Top Five Zelda Games

Post your favorites.

1.Wind Waker
2.Ocarina Of Time
3.Link to the past
4.Link between worlds
5.The Minish Cap

Breathe In the Wild looks like it will take top stop.

ALBW is my favorite and I'm sure everyone will be pissy about that.
I just really appreciated the nonlinear design.

1. Link's Awakening
2. A Link to the Past
3. Zelda II
4. A Link Between Worlds
5. Ocarina of Time

But really, apart from the top 3 I have a hard time picking favourites. The only ones I liked significantly less are PH/ST and Zelda 1/2. BotW looks like it's gonna take the top spot by force though.

1. Links Awakening
2. WW
3. OoT
4. Minish Cap
5. TP

Lol. Liking wolf link. Liking hunting bugs. Liking the twilight world at all

1. Wind Waker

...that's it. Even though the other games aren't bad or anything, I don't really care about them.

Actually it's the only one besides the 4 that came to mind. I guess i actually like MM more.

That said TP is not that bad, but i despite the beginning a lot, too. The bugs were fine, i play AC too.

