Is Ground Zeroes worth playing?

Is Ground Zeroes worth playing?

Also, Metal Gear thread.

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What makes a game worth playing?

Ground Zeroes is a better game than TPP.

How invested the player can become.

The player can become invested so much that it ruins his life and finances, yet he might not even enjoy it.

Is a game's value in it's escapism? It's not healthy!

It's better than the Phantom Pain, as crazy as it sounds.

Peace Walker is still the much better "MGS5" game than both of them.


so a game is only worth playing as a mild distraction?

is it even that?

GZ was better than PW.
That GZ gameplay was so fucking great man

i have played the others but the rest is spot on

in what way

PW was a full game though, had superb online features, real weapons, and was not confined to one map.

>in what way
-it's actually "finished", instead of released in butchered, uncooked form.
-there's an actually well designed map, and you're constantly in the enemy territory, like in the past MGS games. TPP has tons of empty wastelands to literally run into when SHTF, and tons of menu-fiddling for no reason.

>it's actually "finished"

wasnt it rushed out to appease konami? i heard a lot of options arent in the game.

Can I play TPP without playing the other games or should I play the other games first?

Your life can be invested in a game, but only if you can handle it and enjoy that life.

You should play the other games and then forget TPP exists.

I played GZ and kinda want to play TPP but i feel like it's not worth it but i want to experience it playing it but i don't know should bother wasting my money on it

>PW was a full game though, had superb online features, real weapons, and was not confined to one map
true but it's psp game made to appeal monster hunter auidence

Ground Zeroes was focused on one well designed map with lots of content, while TPP is two shitty large open worlds with nothing in them.

GZ is superior to TPP in gameplay due to that fact, but you also don't have to face the terrible story, running from place to place and being forced to do boring sidequests.

It's not worth it, this is coming from someone who 100%ed GZ and then got bored as hell in TPP before I even got halfway through the game.

what if you arent invested in your own life miyagi san?

i still find the gameplay lacking something.

Then do whatever you want, until either regrets make you realize what you really wanted or you die as a happy man

A fucking demo for less than an hour of gameplay?

Well... No. From personal sense of wroth perspective - just no.

I can finish this game in less than 25 min. A total newbie - less than two hours.

Maybe if you will get on sale for about 4 dollars... Maybe.

Ground Zeroes is actually one of my favorite games ever

Just enough content to have fun for 12 hours, great atmosphere, music, story, unlockables, characters and graphics. Gameplay is fucking superb.

Best $4.99 I've ever spent.

>wasnt it rushed out to appease konami?
up to debate, but that one main mission + half a dozen side missions they jammed into that single map were still higher quality and more exciting to play than majority of TPP, which literally lacks its final chapter, and instead has tons of filler copypaste missions as replacement.

>true but it's psp game made to appeal monster hunter auidence
So? I've been a big fan of MG games since the poor NES port, and I loved PW to pieces. I admit though, that it took the PS3's HD port to get me actually give it a proper shot. That version has so much better controls & framerate.

>Ground Zeroes
>Full complete mission
>Actually requires you to use stealth
>Actually requires you to use your f00kin noggin to figure out where to go
>Doesn't baby sit you
>Fun and enjoyable mission, even if it's only ~1 hour long
>Bonus objectives on the same well designed map for replayability

>The Phantom Pain
>1 hour long introduction that is one of the most insulting and boring introductions to a game I've ever seen (repeat if you want the "truth" ending)
>No need for stealth after like mission 3 because you're just given the Fulton Extraction Device that removes enemies from the battle
>Worthless mother base mechanics
>It's all open world, so stealth is basically worthless, as you'll often be driving or sprinting across large expanses of nothing
>All of 1 indoor sneaking environment in the game
>Dumbass characters
>Worthless story
>Worthless side missions
>No well fleshed out, interesting enemy unit (Parasite Unit are generics, were as Foxhound, Deadcell, the Cobra Unit, and the Beauty and the Beast unit at least had some level of characterization)
>Retarded over the top tech that shouldn't exist in 1984.
>Fuck around with Metal Gear Lore
>Don't even bother finishing the story, but leave the cut story elements in the "finished" main story (Eli getting the English parasite)

It's fucking dumb.

>It's not worth it, this is coming from someone who 100%ed GZ and then got bored as hell in TPP before I even got halfway through the game.
yeah that's what i feared if i tried playing TPP it seems to get boring after first half.

>I can finish this game in less than 25 min.
the main story mission, by going out guns blazing? Sure.

Finishing the whole game 100% ? I double dare you to do that under 20 hours on your first ever attempt.

i want to become one with the creator and not live this prisoners life.

