Let's have hard video games choices thread!

Let's have hard video games choices thread!
Choose wisely!

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I tell the chick that I'd save my child, but in reality I would save myself.


My child is literally the only choice. Chosing "myself" makes you look like a selfish asshole. Chosing "my wife" makes you look like someone who doesn't even care for their own spawn and therefore an asshole by proxy.

>no option to select both
shit tier choices desu

>Why the fuck my character glassed him!!!!
Can someone explain this meme for me? What the fuck did you expected?

Where's the rape option?

This looks like a really shitty game.

The character is talking about how he'd like a free glass of beer at the moment the dialog choice pops up, and not everyone is fluent in your strange European lingo.

people are stupid

>Very funny.
"Fuck you."

What game is this? It sounds familiar.

any girl that asks that question out of nowhere is probably crazy

Nah, it's pretty normal thing for the girls in that age to ask


To this day I still find this hilarious


Choosing yourself increases your affection points with the main girll in that game.

is she into assholes?

Vaguely related but not really, is Eien no Aselia or its sequel good? The translated one is all ages right?

Witcher 2, very first choice you get in the prolog when Roche tries to shake your hand while you're shackled

Who the fuck ever says 'glass him' to mean 'get him a glass of beer'. Your idea of it is even more retarded.

Eien no Aselia is good but keep in mind that the first chapter (until they go to the other world) is complete shit and it is an old game. Seinarukana (sequel) has a worse story but better gameplay. If you want to play remember to always keep one blue spirit in your teams.

This VN is really pushing the boundaries of japanese storytelling here

Rape her to go to war with Hojo without wasting an action.


And I take it we never did get a translated version of it with all the censored/cut content added back in? From what I can see around the all ages version actually damages the story somewhat which sucks.

This was legitimately the most memorable scene in the whole thing for me, it was very well done. Sadly picking what was in my opinion the right choice (superhero) leads to the coolest ending which is also a game over and never gets expanded on - a running theme in that route.

The only reason to pick mind of steel ending, it's because you will finally kill Rin
Growing up and saving Sakura is generally better choice

The all ages remove H-scenes (it's still implied they did it) and the evil route which consists of tentacle raping all the female cast. I recommend playing Aselia route first since it's the best route.

>game over and never gets expanded on - a running theme in that route.
UBW was about staying kid and refusing to grow up
There no reason to show more of it in the HF


>coolest ending
>not this

He did nothing wrong.

Except HF Shirou is significantly more deluded and retarded than either Fate or UBW, though the writing goes to great lengths to mask it



>Pour him a glass
>Glass him
I wonder who

My daughter, and if I don't suck at choosing people my wife would fully agree.


>eliminate a disease that everyone can get
>feed useless niggers that will never accomplish anything
Geez what a hard choice.

yes, he did.

>eliminate a disease that doesn't kill that many people, statistically speaking
>solve the greatest problem humanity as a whole is facing
Geez what a hard choice.

The route in general is quite strange in how it is laid out, a 'pragmatic' route is a very strange one to suddenly add blatantly evil shit like True Assassin and AN ANCIENT EVIL AWAKENS, it even makes 'evil' versions of existing characters (Saber and Berseker). All of those things would probably have worked better in the other routes, they seemed pretty out of place because Shirou was seemingly supposed to be somewhat more morally grey, but Nasu never shows Shirou or his allies doing anything bad at all for the whole route (implied at best) and any character that would be a better representation of a non-pragmatic 'good' character is either made evil or removed (Archer, Saber) so Shirou remains the moral centre of the universe even in the route where he's supposed to not be a good guy anymore.

He was just a sad man with no real way out of a situation he had no real fault in, the fact that he would still take that cunt of his wife back is testament of his value.
And fuck his daughter, I hope she gets gangraped to death by her new edgy friends.

[Enter a name for your character]

This desu. If you can't feed yourself you might as well not exist.

In what bumfuck country do those two things mean the same thing?

>hey bro, beer me
>hey bro, glass me

I preferred Sparks Liner High to Mind of Steel, personally. But both are great endings.

>he had no real fault in
He killed the guy his wife was cheating on him with.

You're right though, both the wife and the daughter were far worse people than he was.

In the country with the greatest army. Pro tip: it's not america

>wanting to overpopulate this planet even more with subhumans

>beer me
Who says that?

Yeah he should have killed his wife for being a cheating whore instead of the guy.

Your choice will determine whether she lives or dies.

His mistake wasn't killing the man but not letting his wife go, I don't see the point of keeping a woman who hates you by your side.
Just take away your daughter so she can't poison her mind and you're good, what she was gonna do about it anyways ?

>Woodsman just finished a rant about how he hates the whole system that Bigby is trying to uphold and how he doesn't care, essentially
>Bigby fucking frowns when the time to make the choice comes
>"Wooow, how was I supposed to know [Glass him] was going to be something violent?"

