Is it ever a smart idea? Even with honest attempts such as Wasteland 2, the results are never good.
Crowd Funding Videogames
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What about Shovel Knight
This really doesn't even have anything to do with Kickstarter, it's all Inafune. The game would have sucked regardless even if it was funded by traditional means with a publisher. It's just a game that happened to be on kickstarter, meanwhile tons of Kickstarter games have happened been made and came out that are totally fine if not really good to great.
Wait a minute
Have you...have you edited a review? For your own shitposting purposes?!
>post yfw something something back
they arent done with the extra characters
Kickstarter games are only good when development has progressed a decent amount beforehand, and could probably ship without the cash if they really wanted to. FTL is a good example of this. Yooka Laylee is looking amazing and thats another game that could've launched without kickstarter.
Divinity: Original Sin
Shovel Knight
Wasteland 2 ( it is fun you stupid nigger )
Pillars of Eternity ( it's okay )
Banner Saga
The Escapists
Satellite Reign
Darkest Dungeon
Games shaping up to be great:
Div OS 2
there is probably dozens of other good games coming out of kickstarter I don't know about
simple solution is to not back anything that doesn't have a presentable demo.
you forgot Yooka and Laylee