Persona 3 FES

Why does she look exactly like Yukari?

Time travel

because they arr rook same

Well shit, never noticed

At the end of the game Yukari is the last surviving member of the group and goes back in time in order to put the protagonist on the right path to prevent the deaths of her friends.

Its Yukari from the future still trying to fuck the protagonist.

Never played a Persona game before
Can you fuck the teacher? This is important


You get really close
Like if door-kun showed her the photo a day earlier he would've gotten his dick licked

They were gonna fuck but he turned into a door.

>turned into a door

wtf are you guys talking about?

Play the game

Don't worry about it.

Can you fuck anyone?

I mean. I know you can romance and you can imagine with it fucking is involved, but do they ever sort of imply it in game or will it forever be just wish fulfillment?

Almost user
You chat her up in Persona 2 Online and she figures out that she was shlicking herself to you a few days before you bite it
She was seriously considering going for it but then you die

It's implied with most of the characters.

Not him, but I've played it but I still have no fucking clue what is going on.

It's implied all over.

With the teacher though they just got to it a little too late.

Because Mitsuru is best girl.

Same, I didnt really progress through the magician arcana.

Explain joke?

I actually don't think there's a girl s. link that doesn't end with the girl wanting your dick
FeMC gets friendzoned by stupei

Its implied.
Did you not beat the game?


i didnt play the game because it was shit

Oh. Is it?

I've only romanced Yukari and later Akihiko and I don't remember much in that area. Might just have been me being a bit oblivious though.

I should give it another playthough one of these days.

Well. Sure. Wanting your dick. But do they actually jump on that dick is what I meant.
>FeMC gets friendzoned by stupei
Oh well. That answers that at least. Been so long ago I can barely remember.

You only get the implied stuff with characters of the opposite sex. If you were playing as FeMC from P3P, you can't lez it up with the SEES girls.

>Did you not beat the game?
Only P3P. Got to the last month or so on PS2 only, before all the tower grinding got to me.

>why does anime character look exactly like anime character
I don't understand the question


samefag drawing

>I've only romanced Yukari and later Akihiko

Well I mean, I romanced Yukari in FES as MC and Akihiko in P3P as FMC.

Speaking off, what is the go to version around these days? Should I emulate FES to get the cut-scenes or P3P to get the nicer combat and less tedious grinding?

Wat What?

I guess people really needed FES to understand the ending.
Memes can be true.

dont talk to me or my husband's daughter ever again

>I guess people really needed FES to understand the ending.

From what I remember you are your bestest friends in the whole world defeated god by the power of friendship, then the MC died on a roof.

Did he become some sort of deity? A replacement to Nyx or whatever it was called?

>I've only romanced Yukari and later Akihiko

I-in the same run?

Can I suck your clit

Nah. As I said Is it just me or was P3 a bit lacking on the waifu side compared to P4?

He became a seal blocking Nyx from showing up

Oh I see.

Yeah they only really show that in The Answer and the Arena games
I guess they wanted a better explanation for him dying than 'he got sick because of the fight I guess'

Why is he naked. Now he has to spend all of eternity with his dick out.

Girls are watching.

They're doing more than just watching m8


I'm fairly certain as FeMC you get the fade to black stuff as well with other female characters.

I want to fuck Yukari.

>school on Saturday

what fucking bullshit is this

We all do buddy

Nipponese tend to have classes 6 days a week
They never had the jewish influence in their cultura preaching about sabbath

>Listen to me, man. We shouldn't go tonight. Besides, it would be just you and me there. You know, like, Brokeback Tartarus.

What did he mean by this?

He meant his bat was gonna go up your ass

Best girls tend to look alike. Toriumi a cute.

Is Junpei in 5?

He is undercover for the Shadow Ops under the alias of munehisa iwai

Maiko is the only one you don't fuck.

It's something that I feel is worth stating.

Best girl right here
But with stupiest plot

She's a shit.



Will they ever port P3 to the PC?

What is she wearing under those shorts?