>both the wife and the daughter were far worse people than he was.
the fuck? what for? cheating is worse than killing someone? running away from a guy who beats you or your mom is somehow bad? or did i forget something? it's been a while and i have a bad memory.

Means we will faster explore space

That shit still baffles me. Do people not use the term glass in America? It's fairly common here.


He wouldn't kill someone if she didn't cheat on him and neither would he beat her if she didn't provoke him while he is drunk. She was asking for it.


The premise of these games really confuses me. If allying is guaranteed to get everyone out eventually, then only a fucking retard would choose to betray. Any sensible group of people would just chill until the choice thing and everyone would just choose ally and they would be out of there after a few times.


Oh fuck off, all he did was stay away to wage war and she felt lonely and authorized to break her vow of marriage.
In case you don't understand the setting that's a pretty fucking big insult to both his honor and pride, I mean who fucking thinks he can get away alive with cucking the BLOODY BARON, jesus.
Then she starts being a huge cunt to him day and night, provoking him to no end until he become a drunk fatass with no self-esteem and starts beating the shit out of her.
All the while she plays the victim card with her daughter and put her against him omitting the details that this entire charade is her fault to begin with.

She was cuckolding him constantly for years while he fights in wars to provide. He didn't strike her until he discovered her infidelity.

All she had to do was say no to cheating, and he would have never had a qualm about her.

post the dumbest choices you had to make

The worst thing about this is that they fucked up the original problem. Instead of the original dilemma, where no one can interact and if you are betrayed once you die, in this case people have multiple chances to be betrayed before they die.

Effectively, with the way things were in that game, all the players had to do was collectively agree that if anyone ever picks betray they will be betrayed by everyone else from then on.

At that point picking betray is suicide, and even if you are betrayed you will not die, so no one needs to pick betray in an attempt to defend themselves if they do not trust the other person.

It flat out doesn't work. The other stupid thing that game does is misunderstand Schroedinger Cat, like every fucking Japanese mention of it ever.

Choices are:
>Get up
>Don't get up

It's the 4th day in game. On the previous two days, if you didn't get up your employer's maid would suck your cock as service. So what now?

so you're literally telling me it's okay to kill someone and beat your wife if she is cheating on you? what the fuck is wrong with you? two wrongs don't make a right and his mistakes were far worse than hers.

>Having sex with another man can justify beating

Yes it is completely ok. Allahu Akbar.

That's a beheading. Don't you want to be tolerant?

Get up.


Yup it is entirely ok. You have to maintain your honor by killing the man and publically stoning the whore otherwise everyone loses the respect they had for you.

You get up screaming "Who is it?". It's her again. She came to wake you up, but you're already awake, so she just leaves.

In this setting ? It is, stop applying current time logic to a medieval setting.
And no, neglecting your wife doesn't authorize her to break her fucking vows she made in front of God.
Here's an option, tell your damn husband to stay more at home and satisfy her.

Just like the kid costantly going

It's not just the infidelity, though. It's the fact that not only did she betray her vows to him, she also did it while he was out fighting in wars to keep food on the table.

It was her metaphorically spitting at his face. His reaction wasn't justifiable but neither was her betrayal. No one is in the right in that quest.

Goddamnit, I have been rused.


No. I have never heard glass used as a verb before. Even on tv and movies when someone smashes a glass against someones head it's just a typical violent thing to do. It's not like they or anybody says "He glassed Jimmy!"

I didn't play the stupid telltale game, but I probably would've been confused as well if I had decided to pick that choice.

Should have had more faith.

>beats wife for cheating
>helps Geralt and Ciri
>cheats on husband for years
>poisons daughter's mind with lies
>antagonize husband constantly
>makes a pact with fucking witches
>aborts second child
>feeds children to witches
>doesn't help anyone

>long fingernails

They aren't that long.

You don't lay a hand on a woman, ever. There's always a better way.

His reaction was perfectly justifiable. He should have killed her and married another woman.

One persons job in there is to purposefully pick betray every time and try and cause dissent in the group to extend the game while planting bombs in the site.

Most the time it works.

>shove him out of the way
>proceed to push him on the ground and break his leg

>Being married to anime
>Having an anime daughter
>Being anime

I'd kill her and the child and then myself.

I can get another couple of you contingent cunt

And here's the numale.

that's not contradicting me.
>In this setting ? It is, stop applying current time logic to a medieval setting.
the setting doesn't justify it either. violence against other living beings isn't justified just because it occurs more often during a certain time period. it's just terrible for the people living in that time line.
>beats wife for cheating
yeah and this is actually a pretty big thing, no matter how you try to belittle it
>helps Geralt and Ciri
has nothing to do with him abusing his wife

Every time tell her talent twice, then back to red.

*tips fedora and nods at you gently*

You're right. The local mosque has professionals for this problem.

Ended up choosing both.

>the setting doesn't justify it either. violence against other living beings isn't justified just because it occurs more often during a certain time period.
>this is actually a pretty big thing