Crack gets past loading and into the menu. Soon

Crack gets past loading and into the menu. Soon.

>poorcucks are STILL waiting for cracks
Thank you, based Denuvo.

holy shit
they got to the menu

You know, I expected the people who do this sort of work to at least have proper spelling

Reminder that denuvo is cracked and will be blown open 100 percent in two months, tanking stock of affected companies.

The Jews did it, cannot say more.

there's no uncrackable protection and this is just another reminder

Enjoy your game maybe a couple months. It's a real fun game and the metal track fits the mood of the battle.

lmao you still haven't played the new doom? are you not over it by now, or if you were so interested, just brought it?

haha brasil is nuts, what a continent Mark.

>what is diablo 3

it's 2016. only chinese and russian crack games now,

Trash game

Im legitly asking this

Who the fuck wants this shit? Its not even worth to waste free bandwith on it. Literally ALL denuvo games are shit. Im not saying denuvo is the problem but simply all past released games are crap that they are not even worth buying for free.

That is also uncracked.

Played it on PS3

Fucking kusoge like the first 2

>buying for free

That's not DRM.
It's literally hiding files in a foreign computer.

The console versions work fine offline, and one could theoretically port the values hidden on Blizz's servers from those versions.

>there's no uncrackable protection

Holy shit, there are still people who haven't played this? Oh wait, it's the poorfags.

>they will eventually crack it
>by that time everyone will have forgot the game already
>they will have to start from scratch for another game
>pic related

the best way to beat piracy is to render it more of a hassle than the legit product: they're doing that and it's working.

> t. buys 1 game a month

might as well list every MMO then, since D3 is set up to work as one, with lots of things being server side, like enemy spawns, drop chances all sorts of shit

in the early days when people were trying to crack it, D3 was playable offline, but it just needs too many things from their servers to work properly

Is it uncrackable protection? It is.

just fucking buy the fucking game on a key reseller site for 25 fucking bucks you goddamn cheap jews
jesus fucking christ

Hey Todd

I literally mean it. If someone from the devs came up to me handed me the game for free I would not accept it. Theres so much better ways to waste time without any sense

Being a pain in the ass isn't uncrackable.
That's like saying a car is unfixable because one pressure switch goes out that is responsible for your cars idle that just so happens to be UNDER your engine case, so you have to remove the exhaust and potentially disconnect and lift the motor to replace it.

Fuck you ford.

you people are fucking pathetic.
literally unironically end yourselves.

Least expensive I could find was 35. Still a decent price.

Nice bloodborne meme lad. Is that the only game you have on PS4?

Woah, nice implications there, my man.

l-literally not fair

>Literally every game in 2017 will have Denuvo due to it's success
>Including the next TES game

What will you poorfags play then? It is time to get a job you neetlords.

After this they need to get on total warhammer in time for skaven.

>one of the only games in recent years that actually warrants a buy
Just fucking buy it already, ffs

I work two jobs, except I live in eastern Europe. Steam still charges western prices for games, so one game takes like 1/4 of my salary. I didn't choose the slav life.

>Eastern Europe
Wew, lad, I'm so sorry for you.

Regards, the god-tier nordic countries.

>buy a shitty game


Rarely venture outside of old libraries as it is, especially with PC. It'll be hard keeping up with Sup Forums but I'm sure I'll manage

It's possible to get really nice money by choosing a job that pays well, even in third world shithole that is eastern europe.

>people actually care about nu-doom

Holy shit, I hate Sup Forums so much. This place is pure cancer these days.

stop associating my image with weebshit, dreamboi

I have no idea why people think it's so good. It's got all of the tropes of any generic modern FPS that would typically get shat on had it not hid behind the title of "Doom".

Your grammar is that of an idiot, which just makes it funnier when you try to insult another country.

>Sup Forums hates piracy now
>Sup Forums love to give the jew more money

>Funding the gaming industry =/= Jew driven NWO

>paying 60 bux for a game, the bulk of which will go to the fucking publisher and not the developer
>not yiddish practice at its finest

oy vey arne, dose goyim sure are uppity today

Maybe when the patch comes out at the end of the month I'll be able to actually play it.

>giving money to AAA publishers that 80% of the time do a shit work.

they will update denuvo and than we will need to wait another year for our "new" games.

>funding an industry that only delivers one good game every 2 years
>DLC, season passes, unfinished games on release and paid online are a thing

Nope, let this industry crash, burn and leave all these talentless hacks at EA, Activision, Ubisoft, etc. without jobs.

