Why was Battlefield 3 so fun yet Battlefield 4 so terrible?

Why was Battlefield 3 so fun yet Battlefield 4 so terrible?

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they fixed bf4, its aight now, not great, but aight

How was Battlefield 4 terrible? Besides not having any major improvements it was terrible at all.

Battlefield 4 was literally a somewhat finished version of what battlefield 3 should have been. The series fucking sucks regardless now.

Did they ever fix the graphical issues on BF4?

I remember jumping from BF3 to 4 and the graphics actually got worse besides the lighting.

Why do they have grenades attached to their helmets? Easy to access?

Bad company 2 beats both of them, bf4/3 try too hard to appeal to tacticool retards.

Bad company is console shit. Kill yourself lad

those r goggles

Bad company was console exclusive I believe, bc2 was released on pc.
What the actual fuck are you on about?

So was 3

Small linear maps with focus on rush and limited vehicles. Fucking magnum ammo

Enjoy your console shit son

Whatever, I had a ton of fucking tearing buildings to shreds. And the Vietnam expansion was awesome too.

>Rush wasn't fun
Yeah okay bud

>Taking the time to fix anything
Good joke user

I really like both BC2 and BF4 as it stands right now on PC. I haven't been on BF4 too long (bought premium on sale earlier this week) but I've been having fun. Can't fly a chopper to save my life, though. BC2 has modded servers that don't require you to own the Vietnam DLC to actually play it, which is also a plus.

I think one of the only things I genuinely hate about BC2 is the fact that you can't run diagonally. It really gets on my tits. That and the fucking awful bloom you get looking down your scope on certain snow/desert maps.

Daily reminder CoD is better. You can't jump around with a jet pack or wall jump in battlefield

why was BF2 and BF1942 so fun yet BF3, BF4, Hardline, Battlefront so terrible?

both bf3 and bf4 were fucking terrible

That guy in the middle, is that our Nige?

Shitpost or not i wish bf1 would be futuristic instead. But ea has star wars and titanfall already so i guess we'll never see a really futuristic battlefield again


Diminishing returns.

Battlefield 3 was shit
The last good BF game was BC2

There are barely any futuristic shooters, you can't name anything that isnt cod, halo or titanfall. Also futuristic used to be the norm before ww2 craze took over. You are just projecting your own age lad

And notice how they all went to shit with their futuristic bullshit and you want more games to follow the trend. Kill yourself

>all went to shit
call of duty has been dropping in sales way before they went full jet pack
Halo was always future
Titanfall is a new IP

You are a retarded mongoloid pre-teen who doesn't know anything besides ww2 or modern warfare because your first fps was bf2

I love how you are calling me preteen after I said you were 15. If you were my age you would realize future warfare is ruining games and halo did not always gave jet packs and kill streak rewards so that alone shows your age. Kill yourself retard

just played battlefield 4 last night for the first time.

what the fuck are you talking about user

>tfw missed all the issues the game went through from for about a year
Not my problem.

Who said you needed jetpacks to be futuristc are you retarded? Have you not played 2142

I'm talking about the current trend you fucking idiot

Only a preteen such as yourself would play fps with a controller, sorry I have never played halo so dont go all autistic about its features. Makes sense you would hate future though because controller is absolutely terrible for fast movement

Or you could be 60 year old and hate futuristic games because they inevitably require faster reflexes. Either way you choosing to handicap yourself with a controller or not dying already is your problem and only ruins games for you because you are a retard

>tfw I missed the launch bullshit of Battlefield 4 and just got it for 5 dollery doos

Life's great

>tfw got BF4 premium edition for $10

Feels good

Only titfall blops and advanced warfare have had someting similar to a jetpack or whatever. And plus there are games like insurgency verdun and red orchestra that dont follow whatever "trend" youre talking about friend.

>I only play mature games for mature gamers such as myself

What grade you going into after the summer? 7th?

>tfw same but my gpu broke and I haven't been able to play it even once

>Lists old games to argue against the CURRENT trend of jet packs and running on walls and other stupid ass shit like kill streak rewards

You must be really desperate for an argument if you equate futuristic with mature. And the projecting continues

I'm talking about you trying to turn this into a pc vs console thing you fucking retard

>"I have shit taste in video games"

You might have had an argument at launch but BF4 is way better than BF3. High tick rate, free DLC, better balance. Only thing that's disappointing to me is map design and destruction but it plays so fucking well.

