Crack gets past loading and into the menu. Soon

Crack gets past loading and into the menu. Soon.

>poorcucks are STILL waiting for cracks
Thank you, based Denuvo.

holy shit
they got to the menu

You know, I expected the people who do this sort of work to at least have proper spelling

Reminder that denuvo is cracked and will be blown open 100 percent in two months, tanking stock of affected companies.

The Jews did it, cannot say more.

there's no uncrackable protection and this is just another reminder

Enjoy your game maybe a couple months. It's a real fun game and the metal track fits the mood of the battle.

lmao you still haven't played the new doom? are you not over it by now, or if you were so interested, just brought it?

haha brasil is nuts, what a continent Mark.

>what is diablo 3

it's 2016. only chinese and russian crack games now,