How come the "Witcher 3 is GOTY!" meme didn't save it?

>Current Skyrim players

>Current Witcher 3 players

>People would still rather be playing Skyrim than Witcher 3

According to Sup Forums, a bad game like Skyrim should have lost its appeal a long time ago. How come that isn't actually the case, and can someone explain this phenomenon? But more importantly, how come Witcher 3 doesn't have as good mod tools as Skyrim?

All this and Witcher 3 has an expansion pack out

Other urls found in this thread:


casuals love Skymeme

>less critics
>Different game

Why bring this up?

Skyrim has more re playability what with mods and all that.

Here we go again

Skyrim lets me play as an escaped slave that is fully clad in latex pony gear. Witcher does not.

>less player critics

>left 4 dead 2 has more players

jesus christ.

Isn't everyone playing Witcher 3 on GoG?

>Bloodbornefags STILL mad that Witcher 3 was GOTY

Because Skyrim has been on sale a thousand times for little money, and Skyrim is older, and thus doesn't require that good of a pc.

>current ds3 players

Post yfw Blood and Wine gets GOTY

This is why i hate witcherfags. Why talk about Bloodborne?

Skyrim has proper sex mods where it's tightly integrated into the gameplay. Of fucking course people are still playing it.

>buying w3 through steam


Skyrim is not a 96 by far, main quest and sidequests are garbage
>go to cave #21
>kill Mr Skellingtons
>retreive item from chest

even the stupid Bard's college was like that. I wanted to sing jolly songs, drink, charm damsels, but all I got was "yeah, go search for the lute" "now the ancient scripture" "please retreive the flute"

The blades are hateful, the dark brotherhood is plebtown -Cicero was the only good thing-, The Thieves guild had some moments, and don't get me started with being a cuck furry with the companions.

Sure, it looked pretty, the improved some aspects, but it's not a 96/100 game

The Witcher 3 is a cool game and all, but can you do this?

3 letters for you


>buying witcher 3 on steam

It has nothing o do with the games, dumbass. It's how you deflect anything people say.
It's pathetic.

Nice falseflag operation you have here bud.


>Nice falseflag
Do you even know what that means?

>playing Witcher 3 on console

Save it from what? 10 million buyers and 300 GOTY awards?

Because you can't mod witcher to play as a loli elf and get gang raped by the entire orc village while wearing slave collar and BDSM gear to get trained to be a good stress relief toy and get rewarded for obedience until you get knocked up just to be used as a milk cow and a breeder for the rest of your life

This thread gets posted everyday. How can someone be that autistic to actually dedicate their time avoiding bans just to post the same fucking thread every day? You should really consider suicide if the only thing you care about in your pathethic, useless life is shitposting about Witcher 3 on Sup Forums


>open-world porn game with literally thousands of mods to change every facet of gameplay

>Slavic open world monster hunting game where you follow a single story and save your dumbass friends from stupid shit

Skyrim isn't better, just more popular because muh mods. Elder Scrolls games are just somewhat incomplete modding platforms, senpai.

>BB is below 90 now

i like both games! :)

Save it from 36% of its 7 million PS4 players from completing it within 1 year?

As a metric for comparison Red Dead Redemption had 10% completion after 1 year and has 41% after 5 and its also not even a quarter as long.

What went wrong Buttborne babies?

How do we save them bros?

>Last of Us
>Exclusive to Sony
>Still more sales than an open world multiplat
>Still higher metacritic
>Comparable GoTY count despite being release in 2013 (GoTYs increase each year)

The Witcher has more of a narrative focus and less replay value. It's still heads and shoulders above Skyrim

STFU about this trash

How do we stop this?

Doesn't appeal to the lowest common denominator, i.e = Open world Babbies


Can we close this thread now?


>One Car can only be modified by certified dealer
>otehr can be modified on your own garage

Thats the simplest reason

Why is the Witcher series an inferior franchise to Souls bros?

>Red Dead doesn't appeal to open world
>Fromdrones are this delusional and angry their shit game cant get 1/10th the sales or awards

Why would you want to see that

you tell us

Stop playing your dead games that nobody plays and become a BADASS!

Why can't Bloodborne break 2 million sales bros? Why did From let us down?

How can CDPR compete?

