Haven't played Payday 2 in a year

>haven't played Payday 2 in a year
Did Update 100 finally fix the game or not?

Why don't you ask /pdg/?

actually, don't do that

also, what do you mean with "fix"

Haven't touched it in ages either. It's probably still a DLC ridden 'stealth-or-kick' fest.

I think he means the fact that the skins you would get for weapons actually gave your weapons stat changes so it essentially made the micro transactions a required part of the game or else your weapons would be shit.

Apprently the micro transactions are gone or going away soon and some weapons are being buffed to make up for the fact that weapons were nerfed when loot boxes(TF2 style, with keys and shit) came out so you would need a skin JUST to make your gun as strong as it used to be pre-loot boxes.

Im sure that one of the +20 DLC fixed something

The last DLC I bought was Big Bank. I think I stopped a month after that so two years clean. If I need a fix I just play the original. The cinematic heists are so much better than the day job style they went for in 2. The DLC shitfest was plain awful glad I got out when I did.

Probably, but the new skill system lets you freely place and take away points from your skill tree at no cost at all, and it has multiple skill loadout slots. So switching to stealth isn't difficult.
That being said, I still join games with people who try to stealth and then restart if they fuck it up.
I miss playing with people who would try to fight even after fucking up stealth.

I recently picked it up again myself.

It's easier now, they dumbed things down considerably, builds lack diversity anymore, one person can do basically everything bar one or two minor things.

If your curious about it redownload it, grab pirate perfection and unlock everything and try it out with modded bots so they don't suck.

Still too much content based DLC.

Which is funny because if the game made content updates free and kept character and aesthetics paid payday would be a top teir game.

Have fun redoing your skill trees yet again.
Protip, the game still plays exactly the same as it always did.

Non-stop updates are seriously awful and have killed many good games. TF2, Dungeon Defenders, Payday 2. There comes a point where you should just stop and make a sequel.

Nearly everybody rolls sentries now.
/pdg/'s dead.

>Playing with pubs

The game is way better than release now, but you still need a full group of friends to get the most out of it. You can't really fuck around with silly builds with trash AI and without a "designated shit unfucker" player.

Annual DLC sales mean it's pretty easy to get hold of all of the content without a big dent to your wallet to boot so there's that.

The stat changes weren't that big AND the mods you can slap on them had far bigger impacts to the point you can easily get a 100% accurate/stable gun. Skills have a far bigger impact anyway with armour penetration and stunlocking cops etc.

Not to mention it's still PvE and the only way to get through Death Wish regularly outside of stealth is getting friends.

the skin stats bullshit was fixed like a week after, "boosts" could drop and get them in monthly jobs.

the only diference now that the next gen boxes are free to open, trading and other shit is still in the game.

all that "MICRO TRANSACTIONS ARE GONE" is bullshit made by people with bad comprehension.

Microtransactions being defined as having to buy keys to open crates.
They've removed needing to buy keys to open crates.
Trading != Microtransactions

well arent micro transactions being gone somewhat true if you no longer need to buy drills to open safes aka buy keys to open crates?

As far as I knew, that was the micro transactions part. I actually burnt out of Payday 2 just as that update came out so I havent touched it since but I have been really wanting to play lately. Just waiting for DLC to go on sale before my friend and I jump back in.

I miss it sometimes.
Then I try it again.

And I don't miss it anymore! :)

old ones are still in the game, you still need to buy keys for them,

and also, how the fuck montly dlc rereleases don't count as microtransactions.

Essentially no, they're still nickel-and-diming
people for DLCs, the Ron Perlman update adds the biker heists and Ron Perlman which you need to buy individually. They've stated they're going to make future micro-transaction safes free but that still excludes the ass-ton of previous ones in existence, not that it matters because you can get them all for free with a simple unlocker.

Online matches still suck dick, prepare to get kicked from lobbies on even Overkill if you're below infamy 8, not that it matters since infamy is completely useless past 5. They've also reworked weapons twice now, first time around made everything ridiculously overpowered and the second attempt just nerfed almost everything worth a shit. The skill tree update is decent but it means you're going be doing a lot more trial and error to remake what was once simple builds.

Unless you have friends, disposable income and enjoy repetitive games with good music you're in luck because Update 100 did fuck all to change from the status-quo.

They massively buffed dodge builds to make them more common and viable.
The only problem is if it relies on one perk deck and one armour, snipers will still one-shot you because of dumb armour penetration mechanic and dodging prevents armour regen, in combination with needing completely stealth loadout to take advantage of a meager crit/dodge benefit by comparison, there's little reason you wouldn't just go techforcer.

Unless you have a player in your party who does a really good job focusing specials, and a guy who does a really good job focusing cops, so the other two can fuck around, not going to see too much benefit.

>bring primary of choice
>He bronco as secondary
>any competent build

Done, you can absolutely destroy anything and everything even in dw.

so if I get a old safe I still need to buy a drill for it? that sucks. As long as the content in the drills aren't useful in anyway.

Look, the payday 2 dlc COULD be argued as micro transactions given the rate of release but we already have a word for it. its DLC.
Sure, they're practically the same thing at this point but we would just be arguing over semantics at that point so lets not bother with it

>Can't penetrate shields
>Have to go for headshots

Fuck that, would just hose a hallway.

>Solo stealth is ruined by large amounts of loot bags
>Multi-stealth usually requires one person solo stealthing and one person on cameras, extra just ferry loot
>Stealth only heists

That skill that makes shields stagger plus using auto shotguns makes removing them so fucking easy. It's yet another reason armor builds are superior.

Just sort of realised you weren't defending lightweight/dodge builds. My bad.

Do you still get marked a cheater just for unlocking shit with LUA crap?

Or did the scripters figure out a way to prevent that?

>Play game about stealing money
>Actually get your own money stolen

Realistic or what.

and just host your own game.

>Masterforcer build with sniper
>never run out of ammo
>never die

I miss the game sometimes.

>check when Big Bank came out
>realize I haven't played for two years
>install game
>perk decks, completely different skill trees and weapon stats
>imagine what people would think of a guy at infamy 3 who doesn't know shit
>panic and close the game

As long as you can shoot and not die any competent party leader will point you in the right direction if you act like you've never played the heist before.

Stick to new heists so you can pull this act off until you get good again.