I'd use that Aqua demo as a better meter of gauging whether or not KH3 will be 60 fps
I'd use that Aqua demo as a better meter of gauging whether or not KH3 will be 60 fps
Other urls found in this thread:
>do you think Kingdom Hearts 3 will be 60fps?
No. Are you retarded?
>do you think Kingdom Hearts 3 will be 60fps?
Probably not.
How else hyped for Back Cover? Surprised it looks so good. I was gonna pass it off as some cheap lazy mess of cutscenes like 358/2 Days and Re:Coded in the HD ReMix but this is looking like an actual beautifully done movie
I'm having the same issue as I'm having with 0.2 and KH3, the environments look completely fine to me, but the characters not so much.
>3DS remaster
See I think the characters look amazing in Back Cover but in 0.2 and KH 3 the character models need some serious work done
>tfw KH3 will look stunning upon release, but only kinda good after 5 years
>tfw 30FPS will eternally be shitty doesn't matter how many years pass
"Next gen graphics" were a mistake
doubt. it'll run at 30 fps
Who likes Unchained here?
What exactly is wrong with 30fps?
Obligatory to every Kingdom Hearts thread from now on
Since this is the first title after Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX, Dream Drop Distance HD is being treated as "Kingdom Hearts 2.6". Then, Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover/Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ represents "0" since it is the first title in the Kingdom Hearts storyline. Lastly, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep represents "0.1", which leads to Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A Fragmentary Passage-. Then from all three titles in the collection, you add 2.6 + 0 + 0.2 to get 2.8.
Speaking of the madman, he revealed a lot in the last interview.
>—Was the black coated figure the Master of the Foretellers?
>Nomura: Yes, that's right. He's a figure with a characteristic mood, and he calls Master Ira of Unicornis "Iracchi*", and Master Aced of Ursus "Acedon*" (laughs).
Why am I more hyped for 2.8 than I am FF 15?
Yeah, I thought it was weird for him to so casually drop that too. Most of the people who've been following Chi and Unchained x were waiting for an in game revelation though him being the Master of Masters was a fairly popular theory. Now I wonder who's the 6th Apprentice.
>Master Ira of Unicornis "Iracchi*", and Master Aced of Ursus "Acedon*"
I'm not too familiar with Japanese, what would these nicknames mean/equate to in English?
Nomura was probably drunk during the interview and accidentally revealed it. He's probably thinking "oh shit why did I do that". Another fun fact Nomura came up with Coded drunk as fuck and pitched the idea to Tabata (director of Final Fantasy XV) using a whiteboard
Both of you seem oddly entertained by the shit he does. Nomura's a weirdo drunk. It's been known for quite some time.
Do you think combat ready Kairi will be playable? I hope she has a ponytail.
Remind me why xboxfags are asking for ports when no one there plays these games?
Dont know. Its like Phantom Pain. Vast majority of sales came from play station.
>kh3d hd 60 fps
>kh 1.5 and 2.5 could ome to ps4 with 60 fps
What a time but my only issue is kh in 60 fps looks too floaty
Nomuraism, actually
Not today Ponytailfag. We all remember your autism.
>combat ready Kairi
I give her... two fights before jobbing. Against common heartless
IIRC KH3 was also announced for Xbone, so they might want the other ones on the system as well.
it'll flop on xbone. even SE knows this. same thing will happen with XV. xbone dude will buy it. play for 4 hours. and drop it/trade-in for another game
>I have no clue (laughs)
This seems to be a pretty common Japanese dev response.
Because the concept of FF characters vs Disney characters is really crazy? Pretty sure thats why its so popular.
Nomura is a special case. He's autstic as fuck but he's so goddamn likable. This is probably my favorite "Nomuraism".
>Says people probably already know what's going to happen at E3 2013
>Final Fantasy Versus XIII makes an appearance out of no where after not being shown since 2011 AND becoming Final Fantasy XV
>Kingdom Hearts 3 out of fucking no where that NOBODY saw coming
I love Nomura
>I love Nomura
Me too user. Me too.