>tfw Biowares first games were literal GOAT RPGs whereas it took CDPR 3 games and an 80 million dollar budget to make a low 90 metacritic scoring cinematic adventure game

Why can't loli porn from The Witcheer 3?
The lolis from skellige are so sexy

Why does nobody like Bloodborne my mens, I petitioned for an award and everything.

How much more new can you be

Red Dead Redemption alone sold 80% of the entire Witcher franchise and wasn't even on PC.

It also has a higher metacritic

Playing DRM-free. Good bait.

Because I want to experience the pinnacle of existence and find my true self and by finding my true self I will be able to find god within myself and understand the true meaning of creation and existence without passing the line of being a heretic who is willing to out do his creator for answers OR I just want to fiddle my willy and masturbate

I just asked From for a good game and they couldn't even do that

delete this...

>Skyrim is bad
>general populous (lowest common denominator) has bad taste
>Skyrim stays alive
Man you must really be stupid not to figure this out yourself



Why can't CDPR at their BEST even beat a past its prime Bioware?

RDR only had 6.3 million sales after 1 year. TW3 had 7 mil on PS4 after 1 year.

What went wrong bros? Why can't From even break 1 million?

Witcher 3 is more casual than Skyrim, prove me wrong

im surprised W1 has such a high user score

that combat is not for everybody

Porn mods for Witcher when?

>OMg the witcher is such a bad game
>no, MGS, bloodborne, Dragon Age, Mass Effect and Undertale are

Why can't FromSofts games combined sell more than The Witcher 2?

>2/3rds of the series can't even break a 90 metacritic


>100% of Fromsofts games can't even break 1 mill sales



I literally don't even play games to complete them. I have 74 hours on W3 and I haven't even departed to Skellige from Novigrad. A journey is best enjoyed as the sum of its experiences, not exhausted for its brief climax.


This thread is embarrassing

>Witcher 3 couldn't outsell a corridor simulator exclusive
>couldn't even break 10 sales


For the first time I wanted From to make a game anybody but autistics liked and they failed to even outsell Splatoon.

What went wrong

Why do they do this

got it on GOG for less

maybe you should check how many play that?

oh wait, no drm you cucklord


I'm gonna play Skyrim soon.

With the Enderal mod which eliminates literally everything that resembles Skyrim. Think about that.

It's simple, OP.

The witcher 3 combat is a joke
There are no good mods
The Amount of "Deep" repetitive quests makes you get tired real fast
The loot and loot system are shit
No customization
Shit Leveling
Dragon Age Inquisition 2.0
Shitty Magic
Doesn't let you fuck the best girls

It's more like a circle jerk between
>Witcher is a shit series
>No actually From games suck
>actually bioware games are the best

This thread is cancer, they're all fine games

No fuckable succubuses lowered the sales atleast 3mil adding clothes to the another 2 mil

Ik it hurts bros

From has made 5 Souls games and added together don't have as much acclaim as TW3


I actually bought this game and had fun with it, but i can't play it anymore because everytime start playing i remember of the fanbase.

>Sup Forums hates popular things
>except when it comes to witcher

>>actually bioware games are the best
Nobody said that

he did it again the absolute madman

Its because Souls fans are obnoxious.

>They are literally selling DAI for 5 dollars because nobody is buying it
>DAI is a bargain bin game worth less than TW3's cheapest expansion

I cant believe they've done this

Why have they betrayed us

But Souls games are more popular than Witcher...get your head out of your ass

>what happened [game]bros
you should fucking kill yourself is what

>the entire thread is about how witcher is more praised and sold more

Bitcher 3 fags so butthurt they have to deflect and avoid confronting the real fight and try to brag elsewhere

>B-but it's better tha-than Bloodborne souls fag


28k is pretty fucking amazing. A lot of people bought W3 on GOG.

What will enderal fix. I am too lazy to read so tell me

>All of Souls games added together have sold less than TW3


Stop lying and false flagging

Dark Souls has more sold copies on Steam than any Witcher game

>bloodborne 19 awards


See these idiots can't even answer why Skyrim is a better RPG, what's up with all the souls strawmaning?

who cares how it does to Souls series OP straight up said SKYRIM

just admit it TW series is shit next to TES which ironically means it's below shit because everyone knows how incompetent Todd and Co. are

The only false thing about that post is that TW3 has 166 awards, it's closer to 250.

From fanboys on suicide watch.