Do adult people really enjoy children's game like Legend of Zelda or Mario or is do they just pretend due nostaliga...

Do adult people really enjoy children's game like Legend of Zelda or Mario or is do they just pretend due nostaliga? What is that hype, seriously. I can't understand how people enjoy and glorify those simple games.

>mature games for matures gamers like me
I enjoy games that's all.

It is just weird for me people discussing very seriously.

Maybe that is because i didn't play nintendo games as a child.

Do you only laugh at jokes like this?

If you restrain yourself because a game looks kiddy well that's your problem.

>looks kiddy
No the game is about jumping on platforms and hitting monsters with your sword.

Because Zelda and Mario are overall good game series and succeed in the basic requirement of being enjoyable to play. They keep old fans and attract new ones all the time.

>jumping on platforms
Spider man 2 is a good game. I hope the new one will be good.
>hitting monsters with your sword
The new God of War demo at E3 looked strangely heartwarming.

Just saying man, give them a try.

Can Kratos or Spider man snowboard on their shields, do crazy parkour and style on their enemies or explore a huge fantasy world?

I'm only saying that games don't need to be complex to be enjoyable. Sup Forums likes to overlook the simple and true things in video games that make video game what they are.

>Do adult people really enjoy children's game like Legend of Zelda or Mario

Yeah, yeah. But can Kratos or Spiderman do all that? All that is very fun in BotW.

if you fucking played them you'd find out

I know Zelda will be a very good game. I haven't been this excited for a game in years. But that doesn't mean other games can't be enjoyable in their own ways. Zelda will be good, Spider Man looks promising, and God of War looks interesting. I don't have a PS4, and I don't plan on getting one, but I'm glad they have interesting games.

Strange Issue with replying. Sorry about that.

you know once you actually become an adult with real responsibilities and pressures you realize that anything that helps you get through the day is worth its weight in gold to pretty much all of society

like say if your parents enjoyed Zelda you should be thanking Nintendo right now because it probably helped them to not commit mutual suicide after accidentally conceiving you

My father actually suicided tho

yeah exactly

just imagine if his favorite food didn't exist it might have been a quintuple murder rape suicide

if people are still killing themselves and each other even when there are things that they can enjoy in their lives then obviously we need all the help we can get don't we

so I don't give a shit if you're an adult whose favorite show is Sesame Street
if that helps you get by its a good thing

With grammar like that I'm pretty sure you still are a child, OP.

Maybe because it is my third language?

wow this is deep really makes u thank

Well whenever you stop getting bombed in whatever third world country you live in you can start enjoying the simple things in life and stop worrying about looking like an adult.

t. butthurt manchild who plays super mario 6 hours a day.

>People honestly believe video games aren't for children.

Dear troll, people have named their kids after those characters. You might say "kill yourself" in response but I assure you they've beat you to it.

Go back to your movie games, sonygger.

>he thinks video games in their entirety aren't for children

That's even more pathetic, OP.

Games are games. You play them to have fun, no more and no less. Honestly, nobody gives a fuck what you play, and by limiting yourself for such a needless reason, you're only missing out on good experiences.

Mario is the most meticulously designed game in the entire industry, and they haven't been afraid to rethink the game from the ground up with each new entry (barring Galaxy 2 of course). In fact, the only other games that even come close in terms of effort put in by the developers are Zelda and MGS.

Zelda has nearly as much effort put in, but it's become so formulaic and limited in its design philosophy that people only keep playing it because they're long term fans. The new game looks to shake things up, but I feel like it's going to be lacking in true innovation and/or it's just gonna be shit.

I'll never understand this logic. People get excited for Pixar and Disney movies despite not being or having children. Why are rated e games different?

>completely dismissing the gameplay mechanics and settings because of the franchise name is associated with children
Please go suck a dick.

This. Slaying dragons in skyrim is just as childish as playing zelda.

The stench of Sony is unmistakable.

It's significantly more childish, since at least Zelda is a good series with some level of patience and maturity to it. Skyrim is an RPG built on terrible writing or escapism and instant gratification.

Why do people get so offended by what others think is fun? I don't care about all the senran threads people have here. Let them have their fun.