Same here. If only they had taked GS and applied it to a bigger world in TPP.

Saints have often gone into the desert or other recluse suffering to find what they seek.

Do you have what it takes to endure thirty days in a desert?

am i as perfect as our lord? no.

i seek after him knowing i am not worthy.

Ground zeroes in amazing OP. I wonder who skull face is going to end up being?

Being Metal Gear

>Finishing the whole game 100% ? I double dare you to do that under 20 hours on your first ever attempt.
So we can say that about almost every game that exist. If I would like to get 100% in every game I own... Dude... Your point is invalid.

>I can finish this game in less than 25 min.

It's not so fucking hard to get pass 3 soldiers, knock down one of them, get Chico, pass about 4 soldiers and knock 2 of them and get Paz then go back to helicopter.

BAM. Whole game. About 45 mins with cutscenes.

Stop defending something just because you brought it. I brought it too and I think it fucking suck donkey balls in term of length of The Game itself.

It's a fucking spit on our faces Sup Forums. Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes is a fucking joke.

End. Of. The. Topic.

wow... really makes you think..

If you're a fan of Solid Snake games, Ground Zeroes is better. If you're a fan of Big Boss games and 4, TPP is better.

>-it's actually "finished", instead of released in butchered, uncooked form.
Yes, that 5 minute level with 5 different weapons and literally only 2 enemy models is finished.

>-there's an actually well designed map

It's not well designed, it's a generic and boring military base.

>Ground Zeroes was focused on one well designed map with lots of content
>lots of content
My fucking sides.

>lots of content
Yeah, like those 10 minute long missions.

Sup Forumseddit is trying way too hard to be as contrarian as possible, and these are the times i'm really glad no one cares about what Sup Forums thinks and that it doesn't affect the industry.

>Camp Omega is far better than anything in TPP
>You're actually behind enemy lines and infiltrating the entire time like a real fucking MGS
>Didn't fall for the open world meme
>Doesn't feel unfinished like TPP

TPP would have been GOTD if it lived up to what GZ showed us.

>Stop defending something just because you brought it.
Hey, at least I'm not one of those sorry assholes who bought it for the full price day one. For 14€, I was more than pleased, and I did get 20h of entertainment out of it, which is pretty fucking sweet price:longevity ratio.

I also don't need to make "excuses", as I genuinely enjoyed GZ more than majority of TPP. Hell, I'd take GZ over MGS2 any day, no joke.

>Full complete mission
Are you saying the missions in MGSV aren't full complete ones?

>Actually requires you to use stealth
No it doesn't.

>Actually requires you to use your f00kin noggin to figure out where to go
No it doesn't, it's all marked in the map.

>Doesn't baby sit you
Tutorials are a bad thing?

>Fun and enjoyable mission, even if it's only ~1 hour long
You mean a boring and generic mission like the ones in TPP that will only last more than 20 minutes if you are absolutely retarded.

>Bonus objectives on the same well designed map for replayability
There's no bonus in GZ, only in the pointless extra ops that were only there to make you feel not so bad for paying for a blatant scam.

GZ is a example of everything that is wrong with this industry, so i'm not surprised this shithole unironically says it's good.

Zelda cycle memers, nothing more.

>Camp Omega is far better than anything in TPP
And it's still a generic base.

>You're actually behind enemy lines and infiltrating the entire time like a real fucking MGS
And TPP consists of several enemy bases where you are infiltrating them.

>Didn't fall for the open world meme
Yes it did, it's just small.

>Doesn't feel unfinished like TPP
Yes it does, there's not even a cardboard box and you can't even knock on the walls.

>Ground Zeroes was focused on one well designed map with lots of content

This is the problem of todays gaming industry. I kek'd when I realised that that was not written ironically.

A bar set so fucking low that even don't know what to write to this idiot.

Just go back to any fucking game you play and stop buying franchises like MSG.

Maybe then creators will stop releasing shit with one map and three kinds of enemies on it that you can beat in less than an hour.


>Ground Zeroes was focused on one well designed map with lots of content
And people blame casuals for shitting up this industry.

Go ahead. Also, go ahead and skip the cutscenes. The story means jack shit overall.

>but you also don't have to face the terrible story
Of course, because you don't have to face any story at all.
If it had it would have been garbage because it's MGS trademark to have a horrible and cringeworthy story.

>people REALLY think GZ is better than TPP

man, it feels nice to have good taste and be surrounded by plebs

Don't worry, it's not like these opinions are genuine, people are just trying their hardest to get contrarian points.

it's shit

That might actually make it better desu

>GZ apologist unironically thinks Peace Walker isn't garbage
Not a surprise.

