Alright Sup Forums, which franchise was the best?

Alright Sup Forums, which franchise was the best?

Other urls found in this thread:

Ratchet and Clank based purely on nostalgia.

Five nights at Freddy's

Jak > Sly >>>>>> Ratchet

Jack and Dexter

Ratchet has the best formula, and Jak became a joke after the first game.

Seriously, if Jak 2 came out today, it would be ridiculed just as much as DmC.

Ratchet and Clank of course, the rest is pure shit

Ratchet > Sly >>>>>> Jak

Jak 3 is one of my GOAT


R&C, but Tools of Destruction and Crack in Time are seriously 100% shit. They are irredeemably bad.

Ratchet for shooter gameplay.
Sly for stealthy gameplay.
Jak is a lesser Ratchet for 2 and 3, 1 is a good game overall. They all hold a spot in m heart.

The one that's still alive.

Fuck off Reddit/Summer

Ratchetfags need to be gassed
Ratchet has always had shit controls, boring levels, and cringeworthy "jokes"


Ratchet, while Sly and Jak may have better games they also have far less games

Call of Duty?

There are barely any jokes at all. It's just just amusing circumstances. They don't really set up a joke, stuff just happens. It's completely fine.

Speaking of summer

There are 4 great Sly games, 4 great Jak games, and 0 great Ratchet and Clank games


Reminder that Sly 3 did ships at least a full seven years earlier than AssCreed.

Ape Escape

>Crack in Time

The fuck? ToD is trash I agree but CiT is great fun, drops the cringey teen vibe the other sequels went for and goes back to being an entertaining kids game.

I don't like R&C as much as J&D and Sly, but it never had shit controls, boring levels, and cringeworthy "jokes".

>Look, plumber's crack!
xD butts!
Reddit and Clank has never been humorous.
>Captain Qwark is being stupid! Lmao!

i like all but jak is best for me

The first R&C is pretty good. When they removed the platforming and focused just on the cuhraaazy guns then it went to shit.

Jak and Daxter > Sly > Ratchet > Jak 2 & 3

Ratchet and Clank of course.

All are good.

Ratchet and Clank gives me the best nostalgia, so i vote for that.

Fite meh



This needs to stop.

>Worst weapons in entire series
>Horrible amounts of filler
>Worst "New concept but never reaching full potential" in the entire series
>Pointless space battles that are easy (filler)
>"EPIC" story that is the worst cliche drek I have ever seen in a video game, hands down
>Terrible characters
>So many bugs it was shocking due to how polished every game has been
>Taking the same brief cut-scene technique from the older games and putting "plot and characterization" into them. Too short to accomplish anything and made worse by the writing
>Lame weapon mods
>Terrible levels, not a single fun one
>Clank sections interrupt at worst times, ruining pacing and my desire to play more. "Looking forward to using my new wea- Clank section.
>Clank's time puzzles fall victim to "New concept but never reaching full potential"
>Planet time mini game was pointless and interrupted by too many tutorials. After the apparent tutorial trials, you never do it again
>Mary Sue up the ass
>General is a retard
>Nefarious' motives are non-existent
>Referential humor dating the game
>Worst music with no constancy or direction
>Pointless radio
>Camera on moon/sphere challenges
>Worst arena
>No good bosses
Good things
>Throwing wrench without having to crouch
>Getting to play levels with Quark
>Clank time puzzle concept

Probably more bad I am forgetting. This game is ass. Tools of Destruction was shit, this in on another level.

Just like your father...
You remind me of your father

The entire series was about Ratchet and Clank getting into crazy adventures. At no point did Ratchet ever care about his past and why should he? The writing is just miserably bad.

>Hey Clank look, plumber's crack
>What did you just say?
>Oh hey the plumbers back!
>Alright wise guy
>Excuse me sir, but are you not aware the planet is under attack? Why have you not left yet?
>Socio-economic disparity.
>He means he does not have enough bolts

Yeah, real kiddy stuff and low brow. That is just good humor and concise writing that have subtext of character development.

Also your comment about Quark is just stupid and I don't have the time or patience to try and convince you otherwise.


Ratchet definitely.
Jak was good for one game, then just tried to be a million different things and succeeded at none of them.
Sly was also good.

Sly. I loved the atmosphere far more than the other two. I'll fully admit it had dumb and cringey jokes, but thieves are cool as shit. I also love the police officer being in love with the criminal trope and it's painfully underused.

