Yfw you forgot to save and lost 1 hour gameplay

>yfw you forgot to save and lost 1 hour gameplay

>mfw I the game glitched and I lost 7 hours of gameplay
Fuck you ff9, I was having so much fun replaying you but you fucked me in the desert temple.

auto saving in modern gaming: yay or nay?

Thats at least one positive thing modern games did. Autosaves everywhere.

With older games I hammer the quicksave key at least every 5 minutes. Usually once per minute depending on the game. I HATE losing progress over stupid bullshit.

>MFW game has no autosave, and no ability to have a quicksave key, and saving manually takes 30 seconds of navigating menus and waiting
>also MFW I quicksave accidentally instead of quickload while falling into a bottomless pit or otherwise have a 100% guaranteed death waiting for me.

Fuck you normie gecko piece of shit

no matter what you do you always are a fully functional member of the society

Hell yes, auto saves are just a pure quality of life feature that should be in all games.

everytime this happens i always end up dropping the game
even if its the best game ive ever played, losing so much progress is the worst feeling

r.eally makes you think........

Nice meme you dolt.

>save bfore boss fight
>boss is difficult
>second boss right after them with no intermission to save


>he didn't keep a safety net save before he started school

>anything in life mattering when we've degenerated this much

>Your face when I'm married and work in the comforts of my own home while still contributing to the good of society

>fall down a pit
>hit "quick save" instead of "quick load"


Couldn't you jump off a tall place in F3, quicksave before you hit the bottom, and then quickload to fall safely?

>Leaving dungeon to save at save point
>enemy you have destroyed 100 times doesn't let you escape and wrecks your shit
>Lose hours of grinding

>save before boss
>cant beat it no matter what strategy and items you use
>cant go back to train


>save after making choice: would you like to go on to fight final boss? you can not return
>was totally unprepared and die instantly every time i start the fight
>whole gamesave is lost, 100s of hours

>that stupid vampire quest for the Skingrad Count
>waiting in a cave because the sunlight hurts
>autosaves right when that one follower from the Knight of the Nine gets scared and kills you

>yfw you saved and lost all of your playthrough

>you manage to save your game just before you die
>previous save game is from several days ago

>play Mass Effect
>have to do a 10-15 minute Mako section again
The game really teaches you to hardsave often.


>lose your memory card

>yfw you go back to a file in an rpg and no idea what was going on

>mfw Windows installed some default controller drivers, swapping button positions and I accidentally delete my 85 hour Dark Souls 1 Save
>mfw this was the first time I was actually getting somewhere in that game

>Want to show buddy your Fallout 4 settlements
>Go over to his house
>Forget memory card.

Well you were kinda fucking warned.

>never save only save state
>main menu
>save state instead of load state
>lose everything

Forgot face.

i have probably played the first 2 or 3 hours of chrono cross 10+ times and never much more

>tfw you missed an important sidequest and your OCD forces you to start the game all over again
I'm looking at you Xenogears.

I lost 50 hours of Persona 3 doing that on an emulator.

>your knock off PS2 memory card wants you to format it

>FFXII, DMC, DMC3, Dark Cloud, I-Ninja, Dirge of Cerberus, FFX, Lament of Innocence, THPS3, Valkyrie Profile 2, Maximo, Primal

Beat fire temple. Beat water temple. Sleep mode 3ds and go to bed. Kid grabs 3ds and uses all my arrows bombs bombchu fairies and spends all my rupees at chest game when I've already gotten heart piece and doesn't know lens of truth trick.

3ds still closed now. An hour of grinding rupees to get my items back or hours worth two worst dungeons....gross

stopped reading there

>not running game in administrator mode means it doesnt save or autosave and you lose 5 hours of gameplay.

>save point before boss fight
>wasn't too hard
>another boss directly after, no save point
>was a bit tough, no chance to heal before it
>that boss has a phase 2
>wow glad that's over
>it isn't
>the first and second boss come back and gang up on you for one final fucking
Or maybe I just suck at Cave Story.

>playing DMC3 as Dante
>load my vergil file
>realize I just saved over my vergil file
>Don't play DMC3 for a long time.

>Far Cry 2
>Lose 35 hours of gameplay

>tfw you have passed the point of wanting to replay the part overwritten.
>you enjoyed the game too.

>mfw the game is great but the developers couldn't program a saving script to save their lives, so when some genius hit a major power-line nearby mid-save, the whole empire I built from scratch went up in flames with no backup.

It depend heavily on the game. That shit should never be in a game where you can miss something by having it locked off later or in a game where you have direct control over your stats and have to micromanage them for shit.

I'm pretty sure almost everyone who played that game did that at some point.

Shit was so annoying too.

>1 hour
Literally nothing.

>playing single player shit

>mexican niggers at my house putting in new carpeting
>was nervous and got warned to keep an eye on valuables by parents
>hide ps2 in my closet in a duffle bag, all my games in a seperate duffle bag, memory card in that little holder in one of the games.
>leave the mexicans alone for less than a minute
>shouldn't really be a problem, I speak spanish they haven't been shittalking us behind our backs as of yet
>they do their job and leave, pull out ps2 to play some games a day or so later
>everything but the memory card is still there
>sit in disgusted awe at how minor what he took was for him, how devastating it is to my gaming
>ps2 was 13 years old at that point and a good memory card was hard to find.

I still think back on it and get a twinge of the blackest depression thinking of how much of my teen life was wisked away by a fucking mexican to have more room for fifa rosters. It still hurts just typing this up.

This. Fucking this. Fuck that stormy city in FF6

I'm still mad.

golden sun 2 was her name.

batteries died DURING a frantic last minute save. you know, that part where it says "saving...do not turn off the power"

never finished and never played the sequel

Who gives a shit? It's a fucking videogame, you play it for fun. I've lost hours of work to pc crashes because the retarded software I use doesn't have an autosave feature and no one manually saves every 5 minutes because its a complete flow killer. Now that is real pain.

>playing Majora's Mask
>make it half way through Ikana Temple
>game locks up

>Playing Risen on release, got into it and played for long time
>Never thought to save
>Enter cave and instantly get crushed by a trap

I was apparently on the third chapter, there's four.

>playing kingdom hearts
>be really bad at it
>friend wants to help me with maleficent
> go to him with my memory card
>memory card error
>every game is lost

> lose 20 hours of gameplay because my save corrupted
> it wasnt even the room that corrupts saves
And that is why I never finished VLR

>Not saving at all times
I don't even notice when I save nowadays, it just happens. It's instinctive.

the Hitman method works great

I never understood people who didn't save every five seconds or so. An exaggeration maybe but I am constantly saving, just in case of bullshit like that.

>FE: Awakening
>Almost finished with a perfect match, Only the boss is left
>Mounted reinforcements spawn
>Fly half-way across the fucking map
>mfw they all attack 1 unit
>mfw have to decide on either continuing without the unit or redoing the ENTIRE fight

And then autosaving was born

>game offers you only one save slot
>it becomes corrupted

>playing singleplayer shits instead of multi
>need to save every fucking time

>haven't quicksaved for 5 seconds
>get nervous

That's brutal man

I dislike autosaving b/c when it first caught on, I always felt uneasy since I felt like I didn't save whenever I just turned a game off. Still feel that way. If there's a way to manually save in a game, I'll probably prefer it.

>Dropped Link to the Past at the Ice dungeon because of this
>Never got past the shadow temple in OoT because of this

Draw your sword, Ramza

>Play Fallout 4 Survival mode
>Play 2 hours
>Still in exactly the same place because one thing or another ends up killing me

Why must Bethesda ruin everything? Its like they have to take three steps backwards everytime they take two forward