Is Sup Forums excited for THE iDOLM@STER Platinum Stars?
Is Sup Forums excited for THE iDOLM@STER Platinum Stars?
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>tfw the mainline games never have my favourite girls
>implying everyone on Sup Forums isn't just a secondary pleb who only watched the horrendous anime series and has no knowledge about the games
On other news, Yayoi is literally perfect.
I played sp and starlight syage
Damn it. Now Miura's gonna take another 2 years to do anything
>still no Love Live game remotely coming close to Starlight Stage
Japan has shit taste so Bamco knows they don't have to put any kind of real effort into Love Live for retarded otaku to spend a gorillian dollars on their horrible games.
No, because:
1. Japan only
2. It doesn't have best girl
3. I don't really know anything about im@s in general
Face it, idolmaster is the superior idol franchise and always will be.
any chance of an english subbed asia version?
no because I don't have ps4
I play starlight stage though
Only Chinese and Korean versions have been announced so far and the game will be released in only a month from now, so it's very unlikely
I'm looking forward to it, but its not like i can play it.
>being excited for a new game in a series that's never seen an international release
I'd sign it, but it's closed...
Shiny Festa
>never seen an international release
Man, I really want to fuck Yayoi.
RIP Berserk, again.
sure i guess.
Yes. I preordered it a while back.
This morning I saw pic related had a price cut so I ordered that shit and now I'm waiting for it to arrive.
I still have a few EX missions left to finish in OFA also, slowly working on that from time to time.
>No simulator elements
At least Takane and Makoto still look and sound good
I'm not sure how the new gameplay works but I hope there's still some kind of strategy like in the previous games and not just a regular old rhythm game with Imas songs.
Like give me character specific burst effects at the very least.
Is there a game where you can bully puchidols?
There are still simulator elements
You can still do jobs and what looks like a visual lesson is shown in
May I ask where you saw that price cut?
Oh, by the way, you can do medleys now too
>Ready + Change will soon be possible to do in an iM@S game
>mfw this is the closest thing I can get for a Haruka-Takane duet
There's also the very first part of Happy Christmas too, I guess
It was a limited deal on Play Asia.
I got an email saying the price had dropped when I woke up this morning and checked to see there was only 1 copy left on sale so I grabbed it.
The price is back to normal now.
>Berserk game gets delayed
The only reason for me to buy the ps4 is that game.
No. It means no berserk chapters for 6 months to a year.
I'm confused can't you get a Haruka-Takane duet from any song in the game?
I feel like i should get blue edition, but it would probably be pointless since i haven't finished red yet.
>in game
I want a 5-minute long M@STER
The choice was mostly made for me since blue was on offer and red wasn't, but that said I think I would prefer blue anyway.
I like the old songs but I only got into this series recently so I like that lineup more.
Also Leon isn't in red.
>my favorite song doesn't make it into the 10th anniversary celebration spin-off/crossover game
>Olympus Tier
>Not an idol but a Goddess tier
>Top tier
>Low tier
>Not the main cast / trash tier
Cinderella girls
>No one gives a shit tier
Million live
>Not the main cast / trash tier
I like them, way more varied and some of them really feel like they're made for me.
Why those two in particular?
Not really an achievement, considering that's the whole point of the mobile game
>implying you play the mobage
No real reason. Just end up really liking both of them the most and one of the VA too much
CG is more variable but has higher tier girls than 765, ie. Kaede, Anya, Koume, etc. Beating dead horses is diagnostic of spectrum disorder.
>le no one is allowed to dislike me Mary Sue character
I would be playing that shit right now on my phone if it isn't such a bitch to get into the nip app store.
>not Olympus
Tell that to Tonari ni
You know who's perfect? Project Fairy when they're still rivals
Call me when they release a spinoff which features prostituting the idols to faceless fat bald businessmen for PC.
With original voice actors of course.
This is why no one wants to hire you as a game dev, user
It's not difficult. If on ios, make a jap account, on android download the apk. There's guides out there if you need them.
>Starlight Stage songs on Pro difficulty are nearly unbeatable because my piece of shit phone stops registering taps when I have to do them too fast
>Setting to 2D doesn't even help
Kill me dead
What do you think of this one?
I really like it.
Mate, c'mon.
Im sure there's at least one or two eroge about that already.
Alright thanks, I will keep that in mind next time I feel like making an effort to play that and GB on my phone.
How did they get Miki's hair so fluffy?
Yeah but not with the idolm@ster cast including original VAs, that part is very important.
Half of them have done eroge, just find the moans and cut it out then make your own game.
Just get some animation with custom model and grab their voice from an eroge, dude
That's how I roll sometimes
I recently watched the 2015 concert and they all seemed old and tired.
Is Imas going downhill?
They'll soon get replaced by ML and CG
I'll lose interest then.
The 9th anniversary concert with just 765P+Leon is my favorite one.
CG and ML are just too much, I can't care about all of them.
Well it's been 10 years. Personally, I Want them to give way to a new generation. Moving on to Next Life is the best way to keep thing fresh instead of restarting the same Brand New Day for x amount of time. Making ML and the 765 have relations is a good way to do it I think, so you can ease up the new girls to people who are still attached to original casts.
But you know people doesn't like Change
To care about all of them would only burn yourself out. Try to find several that appeal to you and keep track of them.
It's fine, I guess. Never been a big fan of Start Star
I just like Takane's interrupt.
Oh you
Ah, fair enough
Yeah, but are there going to be any good DLC characters?
Who is that whore and where are my twins?
No CG no buy.
After the disappointment that was All for One, not really.
is it made by platinum?
No it's Star Platinum
But 765Pro need your help!
Don't you want to raise them to become top idols again?
Star Platinum?