I wish that I was yours, but I'm too shy, I suppose...
Megamix thread
You already beat them all with a superb score right, user?
I wish that I was yours, but I'm too shy, I suppose
Honestly I'm still surprised the game got a western release. Happy as fuck, but still surprised.
Except for the games locked behind the flow balls you get via challenge mode/perfecting them. Currently trying to grind coins by getting the skill stars I missed.
The localization feels a bit half-assed but I'm happy as well, user.
What do you need the coins for?
I was really disappointed when I found out the Rhythm Items weren't Rhythm Toys so I'm not really in a hurry to get those.
I use to think you guys were overreacting
Love Lizards.
thank god they had dual audio for this one. I actually prefered the English voices in the last one
Buying the items and songs in the shop, but also for doing gate challenges throughout the story. There's four in total, and each attempt costs a certain amount of coins. There's three gatekeepers for each gate, and the amount for an attempt increases the more difficult the gatekeeper you challenge.