This. This guy gets it.

Millennials sucked all the fun out of everything
Honestly I'd rather have the no fun allowed Christians back.

>senran threads
Their idea of fun would be better off on /e/.

OP, at least one other person here agrees with you.

I grew up playing PC games: FPS, RTS, TBS, CRPGs, early stealth stuff etc.

I cannot for the life of me figure out the appeal in Nintendo games. I even played through OoT and TP to try and get a sense as to why people love them so much and it still baffles me. The combat is simplistic, there's little by way of exploration, the characters aren't really engaging, the story is the same thing over and over again. The puzzles can often be good but really, I've had more fun with puzzles in indie games than in Zelda.

Mario's another matter. I can see why so many people loved Mario 64 given how good the switch to 3d was but stuff like NSMB is horrible, the literal definition of a shitty rehash.

I'll never understand Nintendo fanboyism.

are you looking forward to freshman year user?

>for children
When this is the reaction towards people saying they like the new Zelda I really doubt it's the Zelda fans who are the "child-ish" ones.

Most lucrative market for video games are 18-30 year old males.

>instant gratification

How exactly?

>terrible writing

I think the characterization in Skyrim is good. Almost everything and everyone has an explainable in-universe reason for being where they are.

Your preferences in games are shaped by what you were exposed to as a kid, but it has nothing to do with the quality/maturity of the games.

I for the life of me can not understand why people enjoy Western RPGs or FPS, but I don't go around saying they're for kids.

Part of the appeal of WRPGs is in the world-building approach they take. If you're emotionally engaged with the world, the choice aspect is fulfilling too, since the choices you make, even if they don't affect the outcome ultimately (say sparing a particular NPC), still feel meaningful within the context of the game's universe.

FPS, depends on what kind.

I'm a huge, huge fan of JRPGs too.

I would argue that Nintendo games are generally less mature and take themselves less seriously, which is fine, but you've got this weird dissonance between Nintendo obviously not taking the plot or world-building of a franchise like Zelda seriously and then Nintendo fanboys eagerly discussing what little morsels of plot/lore they do have.

Skyrim works around giving handouts to players. Yay you got a new level, yay you got a new gear, yay you got a new whatever. Same way CoD online works. It wouldn't be a bad thing if they didn't do this so frequently, obviously the game needs some rewards for the player or they'll lose interest. Also, the game doesn't have the proper artistic merit to back it up, like the better RPGs do.

As for the writing, it's trash. All RPG writing is just escapism, but Skyrim's isn't even good escapism. It's admittedly better than Fallout 3's though, that game was a joke.

For me, dismissing games for being apparently "childish" is like dismissing Dwarf Fortress for being ugly. You don't play the games for the looks only, but for the gamefeel and the gameplay.

If you take a 3D mario and a Sly game for example. Mario has so many ways to jump, that it is Sly that looks extremely childish with mandatory paths.
The same goes for Zelda, Okami and Darksiders. Darksiders is the dark/edgy one, but at their core, in term of dungeons, they are barely existent. Okami has a good storyline but shits the bed dungeon-wise too. Now when you compare them to Majora's mask water temple and Stone tower or most dungeons in Zelda TP, exploring a non-linear 3D environment, trying to make sense of it and finally reaching the boss (which is a reward in itself), is rewarding and needs good level designers to shine.

3D zelda is level design at its best and that's part of why they are so praised. TES dungeons can't even compare, and most dungeon crawlers can't either because they tend to compose the dungeons into floors.
The only recent series that challenged Zelda in this field are the soul series and arguably (because of how tedious they are) King's Field.

>Yay you got a new level, yay you got a new gear, yay you got a new whatever.

I don't really see what the issue is here. Baldur's Gate and countless CRPGs also work on this basis, and they're hardly "instant gratification". Leveling is hard within these games, not so much in Skyrim, but it provides a framework within which the player can understand their progress.

My only issue with it is that it's too easy to become too strong too quickly in Skyrim. I'd like an RPG that actually has a long, difficult learning curve. Where you're a "goes out and does odd job quests for enough coin for a night at the inn and repairs to a rusty sword" adventurer for much longer than you usually are.

