For Honor

Discuss the game, what faction you'll fight for, what you'd like to see.

I like the idea of destroying weebs and brvtes, though the biggest concern I have is
I just know they will somehow fuck it up by mandatory uplay, shitty jokes, memes and forced progressive bullshit.
I want it to be good.

>Ubisoft not fucking it up
>Multiplayer being alive for more than a week

One can dream right?

One can dream. I have hope, foolish as it is, in the success of For Honor. But I know that even in a best case scenario with the game being as good as the hype makes it out to be, and every expectation met, it'll only result in a shitty sequel or two riding the game's reputation to get money.

>Musou clone

>>Musou clone

inb4 this thread delves into /r9k/ territory like the last one thanks to one autist completely sperging out over the chick villain

I wish this new forced "musou" meme would die.
Weeaboo hydra rears its ugly head again with confusing meaningless words.

Please no. I just want one productive thread.

And I hope you can have it with Elliot Rodger ruining it again!

I wonder how customisable armour will end up being? The Knights honestly look pretty fantastic so far.

what year is it?

I suspect a lot of animal motifs. I'd go with an eagle theme for my armor, probably. Be the most American knight ever.

Looks really fun. It seems to have simple and rewarding combat.

I really hope they add more factions and have gorgeous castles to siege.

Personally, I hope for more class types and weapons. A gigantic warhammer would be nice for my Knight character.

The "musou" meme isn't new. The combat kinda looks like Dynasty Warriors when you aren't locked on but really it looks more like the Batman Arkham games with how much your character slides to targets to hit them.

I understand they probably want to make slapping mooks feel easy and fluid but I'd probably prefer it if were more like a musou game.

That too. I hope there's a nice unique weapon and class variety among the factions. Hopefully there's more to weapons then speed and damage. Even a special attack button that does something different for each weapon would be enough.

Really wish they'd tell us more about how the game works, rather than showing us story missions.

There's a samurai wielding a kanabo (japanese club) in the storyline mission showed at E3.

Who /Arthur Dayne/ here when the game comes out?

>there are people that won't play as the vikings

Wait, has dual wielding been confirmed? Fuck yeah

Yeah, but for all we know it could just be slow and strong. It'd be cool if the kanabo had a guard break attack and the katanas had a feint attack, etc. Something to make them feel different other than how fast you swing it.

There might be range differences but I haven't seen it be of any significance in any of the footage we've seen so far.

I was planning to be, but I may go Barristan Selmy or Eddard Stark.

Book!Arthur wields a greatsword, not two swords.

No book Dayne you showpleb

Asian defaulting to samurai.
Really want to see less hud. It gets too clutter.

>Dayne now dual weilds because of the show

If everyone played Vikings, you'd have no one to fight against. Knight here to report I will stand against you.

There will probably be an option for that in the display settings.

Who else can't wait to crush the weebs and edgelords with chivalry?

Relax, friend, the user has been misinformed. He knows not of the Sword of the Morning and his greatsword forged of the metal of a falling star.

Was planning on being a knightfag like everyone else but after the demo showed the Viking picking people up and slamming them and shit I'll probably main them.

I want to see the beta, thats what I want to see.

I still have hope. The game is only being published by ubisoft, not developed by them.




Have they said when the beta is?

I want a middle eastern faction so we can storm a glorious desert oasis palace.

I can imagine the DLC expanding the game to cover more cultures, so probably some day.

>watch trailer at E3
>viking vs samurai
>looks pretty bad but lets see
>female "Knight" jumps in
>alt f4

I think I get why they choose those 3 faction. They're the most romanticize of ancient warriors. You never hear about the Chinese or Arab in the same light. I'm hard pressed trying to think of any other warrior faction that such a strong identity

Persians maybe?

cry more

Picking a more obscure set of factions wouldn't have appealed to as many people.

Maori maybe?

Roman legions. They weren't work as well, though, because their strength comes from well organized numbers, not suited to this type of gameplay.
Arabs would work, though.

Maybe not roman legion, but Greeks. They romanticize heros and such.

When I think of Arab warriors, I think horseback and archery, which what they were famous for, I know that they want to keep range our of the hands of the players and keep only for the npc.


Actually Spartans would be perfect.

They also used shieldwall tactics, but were formidable without it. And it would give us glorious spear-wielding combat.


And you fucking assholes are the reason why. Stop taking Ubisofts dick, you sluts.


But I see what you mean. Culturally the Chinese and Arabs have a lot of focus on individual heroes who vary a lot, whereas if someone says knight or samurai or viking you instantly know what to expect.

Also they fought naked, didn't they?

>their strength comes from well organized numbers
The same is true of knights. And samurai. And vikings. But it's true that we like to think of Lancelot and Yojimbo and the like more than the actual hordes of bodies they were.

>edge meme

We are perfectly respectable people in this thread. Ubisoft is taking us out to dinner now. We will decide later whether to invite them to stay the night.

>playing as the biggest pussies
Knights all the way baby

Take a look at the classes in Chivalry: Deadliest Warrior.