Is the correct answer.

Crack in time was a fucking amazing game. Best in the franchise.

Jak II > Jak and Daxter >>>>> Jak 3
Stop this fucking meme right now.
Jak 2 took the base game from Jak 1 and did nothing but improve and add to it. The base platforming is still the biggest element in the game, but they added guns to make the combat deeper than "press Square"
The vehicles served their purpose and were then made better in Jak 3.

god damn i was crushing on all the chicks in jak games back then

One thing Jak 2 and 3 did a lot better than any of the Ratchet & Clank games was how they tied the mobility of melee combat better into guns. You could punch and fire at the same time (f.ex. to close in with the shotgun), or combine the spin kick into shooting everywhere. Combining the gravity gun with spin kick and ricocheting bullets in 3 was fun as fuck.

Compare that to R&C where the weak wrench feels more like a beginner tool / novelty weapon that gets quickly phased out by proper weaponry, and you can't really fight melee and shoot at the same time. It's either melee OR strafing. Only time you saw yourself using it was during specific wrench-only arena challenges or just for the heck of it.

Don't forget

>Jak 2 took the base game from Jak 1 and did nothing but improve and add to it.
Kill yourself

Ratchet & Clank's humour has aged well. Jak & Daxter's is absolutely cringeworthy

Sly was by far the best. Jak was good but probably the most thematically inconsistent franchise ever and Ratchet never felt like innovating besides adding more retarded weapons (also still good)

>Sly and Jak have awful vehicle sections that make the games actually worse, they should've been fucking scrapped to focus on the god damn platforming
>the vehicles and minigames of the Ratchet games are mostly bearable outside of some Dreadzone missions and the first games hacker bullshit
Holy fuck I'm glad the PS2 era is over, nobody shoves bullshit unpolished glitchy terrible side activities that use new controls into their games for the sake of variety anymore and thank god for that. When I buy a fucking stealth platformer I want a god damn stealth platformer, not flying RC cars, plane fighting and bouncing around as a ball

No, you kill yourself
The only people that think Jak 1 is better than Jak 2 are people that played up until I'M GONNA KILL PRAXIS and then never played again.


>Jak 2 took the base game from Jak 1 and did nothing but improve and add to it
Everything added was shit.

> but they added guns to make the combat deeper than "press Square"
The combat wasn't half of the game in Jak 1. They chose to shift focus to combat instead of platforming and it suffered.

>The vehicles served their purpose and were then made better in Jak 3.
If the purpose is to pad the game's length, I guess. I won't argue about Jak 3 though.

The Wrench is actually extremely useful and you can combo it with your guns. The jump attack can one shot medium enemies and you can flip and dodge around killing them with ease.

>Jak 2 and 3's vehicle segments
>Not fun as fuck
>The seldom vehicle mission in sly games
>implying they detract from the platforming in any way
Meanwhile Ratchet games focus on shitty CUHRAYYYZEE guns instead of the god damn platforming
Also Jak 2's minigames blow the R&C minigames out of the water


I played the whole series. While Jak 2 and 3 weren't bad games, the parts I actually enjoyed were completely watered down by tacked on mechanics.

definitely not jak. Never played Sly. All the R&C games are basically the same but they're decent.


The combat wasn't half the game in 2, either. They just made it better. The game is still a platformer.

How the fuck did the vehicles pad the game's length you retard? If anything, they made it shorter because you didn't have to jumproll your slow ass across Haven City.

Jak had a solid first 2 entry's, Sly had a solid first 2 entry's, Rachet had a solid first 3 entry's so Rachet wins.

I dropped Jak 1 after spending hours on the bike. Fucking terrible, it might have had the worst gameplay I've ever played since Anubis II
stop this faggotry, none of the PS2 games had absolutely CUHRAYYYZEE OMG guns, they were unique and had variety but they weren't burping frogs and motion controlled tornado blasters
>The seldom vehicle mission in sly games
Play Sly 3 again and tell me where in the game a vehicle, new character or minigame is "seldomly" used.

Keira was my waifu when I was younger

>best playstation platformer franchise
>no crash
>no spyro

Ratchet>Sly>Greenhaired edgelord

>Jak 1
What the fuck are you on about? You mean the lava hopper or whatever it was called? Because there are a grand total of 3 of those segments in the whole game. And they weren't even implemented poorly.