Oh well, at least there's tabletop.

>All RPG writing is just escapism

Escapism isn't a bad thing.

Many Nintendo fans seem to play Nintendo games to escape back to a more carefree time when they were children for example.

>artistic merit

I'd argue the environments are less unique than those of Morrowind but more unique than those of Oblivion. I actually like Whiterun and Falkreath a lot. Felt the art direction in both of them was really solid, they nailed the Norse aesthetic in both of those holds.

>I would argue that Nintendo games are generally less mature and take themselves less seriously, which is fine, but you've got this weird dissonance between Nintendo obviously not taking the plot or world-building of a franchise like Zelda seriously and then Nintendo fanboys eagerly discussing what little morsels of plot/lore they do have.

I wouldn't say they don't care, more that it is light hearted in most zeldas (excepting for Majora's Mask and TP). And yes there are people trying to much to find hidden meanings behind simple things. But sometimes the theories can be interesting, especially around the different places you get into OoT and how the sages may be dead. It's worth noting that there are few occurences of double-meanings. Now I don't think most games need lore discussions excepting for the Souls which have their narrative built on connecting the dots.
I find lore discussions on Warhammer, Warcraft, and most fantasy RPGs barely interesting.

Warhammer's a tabletop game first and foremost though, you know that right? It was created by GW decades ago.

I do like the 40k universe just because it's so ridiculously and purposefully over the top (the Imperium is so huge you have entire star systems starving because some bureaucrat somewhere fucked in sending a shipment of foodstuffs to the wrong place).

If you don't like lore, that's fine, but I think it's pretty ridiculous to claim Zelda has more interesting lore than the likes of GW-themed games or Forgotten Realms stuff, or even original universe stuff like Pillars.

I personally love the TES lore. The racial differences and how they create tension are really well put together. The Dunmer do feel like this completely unique group.

I'm an adult and have a party whenever a new Mario or DK game comes out. They're just fun and people enjoy it.
No autism grade story, no lengthy tutorial, no explaining complicated control schemes. You just play and have fun.

Just because I'm an adult doesn't mean I have to play adult competitive things all the time. Maybe I want a break and play something a little more laid-back like Mario. That's all. Nothing says I can't play both kinds of games.

>If you don't like lore, that's fine, but I think it's pretty ridiculous to claim Zelda has more interesting lore than the likes of GW-themed games or Forgotten Realms stuff
I didn't say that Zelda had a better lore, I just don't find lore discussions interesting when there's nothing left for interpretation. Too many fantasy universe try to be fiction history book. And even when you make the pieces fit together, there's nothing left to say besides speculation, and speculation is fan fiction. I don't think they are worth discussing excepting for when it's built in it and you're supposed to see what's beyond the obvious.

I've been saying for years Zelda needs to grow up, not by adding tits or blood or other garbage 'adult themes' but just by presenting a world that actually feels real and lived in and makes sense, MM did this but it was basically dropped for a long time, TP attempted this too but there was too much shit that didn't make sense like how Hyrule was supposed to be prosperous and peaceful but was basically empty wasteland. The new one looks like it's actually trying again by making the world seem like a conceivably real place with history and reason in the world design. The thing is that ever since I was a kid these autistic lorefags who think Zelda is the next Middle Earth have been blowing it so far out of proportion that it goes beyond parody, that Nintendo actually tried to squeeze a few bucks out of these autists with Hyrule Historia and that god awful retarded Star Trek multiverse shit is ridiculous.

>adult people

Kill yourself Sex Genie.

>Too many fantasy universe try to be fiction history book.

Well when you create a fantasy universe it makes sense at least some of the history has already been codified and is well understood.

>lived in

Good point. It's not just a matter of codified lore, it's a matter of environmental storytelling too.

multi-verses are never a good thing. It's also arguable for the time-travel stories. It never manage to fall on its own feet and end up farfetched for no reason. Time travel done right is extremely hard to find. And even 999 and Virtue's Last Reward tend to be extremely convoluted for nothing, even though the first game was a magnificent detective novel.