Admittedly ninja and pirate are a little out there though.

Go hide behind your expensive armor, knightfag

If Ubisoft looks like Aisha then I'd say yes.

We're more like the abused girlfriend giving him one last chance (again) because he promises he won't beat us anymore and gave us a shiny necklace with a picture of Sands of Time in it.

>Combat looks boring and weightless
I was so hyped because I actually watched the e3 gameplay

Its ok, I know you wont find actual points, just remember that its a fantasy game.

Then why are trying to cover your black eye with way to much make-up?

The game will be downgraded bullshit with no content and a 100$ pricetag

Go steal from more women and children you little bitch
None of you were real warriors

I'd play with her girlwood

Part of it is their recognizably of their armor. People immediately understand where they from and plenty of legend comes out of that culture.

Spartans like someone said is another. Maybe the Huns?

>100$ pricetag
What are you on about?

Gold Edition version of the game comes with the season pass and costs $100.

Ninja and Pirate are terrible.

One focus on espionage and not huge battle field. And the other strictly function on the open seas

You seem angry. Did the glorious vikings rape your lady, neckbeard?

Realistically they'd get annihilated, but it'd still be pretty cool

Looks like Mount&Blade but with harmless idiotic AI opponents.

Holy shit where have you guys been the last years. Every Ubisoft game (with full content) costs 100$ for years now.

Did you all forgett the Division?!

Like I said, they're pretty out there.

They should have been replaced with Arabs and Romans for example.

The problem with picking something modern like pirates, conquistadors or Cossacks is that now you're bringing gunpowder into it, which obviously wouldn't be balanced.

Huns, Spartans, Aztecs, Scots, Barbarians/Gauls, maybe Hussars, Cossacks, Arabians, Egyptians, African tribes
I'm dreading the inevitable ninja dlc for samurai

It's a video game. why not.

Can't we just all hate Samurai?

I think we should distinguish between combat prowess and pure strength from numbers. To me, Huns, Mongols, and Romans fall into the latter category, while Spartans and the three in the game are in the former.

looks kinda fun for a few hours. its lame that there is only one character for each faction and each weapon breaks down to "large two handed weapon".

Oh, i never buy the season pass but it is a scummy practice all the same

The Division went out of my mind the second I learned it was some bullshit mmo

There is no explanation. user just can't think of anything bad about a simple man with a bearded axe.

>muh paladin fags that have done nothing IRL


>rapist wannabes I suppose

Realistically a knight in full plate with a longsword would destroy a samurai wielding a katana and the vast majority of viking enemies would be musou-style cannon fodder, realism's already out of the window.

will this be on steam?
or does ubisoft have some kind of retarded origin tier shit

You don't have to hate them to kill them. Killing them is your duty. Hating them just helps you enjoy it.

They may be manlets with meme swords but at least they had the balls to fight other men in armed combat

Fuck off knight fags. Go back to modding skyrim and pretend to be chivalrous.

Samurai versus Knights is already a silly concept though, considering the weapons and armor of both are not designed to combat the other.

There are supposed to be different classes for each faction but the game is still in alpha so we haven't seen shit.

right here. that said only getting to use a Greatsword is fucking lame. what If I wanted to use a Warhammer or go Sword and Shield? or maybe a Flail that would be cool.

Vikings were all about dying violently in battle and being generally violent killers. most of their culture is about killing and dying in battle. edgelord is pretty fitting.

>He cares so much about historical accuracy that he won't play as Samurai
>He's not going to the play as the fast speed but low health character


Greeks or Persians would be fantastic. I'd even take Maori or Aztec factions. Falling short of that, Mongols would also be pretty great.

I think the game would benefit from a more tribal atmosphere post-launch. It's a bit too bland right now.

Well if the arts anything to go by the knight will have a flail which is an amazingly under-represented weapon in vidya

>Romans only had strength in numbers
Rome had a strong military culture and highly trained individual soldiers with high quality weapons and tools
If they were only good as a mass group they never would have expanded beyond Italy

Samurai were all archers, so it depends on whether the knight snuck up on him.

I'm just talking about how well they fit into the gameplay.

Ryse 2

honestly Spartans are the only other thing they could add to this game that would work. I fully expect to see a "Rise of Sparta" expansion at some point. I wonder if Ubisoft will keep in the deep homosexual tendencies of the Spartans when they add them?


Where are people getting that there's only one class/weapon per faction? Have the devs actually said this anywhere, or are these just assumptions being made because we haven't seen any others yet?

Reddit please stop posting. There is nothing edgy about having no fear of death. And there's nothing edgy about wanting to go to Valhalla.

>Mongols would also be pretty great.
were they know for being great soldiers in Melee combat? I thought their greatest advantage was their mounted archery skills?

Not just archers but mounted archers, so they'd manage to run away unless taken by a large cavalry assault

>other men
mostly peasents.

There are multiple classes per faction. Each class has a signature weapon. It's implied flail and shield is going to be one knight class's weapon set.