>spyro is kiddie collectathon crap
>Crash doesn't even use the analog stick even though it's a 3D platformer
LMAO @ u

she is still mine

>that bullshit hub world in 2

I've never disliked an overworld as much as I disliked Haven City. Literally EVERY mission would be placed on the opposite side of the city you're on. so you have to go around, which takes like 3-4 minutes and do it again BETWEEN EVERY MISSION.

Like goddamn how do you even design something this badly

Jak and D.

While I'll agree that some of the Jak 3 vehicle parts were fun, the majority of them were INCREDIBLY infuriating and simply not fun. I'm not talking about the dark souls "it's hard but fair" kind of shit but like there were a couple missions that made me what to blow my head off. The one where you had to track the Bandits through the wasteland and if you got more than 2 feet behind while they use superior turn rate cars you auto lose the mission comes to mind. Also there were a couple of artifact recovery missions that were bullshit but not as bad

Overall I'd say that in terms of pure platforming, order goes J&D>Jak 2>Jak 3

My personal favorite list though is still Jak ->J&D>Jak 3

Nice meme

Jak turned shit once it turned into diet GTA

So Rachet > Jak > Sly >>>>> Jak 2 and 3

>doesn't even remember the games he praises so highly
here's a shitty video to refresh your memory

>Jak is le edgy
Reminder that Jak in every game was mostly kind and helpful to strangers umless provoked, barring the first encounter with Korr
Meanwhile Ratchet is a peice of shit all throughout Ratchet 1, threatening to sell Clank for scrap at every turn and mocking every NPC they come across


Sly was pretty great but they pissed around with the Sly/Carmelita thing for too damned long so her still treating him like shit and trying to arrest him after everything is just silly at this point. Marry and fuck him already or shoot him in the head. Stop being a goddamned bitch.

Finished replaying the first Jak and Daxter yesterday. There were parts that felt off with the humor but overall I would say it aged well.

The first game Is the only one you can't use the analog sticks in.

and meme spouting

Thanks for proving my point guys.

How the fuck do you get "bike" out of that?
Those sections weren't bad, either. Sounds like you're just shit at video games, which explains why you like Reddit and Casual

Sly and Jak & Daxter, but Ratched & Clank is also fucking fantastic. All great franchies, I'm happy I grew up playing them.

Carma is mine instead
>Family guy reaction image

Obviously Ratchet.

>tight thin areas to move your bike on while you're timed and have the turning radius of a truck
yeah nothing wasn't bad about that at all. Just because you played it all day every day when you were 6 and mastered the muscle memory doesn't mean it was good gameplay. I wanted 3D platforming and up to that point I was having fuckloads of fun, not driving through rings with terrible bike controls

You're missing Ape Escape.

Anyone else used to love these commercials?

I miss commercials like this, wasn't there one about Ray Man taking a piss?


Ask and you shall receive.

Ape Escape is better

>Better gameplay
>More important because Dualshock
>Better music
>Cuter protagonists

Thank you.

Jak 1 > Ratchet 1
Ratchet 2 > Jak 2
Ratchet 3 > Jak 3

(Size Matters > TLF)

Jak 1 > 3 > 2
Ratchet 2 > 3 > 1

>le economy is le bad
omg so deep

they're all so good. that was back when naughty dog made real games.

i would say that ratchet and clank is my favorite though.

Ratchet = Jak > Sly
Ratchet is better in overall gameplay but Jak has vastly superior supporting characters and more varied gameplay to keep things fresh, even if the first act of Jak 3 had far too many driving missions. Roughly equal in music and environments. Sly 2 was the best in my opinion.

Which one of the three would win in a fight?

Good writing doesn't have to be deep.

It's just clever and when delivered properly is funny.

>thread is obviously about the ps2 franchises being ratchet, sly and dexter
>too retarded to realize the ps1 era isn't included for this discussion
>calling out others for summerfags
Fuck you shitposter

Ratchet > J&D 1 > Sly >>> J&D 2 and 3


Sly would get immediately destroyed, his games are about stealth, so it's just Jak vs. Ratchet again which can go either way depending on how you see it

Spike should've been a member of the three, he just fits.

Sly would get annihilated, hands down.
Ratchet has a shit load of weapons, but can't roll and is rather slow.
Jak only has the morphgun, but can roll around and is faster than Ratchet.