A very tiny panties. She's not a slut, you know.

I kinda doubt they ever will. Not like you need one anyway since emulation works fine.

Kek get an emulator kid

But if they port P3, they might port P4, too. And then they might offer JP audio + Eng text.

Why bother? Emulators exist, emulation of Persona games isn't exactly demanding or hard, and it's very possible to upscale to 1080p and maintain solid 60fps. If they make an "HD" or PC port you wouldn't be able to tell the literal difference in the two versions unless they made jarring changes to the games.

If anything that's sluttier than if she was wearing nothing.

You can undub the emulation smart guy

>what is undub

P3 looks really good emulated, P4 not so much

That's the only change that could technically be worthwhile, but it would be fucked in any form because localization anyways. The english subs would still be whined about heavily, even if done in house. On the side note Atlus and Cave haven't be competent ever and are not exactly thrilled with the western or PC markets.

How so? They both run on the relative same engine. If anything Persona 4 runs cleaner, because it doesn't have glaring character shadow map issues like persona 3 does.

No undub for P4G tho

So Shaundi from Saints Row 4's Christmas DLC?

You can't emulate it either.

Models and environement looked sharper imho

I know, that's why I asked (and hoped) that they'd port it to the PC. I assume if they do it, they'll port the "final" version (P3P and P4G respectively), rather than the "original".

Summoning personas in persona 3 was a lot cooler than the pussy shit in p4.

I don't get this personally, they both look the same at native, 720p ,1080p, and 1440p. I don't get how they looked sharper given that both Persona 3 and 4 natively lack AA and both scale up the same. They both use same texture bases and model mesh lines. The only differences is the shadow maps which Persona 3 does this weird half shadow thing. Maybe it's intentional who knows or maybe it was an early fuck up. Persona 4 did everything virtually the same except this half shadow issue doesn't exist.

>Spit out
Looks like Aigis needs some work there. Yukari, FeMC and Fuuka confirmed best girls.

You have access to JP bios for the PS2 emulator. You are more then capable of finding the original JP release roms online just as the NA, PAL/EU, or any other version.

P4G is Vita-only.

It also got very tedious after a while.

In Persona 1 and 2 it was just a thing they could do
They didn't need no pussy ass cards or guns

There are PSP/Vita emulation out there now. And it runs pretty damn good. There's also a 3DS emulation now also so you can also play persona Q while you're at it.

You might wanna check in on the emulation scene a lot of new shit has come out at the end of last year and beginning of this year.

The only thing really missing on emulation now is original xbox and a new emulator for that hit the scene this year and shows extreme promise given it actually works.

Elizabeth is the most obvious one.

She literally asks you to fuck and then "you have passed time with Elizabeth".

>several times in that s-link she admits to be attracted to teenage boys
>she told you that she was a teacher and that the new boy in her class was a "hottie"

She's lucky that was you she was talking to, or she'd have ended up on the news or something, in a bad way.

There's PSP emulation obviously, but I'm pretty sure there isn't a Vita one that isn't complete shit right now.

There'll be a good one someday, of course. But not now.

p3 and p5 looks cool

There is a Vita emulator, it came out a few months ago and runs as well as the 3ds emulator citrus.

I know of the 3DS one, but as for the Vita, there's virtually no information of it. So I assume it's garbage.

It's probably garbage, but having one at all is massive.

I don't recall a vita emulator.What is it called?

I think you're trying to fool us.
What's the emulator's name ?

>3ds emulator citrus.

That doesn't sound very good. Well at least for toasters like mine. I can't even run Awakening without it going at like 0.000001 fps.

Not him, but P4 seems to use this weird motion blur, that becomes a lot more noticeable when rendered at higher resolutions.

It's implied.
FeMC even fucks a shota

>missing the point.
shooting your head is symbolic.
You are supposed to "kill" your "true self", to summon the mask.

In Persona 4, you break the mask, you're supposed to be yourself, you're not supposed to pretend.

FeMC is top slut.

I'd "fuck" her, alright.