BF4 > BFBC2 > BF3


Only a literal child would think stating an objective fact such as fps is terrible with a controller is trying to start any kind of platform war

Battlefield 4 was rushed out of the door to compete directly with the new Call of Duty, which meant it was fucking terrible and unfinished.

Only after 8 months of bug fixes was BF4 playable.

current bf4 is pretty much the best in the series after bf2. a true sequel. too bad it took so long to get there.


>mfw number of PC players keeps going up from 20k in the start of the year to 30k to 35k+ now in summer

It seems like everyone is figuring out that DICE LA fixed a lot that was wrong with BF4, its a good fucking game now, the best BF game in a while, better than BF3

These numbers will drop sharply though after BF1 releases I think, but they will still hover around 15k or so.

Then why would you even bring it up? Out of the fucking blue you start talking about how mouse and keyboard are better? Why? Because you like stating random facts or because you are a fucking retarf trying to turn this into a console vs PC thing. Go do your summer book report faggot

>Verdun (2015)
>Insurgency (2014)
>red orchestra 2 (2011) ok ill give you that one its abit older
But wait
>rising storm 2:vietnam (2016)
Not that old dude

I don't think it's going to replace BF4 at all, they both scratch a different itch. I'm sure a lot of people will go back and forth or simply not be interested in a WWI setting.

I know you have an attention span of about 5 seconds but please try to follow what is being said if you attempt to communicate anyone both on the internet and in real life

BF1 is more Hardline garbage and I expect people will quickly get tired of playing same shit with a new skin and worse vehicles, just like they did with Hardline.

BF3 had soul, it had charm, and it looked fucking great too. The community, for the first year or so, was actually pretty cool too. Sup Forums and reddit would regularly play each other and Sup Forums, despite being the idiotic memespouting fucks we are, would usually pull through and win.


>BF1 is more Hardline garbage
are you actually retarded

>I can't come up with an excuse as to why I brought up mouse and keyboard vs controller. I know, I'll just say he has a short attention span!!!

You are cancer

BF2 > 1942 > 2142 > PR > BF3 > BF4

Why does BF3&4 suck? Because they weren't about playing a match, they were about grinding for fucking hours just to get a gun or feature on a vehicle that you should have had the moment use of to begin with.

2142 had the best weapon swap system, as each one was balanced to it's class through simplicity.

I hope BF1 has no weapon unlocks.

Battlefield 4 was literally Battlefield 3.5

You grew up.

If you go back and read you'll know two things, first that it's not about kbm vs controller and second why it was brought up. Really how bad is your adhd

Yeah, and in some ways I like it better than BF2, but only in terms of graphics and shit, gameplay is still superior in BF2, but barely anyone plays it and I don't play Battlefield for PR levels of slowness and milsim, I play ARMA for that.

BF4 finally feels as solid as its gonna get though, and we're not getting any more patches sadly so this is what we got

Sadly the nighttime Siege of Shanghai map I played a bit of on CTE didn't get released for the main game and CTE is finished now too.

If BF4 had map/mod tools it would remain a staple of the BF games for years but DICE/EA just want to abandon it now it seems, even though so many still play it for now.

Hopefully attempts to reverse engineer Frostbite 2 will go well and BF4 becomes the mainstay BF game with people testing out mods and new maps on it for years, and it slowly grows a mod community of its own, one can dream right?

It will have unlocks, sights and skins

BF3 was the last of the great military fps. After 2011 fps went to shit and hasn't yet recovered.

because battlefield 3 was a work of love and battlefield 4 and battlefield one are works of judaism

I have to wonder why the fuck people keep saying bf3 is better. i played 600h of that blue fever dream and bf4 when it worked was infinitely better.

What are those things on their helmets?

Double binoculars? Quadoculars? How does that work?

The worst part of BF4 is the weapon and class balance. When I played BF3 it felt like all weapons were viable. In 4 assault rifles are vastly superior to everything else (with carbines being the second best option) and there is no point in playing with PDWs, DMRs and LMGS because they are so awful. As a result everyone plays assault class (or engies on bigger maps).