>my copies of 1.5 and 2.5 arrive tomorrow
Time to get back into this crazy shit. Gonna preorder 2.8 soon too.
E3 2013 was one of the best E3.
Last year was better though
>KH 2 Final Mix 60fps WITH the remastered soundtrack
Nomura I will suck your cock
Anyone attended E3 to play the demo of 0.2?
Have Osaka team finally pulled their shit together and the combat isn't JUST-tier?
>tfw no kingdom hearts on PS Vita
>I love Nomura
Don't we all ?
I'm still salty XV wasn't finished by him
There are videos up of the demo if you'd like to watch and make that judgement yourself.
oh boo hoo hoo I don't have to play KH on shitty handhelds anymore this is just the worst :^)
Literally the worst video you could have chosen. Idiot has no idea what he's doing and never uses magic aside from curaga from the command menu
I saw that but I'm not entirely sure how it feels. On one hand the attacks are faster and enemies have proper hitstun.
On the other hand the combos are two of the same animations repeated twice leading into finisher
I did say "videos". That was just the first one I saw.
The combat in 0.2 is a mix between KH 2 and BBS. It looks great honestly. Enemies even stagger now. It's a great sign that Osaka got their shit together for KH 3
In other news, Aqua still manages to get that leg behind her head during Spellweaver.
XV was doomed the minute Nomura got booted from the project. With Nomura, I KNOW I'm in for a good fun game. With Tabata, I HOPE I'm in for a good fun game
From what I understand from the translation of his note in the Memorial Ultimania, he was salty too.
Here's one with less E3 noise, but same level of play
I usually like their videos but this one was bad. Aqua is a fucking mage which means she's a beast with magic yet all he does is just attack. This was a horrible example.
watch this one youtube.com
It's much better and this faggot is actually a Kingdom Hearts fanboy
The PS Vita is comfy.
It's kind of amusing to me how liquid hordes of enemies in Days Gone just made me laugh at their out of place silliness, but this bizarre mass of heartless mooks looks good to me. Probably just different ways I look at the games. Days Gone was basically World War Z tier of "something trying this hard to be gritty shouldn't be looking this silly." Meanwhile we had giant hordes of keyblades way back in the teasers for BBS. Just par for the course with this series.
Yeah, I'm sure coffins are pretty comfy.
Is that a reorchestrated Night of Traged?
The 2 great visionaries of our time
Wouldn't you be? This was suppose to be your Final Fantasy game. Something you created and worked hard for. Then because of company fuck ups, your team has to go fix all the shit and then when things finally get back on track, you get booted from your own creation.
And on top of all that, he has to watch Tabata completely rape his creation. Not only is he raping it, but he's killed it and left it for dead in a ditch. I would be salty as fuck too
It's cool that they are best friends too and fun fact, Kojima actually told Nomura to make a Final Fantasy VII Remake one day when they were eating lunch
I mean I would be too, it's just a level of passion/anger that I've never heard from him before:
>Message from Tetsuya Nomura
>If I had to pick, I am a person more on the dark side like Xehanort and co., I harness the burning anger in my heart into what I create. Kingdom Hearts III’s current development explodes very much in this sense. Each time, it’s a battle with Sora and co. who are the exact opposite of myself, it’s been over 10 years and yet we haven’t reached a conclusion.
>This battle will surely last longer.
>In Kingdom Hearts III as well, I am scheming many challenges that Sora and his friends must overcome, because I myself cannot lose either. And in preparation for the great battle that lies ahead, we have this one book that looks back on their entire journey.
>When I think about it, I had an explosive mindset when I made the first Kingdom Hearts as well.
>Thus when I look back at all the material, I feel that fever again. Fans who will continue the journey so far alongside Sora and his friends will also recall their own feverish enthusiasm. With that passion, we will not lose to darkness, and Sora’s journey will continue onwards.
>The journey still continues, but I would be overjoyed if you stuck with us until the very end.
Oh, okay. Thanks user.
Basically just cutesy or jokey versions of peoples names thus Aced would be something like Acey
Everyone in Back Cover looks fine until you see their full faces.
What's wrong with their faces?