Denial is a harsh mistress

good goyim

t. poorcuck

As a programmer, let me tell you a trade secret. You don't actually have to be able to spell anything, you just have to be able to spell it wrong the same way every time. When people bitch about being unable to read your code tell them it's an esoteric design choice.

t. moralcuck
Go be irrelevant somewhere else.

>I have bad taste

good for you, enjoy shit-doom.

I just don't want Denuvo on my computer. I'd love to buy it but having Denuvo infest my computer afterwards like a malicious virus just is not ok.

>waiting for cracks
>not using the steam share exploit and activating the game for $2

Uhm Sup Forumsbabs?!

>game gets Denuvo
>forgotten days after release

i only want games to be cracked for historic/archival purposes

it'd be great if games could remain unpirated for 1-2 years after release

Was 30 on g2a on release before anyone played it. Within a couple days shot up to around 35. I nabbed my copy when it was around 32. Worth it.

>it'd be great if games could remain unpirated for 1-2 years after release
That means developers will get more money, and that's not something I want considering there's barely any good developer left in the industry.

I always buy keys on G2A.
Cheaper, and my money goes to some based slav instead of some dev team.

>being this retarded

holy shit

Because you have not played it due to denuvo. I figured it was going to be meh at best until I played it.

>says that in a thread about a game with denuvo days after release

developers dont get paid if your dont buy the game

A thread about a crack of that game.
Doom threads died weeks ago.
Mirrors Edge Catalyst barely got any, nobody remembers Rise of the Tomb Raider or Far Cry Primal exists, Just Cause 3 was laughable.

except I played it on steam family share and it's sub-par, uninspired, and generic. it's a shallow game lacking any sort of depth hiding behind the title "doom".

>mfw I'm a NEET with little to no money
>mfw I still support the "industry" and buy games on Steam, Origin, Uplay, GOG etc.

you're a complete idiot and a very minuscule yet still important part of why the industry is such turds, congratulations

Yes they do, you think devs work for years for free and they get paid at thee end?
The ones who don't get paid if you don't buy the game is the publisher.

How can you know so little about this?

And knowing this, why would anyone want to support EA or so?


>try the Demo
>its 20$ indie game with AAA graphic

its good but kinda overhyped, this is why we need piracy, to avoid buyer remorse

Your face when you support a dead industry is a random anime pic?

yeah because I don't buy every generic hallway shooter with shit linear level design I'm part of the problem

gain self-awareness

And install denuvo on your computer?
Actually paying money to install malicious code onto your computer?

How about no.

This. My fake keeps crashing at level 3


Does Denuvo affect me if I legitimately buy my games?

>doesn't understand how new tech works
>thinks it's a boogieman

You've now become the dad that would complain about installed games slowing down his pc.

anyone want to fill me in on what Denuvo is? sounds horrible.

>developers dont get paid if your dont buy the game

>m-muh malicious code
i have plenty of denuvo games installed and my pc works exactly as it did before you autistic retarded wannabe know-it-all


you fail to explain how pirating their games is anything other than petty revenge.

you hate ea? ignore their games


Give me a reason to support modern industry.

You really think the only thing malicious code can be used for is to slow down your PC or make it otherwise unusable?

Enjoy your shit being mined for data against your will, goyim. Hope you don't like privacy.

I didn't explain that because your didn't ask me to explain it, you just came with that now.
And it's not petty revenge, I just don't want to support anti-consumer practices or companies, which is 90% of this industyr right now.

Google it you fucking nunce

>implying i care about other people knowing my disgusting fetishes

I have no idea why they put the first level in the demo and not something like Foundry

Denuvo is unquestionably shady as fuck. Even if you uninstall your precious Denuvo games, that won't actually remove Denuvo from your computer. You'll still have Denuvo files infest your system.

Performance wise? None.

I don't support gaming because no developer aside from a few like CDPR respect their consumers.
That's all, the only way for this industry to go back to being good is to let it die, crash and burn, and have EA, Activision, Ubisoft and all these big publishers die.

You're gonna have to elaborate man

I love a good conspiracy

this is so emberassing

>royalties, performance bonuses and followup business don't exist

if you want to pirate shit, go ahead, but don't construct a robin hood story to make yourself feel better

Don't lie about devs not getting paid either.
Also, bonuses are not a given, they are a reward for doing a good job, if you want it, work for it lazy fucks.