It still hurts bros

It still hurts bros

Fuck off. I swear you Blizzdrones need your own fucking containment board. Literally cancer. How about you just so sucking blizzard dick for 2 seconds out of your day and go play something else before mommy takes away all of your GBPs.

Literally so mad I couldn't type the word "stop"

lmao, remember when you guys thought legacy servers were coming
yeah me too roflmao

Fuck off. I swear you ValveShills need your own fucking containment board. Literally cancer. How about you just so sucking Valve dick for 2 seconds out of your day and go play something else before mommy takes away all your GBPs.

Literally so mad I couldn't type the word "stop"

Just play on Kronos you retard

Thankfully Blozzard made the right choice. Vanilla is shit by today's standards.

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??? I don't get it. Nobody posted anything about valve in this thread. Or is this some meme about Blizz vs valve or something?