welcome there

that's really the gist of it

More than here? straight up Impossible.

And Sup Forums say Nintendofags are the worst.

Theres about fifty thousand different concern trolling Xbox threads up, its all the same posters as well, its the same guys over and over again, its insane.

>go to sonygaf
>le what's with all the sonyggin

What did you expect?

The DOAX3 threads were pretty comfy desu.

They aren't sonyfags. In fact, they most sony games because it has animu art in it.


I nuked my account spoiling Uncharted 4s ending. Was worth it to see how mad people got.

My work blocks Sup Forums so I have to spend a ton of time on Reddit and NeoGaf. Reddit is the much better place to talk about games as long as you avoid shit like r/gaming

I wanted to nuke my account as well, but they turned so much into self-righteous loonies that I was worried to get doxxed by them

For real its weird, theres just this one le.phat and Hoo Doo guy who I only think only post anti-Xbox things, like its fine to have a preference or dislike Xbox but this is obsessive

>got an account at last august
>still cant posting

Why is this allowed

please god post the vita neogaf image

It's basically Sony extra official forum.

The mods are the worst scum in real life too.


>pretendos ignoring mods on Sup Forums are total nintoddlers

Funfact: it takes forever to get an account at neofags because they do a background check on you, of your internet activity, before you get approved and become a probationary member. First, they check your username and provided first/last name to see if they can reach your any forum accounts or your social media. This is where most applicants fail their check because they exhaustively scrutinize your posting histories to see if they find any behavior they dont like.

If they cant turn up anything then you also get rejected because they figure its either fake info or you know about the background check and are trying to hide stuff you posted.

So yeah, you need a significant amount of prep time to make burner accounts used for trolling. Your accounts elsewhere need to meticulously prepared and matured, making sure you only post mostly things they agree with and not being associated with anything their staff personally dislikes (anything anti-sjw is the big one, people have been retroactively removed for it, as they will spotcheck your activities outside Neogaf if you exhibit signs of anti-sjw behavior, they keep records for future 'character reference' after you pass application). You also have to be really fucking subtle with the trolling if it's against the hivemind.

The potential for lulz is high though, but I honestly wouldnt recommend joining gaf just to troll. The time investment just to get an account isnt worth it.

>constant shitposting by 3 sonygger autists 24/7
>people not licking sony dick 24/7 and not getting banned for no-fellation of kaz

"waah Sup Forums is full of nintentodler mods, Save me Kaz ;_;"

Delusional sonyggers everyone.

>So I spent 5 minutes on this site and dont want to go back.
>Why is the meme memeing so memey there?

are there any decent video game forums other than /vg/?

no, and /vg/ is fucking shit. out of Sup Forums maybe rpgcodex.

there are no decent forums for discussing video games, and i doubt there ever will be. video games inherently seem to draw the worst of humanity.

The problems are often with the sites themselves.
There's never been, to my knowledge, a large, popular, well moderated forum for video games as a whole.
Reddit is run by over defensive hug boxers or people who are biased as they've been given the moderation spot through the community and here the moderators just don't give a shit as they're just random nobodies. And then there's Neogaf, a pile of elitists who aren't actually elite in anyway. But they have "business emails" so they feel above you.

selectively enforced TOS

mods do what they can to protect their favourite opinions and ban or discourage dissent within the community.

they will allow being an asshole,personally insulting users, calling for dogpils, searching information outside of the forums as long as they agree with the "side" of the argument.

dissent is not tolerated in any way shape or form.

boy, I remember there was a time in 2014 or so, where any user who would say anything positive about the xbox one had their post histories vasculhated and their username looked upon outside of the side.

I mean, fuck that place so hard.