You know there exists more content than just the main mission right?

Besides, small and replayable games are often way more fun than large and "epic" adventures. I can easily get more enjoyment out of something like the RE Mercenaries modes than some 40 hours open world game.

>samefagging this hard

Are gz and ttp worth playing if I havent played 3 or pw?

This. You don't even have to play this game desu. All is explained and shown in TPP.
They are just angry that they paid full price for this pice of shit and they defend it.

and you can't even knock on the walls.

Holy fuck I just realised that. Thanks user.

Yes. Surprisingly, MSG TPP and GZ are newbie-friendly.

GZ and TPP are probably the best Metal Gear games for somebody who has never played the saga.

>You know there exists more content than just the main mission right?

Yes. I know. Besides the fact they mean FUCKING NOTHING along with a main storyline of this "game" your point is?

>Besides, small and replayable games are often way more fun than large and "epic" adventures. I can easily get more enjoyment out of something like the RE Mercenaries modes than some 40 hours open world game.

Cool. I had plenty of fun in TPP besided the cut content and fucking horrible story. As I said - DON'T BUY MSG FRANCHISE and stop ruinning industry with pathetic excauses like that.

You brought something? K. That's fine. BUT BE FUCKING CRITICAL ABOUT IT!

Well yes, I am critical about TPP because it's garbage.

I'm trying to finish TPP but the way the game's progression system works makes it so tedious to play. I'm around mission 41; what do I have to do to unlock the next missions?

Fuck off.
Originally, I was excited as fuck for MGS5, because it SEEMED like it would be "PW 2.0 HD".

Well, we got HD, but nothing else.

Finish side quests you have not done yet.

>mfw TPP is my most played MGS game
>mfw I love the fuck out of this game except for the "no-ending"
>mfw I have no face

also 2015 was a kick ass year for gaming, I kinda feel blesse to be able to play this, witcher 3 and bloodborne

this is what I'm hoping because all the cut-scenes I've seen are fucking boring and autistic

>but muh lore

is what everyone keeps telling, is it worth playing?

Both GZ and TPP are worth playing.

TPP was a crushing disappointment, but it wasn't actually *bad*. It's still worth playing as long as you don't hold the insane expectations those of us who religiously followed the pre-release had.

I liked the Truth ending. I feel like Venom's existence helps cement the fact that Big Boss was actually a ruthless pragmatist with very little regard for anything but his own hide.

GZ was a small piece of what TPP was supposed to be, which on its own was significantly more than what TPP actually gave us.

Imagine a pizza. GZ was one slice of an extra large pizza. The rest of the pizza was supposed to be TPP, but instead TPP was the crust of a second slice.

I hope you have a learning disability because otherwise this is terrible bait. TPP was tremendous, I got an hour out of GZ and 300 from TPP without evening playing MGO3. You're an idiot.

Short answer. Yes.

Granted you get it for less than $20. Its not a large game by any means. Its just the one base. But its such a well designed level, that you can easily replay it over an over again and still enjoy it.

The problem with TPP was it aimed to be a huge game but only provided limited content within. GZ aims to be a small game but it has a fair amount of content.

>multiple missions
>6 different weapons
>secret collectables
>various time trails for each mission
>unlockable characters

Not saying it's worth a full game. It's more like the best demo. But you can probably pick it up for $10, it's worth a few hours.

i got 30 hours from GZ
120 from TPP

IN GZ i felt like i was mastering the missions and it was fun 100% it. In TPP the emergent gameplay as good as that is, it detracts from your wilingness to minmax or do fun shit. OP shit is clearly op and most efficent way to do stuff, meaning mastering it takes no effort. And having fun doesnt break the game as nicely as blowing up jeeps in GZ does. The lack of different enviroments also makes me not want to learn and exploit patterns. Which are less scripted then the ones in any GZ submision, the base feels living in any GZ mission. IN TPP only about 3 feel such way but given they are all in desert, you just give up on caring for mastering the game. WHICH is what made GZ so fucking good.

Ground Zeroes was a solid game, but if we're being honest it was mostly a glorified demo. Worth playing if you can get it free or cheap, but don't spend a ton on it.

TPP would be so much better if it didn't try to be peace walker.

All the equipment you develop and buddies make the game way too easy. There is no challenge in being stealthy when Ddod tells you where everyone is, and you can snipe them with a silenced tranq sniper and then balloon them.

It's the entry point for a lot of people. Do you expect regular folks to start with MGS1?

I have fun with it. I play it whenever I'm bored.