I think Ephemera looks fine. Better than the smug face everyone in Chi and Unchained are stuck with.
Nomura is my favorite lunatic. I might be able to tolerate less and less of his nonsense as time goes on, but I want him to keep doing what he wants to.
The gameplay in this looks so much fucking better than what we have now.
You could also play as the other characters.
Whoops forgot link
Guys, let's just stop here. Before HE comes. He's ruined KH threads with even less of a mention than this.
I can't fully explain it, but Ephemera just looks like a weird mix of Disney face (like in Big Hero 6) and Japanese Square-Enix face. It's a strange blend that I don't think quite works out. I'm sure it'll look fantastic for the Disney characters and enemies, but there's just enough of an uncanny quality to it.
>Then because of company fuck ups, your team has to go fix all the shit and then when things finally get back on track
Did they really have to pull damn near everyone to fix FFXIV?
Something about those faces always gave me "Family Guy made by Japan" vibes. It's the exact same type of resting smug-face, except in a different art style.
Well Kingdom Hearts is a weird mix of Disney and Square so that just means they did a good job
His face is really round. And I don't mean in the KH1 Sora way.
Don't get me wrong: I'm perfectly fine with the concept, but I just don't think the execution's all there.
DDD looks clean as fuck.
Do we know how old he is? His face looks kind chubby as if he was still a kid
I honestly think Looks better than
Sora? He's 4 by the end of the game in BbS, 14 in KH1 and 15 in KH2.
I meant Emphemera but thanks I thought Sora was 16 for awhile.
A lot of people do but the games post KH2 in terms of timeline happen back to back pretty much though of course BbS/the Chi subseries are prequels and Days runs concurrent with CoM. And Nomura has pretty much said that it's Sora's KH3 outfit that's making him look a bit older but he's roughly around the same age.
Though it's possible he's around 16 now since we don't know his exact birthday.
Do you want to wait FFXV more? If its still directed by nomura, game will come out late 2017 in earliest case.
Look at KH3. its smaller project than FFXV but it got longer development than FFXV.
Director isnt nomura but still his core product.
I love nomura too but he is incompetence director at release pace.
>Look at KH3. its smaller project than FFXV but it got longer development than FFXV.
>Director isnt nomura but still his core product.
>I love nomura too but he is incompetence director at release pace.
What? KH3 really only started development in 2013 maybe later than that seeing as Nomura admitted that it got announced too early.
dumb frogposter
Versus took that long because Nomura had to go around helping other people finish their projects
Played 2 a long time ago on the ps2 but seeing all these kh threads makes me want to buy the hd versions for ps3. I might not sell the console yet.
it's better to emulate them if you have a gaming pc.
Let's remember the good times!
The fuckery with the KH plot proves that Nomura is literally an idea guy. Don't get me wrong, a little of that is good, even crucial for a story-driven game like FF. However, I think it would've been best if he'd laid the ground work and Tabata just hashed out the details. I think the fact that they completely retooled the game to make it into a "true" "mainline" FF is where they screwed up.
It's kind of superficial but look at the trailers -- the early Versus ones looked like edgy shit "from the people who brought you Advent Children," the E3 2013 trailer when they first started changing direction was perfect, and every trailer since then has looked increasingly bland and design-by-committee.
What's the difference besides the money?
60fps, 1080p, mods(yes there are mods), better loading(kh remixes have awful load times, worse than ps2), better clors(remix washed out the screen), and that's it I think.
Jesus, just how many version-point-whatever-ultimate-this-time-we-swear remixes of the games are there at this late date? What the hell are you even supposed to play now to get the entire story thus far before III comes out?
I don't suppose it's possible to replace the original soundtrack with the new one?
Yes? Even with outsourcing, a fair amount of positions at SE flipflop between projects based on demand.
Why do people act like this is rocket science? There are 3 remixes which are HD releases/collections of the games. If you play all 3, 1.5, 2.5, and 2.8 you will be caught up for 3.
>What the hell are you even supposed to play now to get the entire story thus far before III comes out?
>Why do people act like this is rocket science?
>posts a pic with literally 35 games on it