>You are a retarf if you use a controller, mouse and keyboard is better

Yeah, I see it now, you were too busy doing your summer book report to realize what you typed

you sure do


try sniping, you can spot the breaking points in destructibles because they flash at you nonstop

BF4 is better than 3 in just about every way, the one major exception being the unlock system - I've seen pay2win games with less grindy unlock systems.
The maps are better
Commander mode is...there, at the very least.
Vehicles are better balanced by being more specialized and the extra anti-vehicle measures work nicely (IGLA does big damage anti air at range so long as you maintain a lock, Stinger is fire and forget)
Looks really purdy
Movement is very satisfying
Buttons n shit, they're cute, elevators are nice.

I've only just jumped on the BF4 bandwagon, heard it used to be awful.

I'm fucking outraged BF1 is relegating boltguns to snipers and are still a 2 hit kill to the chest

it's being sold for 5 $ right now, and they're giving away another DLC for free for Hardline and every week, until 1 releases

>BF3 was the last of the great military fps.

No thats BF4, BF4 is what BF3 should have been, and thats only after DICE LA fixed all that was wrong with it and added in tons of options and features that were missing from the release.

Most important of all netcode improvements, you can really see the difference playing on a 30hz tickrate server vs 40-60hz.

Deliberately choosing the inferior method might not make you retarded but I wouldnt let you near my kids

flashlights that point at the ground to light up what they are walking on but not to shine in their faces with it

>relegating boltguns to snipers and are still a 2 hit kill to the chest

It has a bell-like damage spread. You can actually one-shot people at certain medium ranges.

You're the cancer killing the industry. Bigger maps doesn't mean better gameplay.

1 shotting center mass?


you know this thread is about battlefield, right? bc2 was your first bf it seems.

>I never played BC2

Panoramic night vision goggles, normal binocular NVD's have a quite limited FOV.
The panoramic ones have an FOV of around 100° instead of the old 40-60°

Yeah, I would say that biggest BF4 maps like golmud are actually the worst ones. Probably because the game is designed for close and medium range combat.

Is that Burnie Burns?

>look down
>now your chest is lit up instead of the ground

Thank you.

>Why was Battlefield 3 so fun
It wasn't.

Final Stand is best DLC

Bf3 looks like garbage compared to 4

golmud is great the settlements have plenty of space for infantry to coagulate on vehicles

How did they fuck up the vehicle vs infantry balance so badly? Anything with 25MM HE rounds just shreds infantry while still having a ton of health or being fast as shit.

There are too many ways to spawn. Back-caps should mean something and take some skill to pull off. Not be caused by there being a couple impossible to find spawn beacons. Some points are nearly undefendable, like F on Zarod or the parking garage on the town that can flood.

The entire game is just run and gun. I can't think of any maps or points in BF4 where support can use a bipod with an LMG and do well. I don't think I've ever seen it happen. This is related to the point above, but outside one or two maps there aren't front lines anymore.

I somehow failed to notice that he and Snoop were totally smoking during that whole live stream. XD

I'm so fucking mad we dont have map editor for BF4

Imagine what people could do with it

Summer is real.

BF2 > 1942 > 2142 > BF4 > BFBC2 > BF3 > BFV > PR

Waaah emotes stfu "muh secret club" autist

Go on, let it all out.

Why won't Dice just make a Bad Company 3 with improved Battlefield 4 gameplay?

They should know by now no one likes their fucking super serious campaigns, whereas the bad company campaigns had a ton of charm to them.

Is /bfg/ alive again?

>He uses XD
>He uses XD unironically

because hardline already showed that taking features away will not work and people will just go back to 4

and that's exactly what the bad company games are, they are missing tons of features

They should stop with campaigns period. And either focus entirely on multiplayer or give us instant action with bots for SP instead of some fucking hamfisted campaign.

>BF1 will have campaign


Did you stop reading after I said Bad Company 3?
I said Bad Company 3 with improved 4 gameplay. As in, more features, more stuff, just the bad company style campaign which doesn't take itself too seriously.

They saw the outrage when Titanfall didn't have a campaign and they don't want that.