1. That's still a good number of players.
2. You're completely ignoring console players.
fuck off stillborn kike
You first, Overshill
So if someone presents a valid argument, this is your answer? Nice going kiddo. Oh, I also don't give two shits about Battleborn/Overwatch, before you start spouting bullshit.
1. No it isn't.
2. They don't matter.
I like the game but fuck off if you think it's in any good position.
Let's compare them with a two year old indie brown modern military FPS on Source Engine.
>0.05 USD has been deposited into your account
>overwatch is such a "good" game that we prefer to crappost on Sup Forums instead of playing it
It really makes you think...
No one mentioned overwatch though
People just hate gearbox
oh shit its dat rat
Console doesn't mean shit when there's no crossplay you fucking idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fuck off jojofag
Hey fuck you buddy
siege was completely ignored by ubi, gets no marketing, no shit threads on Sup Forums shitposting about it daily, and yet it still has around 10k players on steam alone.
Know why?
Because it's a legitemately good game. Unlike stillborn
>legitemately good game
is that only 10 euros
Obvious you haven't played it. I was skeptical too, thought ubishit is incapable of making anything good after raping every franchise but surprisingly siege is fantastic for some reason
Then lets include the console players
It is.
And I predict it will go down to five when the Summer Sale starts.
>playing class based shooter
There's literally nothing wrong with Battleborn, it still has a thriving community of hundreds of players
>buying a Gearbox game
Never ever
People still play Roblox?
Mfw fucking Wildstar has more players than this.
>only 150k bought the game
overwatch had 10 million
post randy pitchford's face when battleborn flops
It already did.
Stop kiddo...after the one player status,shiit like your image is not funny anymore...dont ruins the meme always step it up...see If mega l
Blocks still have more people on twitch than battleborn...that would be better
Siege is actually a decent game
>1. That's still a good number of players.
What's a good number of players?
>even overwatch is dying
>nobody ever talks about good games because they're too busy playing them
>all games discussed on Sup Forums are bad because people are posting instead if playing
>I never played Siege before
>even pc gaming is dying
insurgency is cool though, it's really hard to conquer objectives without teamwork.
why cant 2K into multiplayer games?
Enough to find a match in 3 minutes.
Great game, horrible network issues
Atleast Jotaro doesn't have a linguini dick
That's not jotaro
You sure about that bud?
>234 players
That's 233 more than Battleborn had on Thursday.
Yeah, that's Oingo disguised as Jotaro. I know because I read the manga.
kf1 has just as many people playing haha
hahaha XD dead game
Who keeps making these threads? Who honestly cares?
Hug me bro
shitting on a dead game and the people that like it is fun.
*hugs you tight*
*looks into your eyes*
know this is fate
>Who keeps making these threads?
It's probably a Gearbox intern trying to use reverse psychology. By presenting Battleborn/Sony and Overwatch/PC/Valve as two opposing factions, OP lures combative autists into buying Battleborn to "stick it to the man" and show that "Sony wins again."
>both games are multiplatform
>sony wins again